Main Scenario/Monster That Sucked Poison

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Chapter 33.png
33-1 Valentz Ice Walls
33-2 Sister's Judgement
33-3 Fort IV
33-4 Yakutsk Missing
33-5 Warrior of the North
33-6 Inside the "Wall"
33-7 The Giant Lift
33-8 The World North of Valentz
33-9 "The Steel Gate"
33-10 The Otherworldly Individual
ーーAn extraordinary thing has been born.
No, it was not born. We 'created' it.
We should have stayed out of it. This research itself is unacceptable.
You're saying we need this to defeat the Mist Monsters? That logic does not compute.
For we have created something more troublesome than Mist Monsters, something that even the army can't handle.
We have two options. Either we kill it... or we lock it up inside the Giant Tree.
The Guardian of the Giant Tree will surely purify the magic of this child. Even if that is not possible, it might be able to take it away somewhere within the Mist.
The child in the cage. Please forgive me. Please understand me. Don't look at me like that. Don't weep like that.
...For you don't belong in this world.
Story Vorkuta.png
"It's been a long time since I've been near the Giant Tree. I usually stay away from it because of the Railway Army bastards..."
Story Vorkuta.png
"I see. No wonder I don't see anyone. I didn't expect they'd destroyed an entire Railway Army base."
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Vorkuta.png
"Did you do it?"
Story Samantha.png
"...Were you aware of my presence?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"From the very beginning, all along."
Story Samantha.png
"You have a keen sense of smell. My presence is undetectable even for Wandering Lives."
Story Vorkuta.png
"I can smell Samantha after one rings their bell. You rang the bell long ago, didn't you? You rang the bell before I came and waited here in hiding."
Story Samantha.png
"I'm impressed that you can tell."
Story Samantha.png
"Are you really human? Even facing me head on, there is no disturbance in your heartbeat at all. Surely you have a lot of emotional ups and downs, but you have no fear of death."
Story Vorkuta.png
"I find it rather difficult to put it to words. I don't feel scared when I look at you, I know Samanthas are dangerous, but dangerous is not the same as scary."
Story Vorkuta.png
"Hey, is there anyone else alive besides me? I thought there was an M. Eisengrad base here."
Story Samantha.png
"As you saw. There are no living people here except you."
Story Samantha.png
"They are all dead. Killed by the monster that sucked the Poison."
Story Vorkuta.png
"That sounds very interesting!"
Story Vorkuta.png
"What kind of monster sucks Poison? Is the Poison so strong that even I can't stand it? Will I die if I touch it? Or is it bad enough to just get close to it?"
Story Samantha.png
"It's not what you imagined. It's the otherworldly Poison emitted from the Giant Tree."
Story Vorkuta.png
"Otherworldly Poison... I'm pretty sure that's what all the bastards from up there were saying."
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Vorkuta.png
"Well well well! If I can find out what this Poison sucking monster is, maybe I can figure out what it is! If I kill it and take its head, maybe Conductor will be pleased♪"
Story Samantha.png
"If it's possible, I'd love to see that happen."
Story Samantha.png
"A mind unfazed by the fear of death. A mind that takes on strong enemies. Those two things are essential in the fight against the Poison of the otherworlds."
Story Samantha.png
"But it is difficult for you to defeat it. That's because... You have to get out of this Mist alive first."
Story Vorkuta.png
"That bugger, who does it think it is? This Mist is nothing."
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Vorkuta.png
"That's nice. I haven't had this feeling for a long time. There's a very strong bastard here. Is this one the monster who destroyed the Railway Army?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"Hey! Come on out! No point sneaking around there!"
Story Vorkuta.png
"You're... a Railway Seeker, aren't you? What brings you here?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Where did that Samantha go?"
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"There was a Samantha who was talking to you. Where did it say it was going? What did it tell you to do?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"You sure talk a lot for a demon, bastard."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Speak up. What was that Samantha saying? Give me the information and I won't harm you."
Story Vorkuta.png
"No, you are quite mistaken. I'm going to harm you instead."
Story Vorkuta.png
(This thing's strong too. It would be quite interesting to fight against... Though this's not the one from earlier.)
Story Vorkuta.png
(Why does a Railway Seeker care about a Samantha, anyway?)
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"If you can't use words, I'll just search your memories. Let's see what's in your head."
Story Vorkuta.png
"You'll have to defeat me to do that. Otherwise you wouldn't be here talking to me like this."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"How clever. You're no mere fighting maniac, it seems?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Then I'll take you down as you wish."
"My my? You can call forth demons?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"That's a lot. How fun... This is very fun!"
Story Vorkuta.png
"CYKAHAHA! What's this!? So many powerful demons!? It's like an army! No wonder all those bastards from the Railway Army are dead!"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Are you ready to talk? Answer my questions and the demons will step back as..."
Story Vorkuta.png
"SHUT UP! I'm facing an all-star dream army of demons right now! I'm in a good mood, so don't spoil and interrupt me! Else I'll kill you!"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"You can speak the language, yet you can't converse. Fearlessness is sometimes a weakness."
"That's not true. That girl really wants to defeat you."
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Vorkuta.png
"That presence... You're the strong bastard from earlier."
Story Mary.png
"Hello there. M. Eisengrad's problem child. Fancy meeting you here."
Story Vorkuta.png
"That rose-covered rapier..."
Story Vorkuta.png
"You must be Mary! Mary Rosegarden! I hear you're the most powerful knight in St. Iris!"
Story Mary.png
"Indeed. I am Mary Rosegarden. Though I think 'The most powerful in St. Iris' is an overstatement..."
Story Vorkuta.png
"You must fight me!"
Story Mary.png
"Typical reply..."
Story Vorkuta.png
"It doesn't have to be serious, alright? Just one light, quick melee! Let's have some fun right here and now!"
Story Mary.png
"I'd say you're a bit too nonchalant in this situation. You and I could both die right here and now, you know?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"Then, let's beat up these bastards first♪ and if you help me, I'm sure it'll be quicker♪"
Story Vorkuta.png
"So, hey? Give me a hand?"
Story Mary.png
"That's been my plan all along. In any case, we're going to have to fight them together here, because we don't stand a chance."
Story Mary.png
"...So, Vorkuta. Let's move, shall we? Just so you know, I'm going to fight at my own pace. If you get in my way, I'm afraid I'll kick your ass mercilessly."
Story Vorkuta.png
"CYKAHAHA! You're totally great! I like you."
Chapter 34.png
34-1 Monster That Sucked Poison
34-2 Two Shadows
34-3 Reunion, Confluence
34-4 The Research Facility
34-5 The Monster Inside a Cage
34-6 Like Calls to Like
34-7 The Experiment Begins
34-8 Eye of the "Hunt"
34-9 Guardian of Snow and Steel
34-10 Purification