Main Scenario/Yakutsk Missing

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Chapter 33.png
33-1 Valentz Ice Walls
33-2 Sister's Judgement
33-3 Fort IV
33-4 Yakutsk Missing
33-5 Warrior of the North
33-6 Inside the "Wall"
33-7 The Giant Lift
33-8 The World North of Valentz
33-9 "The Steel Gate"
33-10 The Otherworldly Individual
Three of our team, namely Tayshet, Bestyakh, and Queensway, reached Fort IV. After buying time by engaging the Mist Monsters that attacked from above, us, along with Vivienne and Paddington, also secured our foothold in the fort.
The Mist Monsters that attacked from above the wall were not much of a threat. And fortunately, the Walls of Valentz were indestructible by any attack, and although Vivienne's magical attack cracked the ice on the surface, she was able to attack from a wider area and succeeded in destroying the horde of monsters.
Story Putra.png
"Here I am! Thanks for stalling for me!"
Story Yoshino.png
"What are the Mist Monsters like?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"I think we vanquished all the first ones that attacked us. There were a good number of them, but they were all very fragile."
Story Tayshet.png
"They were all powdered with one swing, Vivienne's magic worked well too. Very good."
Story Vivienne.png
"I was afraid that the Wall would have a magic repelling effect, but fortunately it didn't seem to have that kind of power on the surface ice layer. It seems certain that mine and Yoshino's spells will work."
Story Yoshino.png
"However it's not known what's 'inside' the wall. The Wall itself should have the power to nullify magic and sorceries."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Yoshino, where is my dear sister?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Not sure. There was no response for a while already."
Story Yoshino.png
"...But, Yoshino's rope has never been taut. About certian Yakky-tan was pretty far down, but this rope shouldn't be that long."
Story Bestyakh.png
"It's not long enough to leave her behind. If something had happened on the way down, Yoshino would have been pulled up, or that my dear sister would have been hanging in mid-air."
Story Bestyakh.png
"But with this poor visibility it's hard to tell yet. It could be that my sister has taken shelter under the scaffolding."
Story Putra.png
"...No, I don't think so."
Story Putra.png
"When Yoshino and I started climbing, she was pretty far down there. I don't think she could have closed the distance from there in one go."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yoshino, let's pull the rope. We have to consider the worst case scenario."
According to Putra and Yoshino who were above and closer to Yakutsk, they've stayed down there for some time after the earthquake.
Yoshino and Yakutsk are connected together by a lifeline, which lets them know when they are a certain distance away. So we decided to tug the rope up and awaited for Yakutsk's response to make sure she was safe.
...However, no matter how much we tugged the rope, there was no reaction.
In fact it wasn't just a lack of reaction. Only the sad clacking sounds of the lifeline and safety device that was originally wrapped around Yakutsk's body were heard as it slid up the wall.
Story Putra.png
"This, is Yakky's lifeline, right?"
Story Vivienne.png
"No way. Don't tell me she plummeted down below?"
Story Putra.png
"Yoshino, did you detect any reaction while you were pulling her up?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Didn't feel any resistance from the beginning, Yoshino thinks Yakky-tan was already gone when we're pulled up."
Story Yoshino.png
"And it's still uncertain about the fact that she fell. The rope isn't snapped, and all the fittings are still there. It doesn't look like the lifeline was removed from Yakky-tan's body."
Story Tayshet.png
"Maybe Yakutsk didn't fall, maybe disappeared somewhere. If so, it's because of that Mist."
Story Queensway.png
"Does that kind of Mist exist in Valentz? The kind of Mist that makes people and things disappear just by touching it."
Story Tayshet.png
"It's not just in Valentz. Heard a lot of stories about that in the north. It happens when one crosses the Cold River too. Some people alos get blown away by the White Wind."
Story Bestyakh.png
"It might have something to do with the disappearance of Instructor Khabarovsk... Putra, Yoshino, how was it down there? Did you see anything unusual inside that Phantom Mist?"
Story Putra.png
"I'm sorry, I honestly didn't have time for that. I couldn't see anything because the visibility got so bad so quickly."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Conductor, we will now move to Plan B. The investigation of the Wall is temporarily suspended. We will all secure this Fort IV. We will then retrace our original route back down the Wall before night falls."
That's the only way. Let's fire an emergency flare at this point. The northern military base should be observing us at all times.
Story Bestyakh.png
"Tayshet, fire the signal flare."
Story Tayshet.png
"Acknowledged. Pass the red firework over."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's not what I heard initially. I was informed that Phantom Mist doesn't occur that often, that's why we're here in this group, but when something like that comes at you from above and below, this is too much to investigate."
Story Bestyakh.png
"I think there seems to be a mechanism somewhere. The Phantom Mist manifested, and the monsters attacked from above right after Yoshino pulled out that bolt."
Story Vivienne.png
"Is it possible that the Eisengrad Army set a trap?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"I'll say that possibility is close to zero. For the Eisengrad Army's point of view, the Valentz Ice Walls are directly part of the strategy to approach the Giant Tree. The army wants to secure a safe route at all costs."
Story Yoshino.png
"It is possible that the military didn't do it, but someone else from another era did."
Story Yoshino.png
"For example, ancient people."
Story Bestyakh.png
"I don't know if it was a trap set by the ancients or not, but you have a point. There is no evidence anywhere that everything buried in this Wall belongs to Eisengrad Army. It would not be surprising if Ancient Mechanical Parts were mixed in."
Story Yoshino.png
"Traps that are triggered when someone tries to climb the Wall. Assuming that kind of trap exists."
Story Yoshino.png
"Why would something like this happen but wasn't recorded by the Eisengrad Army? There was a time when you all were doing your best to investigate, wasn't there?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Isn't it because all the soldiers involved lost their lives at this Wall?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Or has it changed to something different from the previous Valentz Ice Walls?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Are you saying that the Valentz Ice Walls itself has been transformed?"
Story Yoshino.png
"The Giant Tree has turned into Steel Tree, you know? Wouldn't it be unsurprising that all sorts of changes could occur here and there around the world?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Fair enough, you could say that."
Story Queensway.png
"The fact of the matter is that ever since the St. Iris Giant Tree became the Steel Tree, we've observed a lot of strange things happening all over the world. There have even been reports of new railways and stations being found, so it's no surprise that the Wall is changing."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Maybe it was a mistake to climb the Wall without thinking it over..."
Story Bestyakh.png
"...No, I should not think that way. It is up to me to make it a meaningful battle."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Let's investigate the side holes of this fort. If there are anything buried in the walls, never touch them."
Chapter 33.png
33-1 Valentz Ice Walls
33-2 Sister's Judgement
33-3 Fort IV
33-4 Yakutsk Missing
33-5 Warrior of the North
33-6 Inside the "Wall"
33-7 The Giant Lift
33-8 The World North of Valentz
33-9 "The Steel Gate"
33-10 The Otherworldly Individual