Main Scenario/Sisters' Memories

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Chapter 22.png
22-1 Cooperating With Yuuzen
22-2 The Price of Sorcery
22-3 Doubt
22-4 A Reliable Companion
22-5 As a Doll
22-6 Sisters' Memories
22-7 The Scent of Dolls
22-8 Welcome Back Miyako
22-9 Miyabihime
22-10 Sadness, Happiness
Once upon a time, deep in the forests of Nishiki, there was a family who loved dolls.
There were three members of the family. A mother and two daughters. They have no father. They have no friends. But they have never felt "loneliness".
The two daughters loved the big house and the many dolls. They also loved their mother, who was a good singer.
--But sadly, the older sister died of an illness.
But that's not all. The younger sister also caught the same illness as her older sister and died.
The mother was so sad that she cried every day.
How long did she cry?
When her tears had dried up, she began to play alone with her dolls.
Every day she talked to the dolls, sang to them and fed them. She wanted more dolls. So the mother went into town and started collecting old dolls.
--Nen-nen-korori, nen-korori.
"What's with her? She's so creepy."
"Isn't she the owner of the mansion deep in the forest? She says she'll take any kind of dolls. She says she won't complain if you leave them in front of her house without telling her."
"She'll take anything, even cursed dolls and relics of criminals."
Since when did the house become a dumping ground for dolls? Dolls began to be thrown away from place to place in the mansion. The mansion came to be known as 'Hinayashiki'.
--Nen-nen-korori, nen-korori.
The owner of the Hina Yashiki has lived with her dolls for the next hundred years.
Even now that she has become a mist-calling demon, she has always been...
Story Miyabi.png
"Miyako, from now on you must listen to me very carefully. Get out of Hinayashiki as soon as possible."
Story Miyabi.png
"You are no longer a doll. You are a people being from the start."
Story Miyako.png
"I am, people...?"
Story Miyabi.png
"You are people, but you were brought up as a doll. Miyako was the only one who didn't know this. Me, the other dolls and goshujin-sama all knew."
Story Miyako.png
"No, that's not true. I am a doll, just like all of you."
Story Miyabi.png
"Dolls don't grow up. Compare yourself with me and the other dolls. You are much bigger than when you came here, aren't you?"
Story Miyabi.png
"Didn't goshujin-sama only let you eat what she eats when she play pretends with you? Only you eat and drink water like our goshujin-sama."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyabi.png
"There is a very strong curse on Miyako. It is the work of the person who left you at Hinayashiki. It is a strong curse that even our goshujin-sama cannot break."
Story Miyabi.png
"It's a curse that changes your mind into a doll while keeping your people body. That's why you think you are a doll."
Story Miyabi.png
"From now on I will lift this curse. Pain and suffering you have never known before will run through your whole body. But you still have to become people again. If you stay here, you will die."
Story Miyako.png
"What happens if I become people again? Why do I have to leave the Hinayashiki?"
Story Miyabi.png
"That's because, Miyako..."
Story Miyabi.png
"Because our goshujin-sama is a demon, neither people nor doll."
Story Miyako.png
Story Miyabi.png
'Soon this house will be shrouded in a very thick Mist. I want to get you out of here alive before that happens."
Story Miyabi.png
"You have very strong powers. With that power, you can save a lot of people and dolls."
Story Miyabi.png
"Oh Miyako, my dear sister. Even if you go back to being people, please still love your dolls as you always have. Even if you go back to being people, please love us."
Story Miyako.png
"Love people..."
Story Miyako.png
"But goshujin-sama hates humans, right?"
Story Miyabi.png
"Yes. That's why goshujin-sama turned out like that. Dolls don't hate people. People also don't hate dolls."
Story Miyabi.png
"It is always people who hate and resent people. People who continue to curse in this way eventually become horrible monsters."
Story Miyabi.png
"When you go outside, have someone with a clean heart pick you up. Find someone who loves both people and dolls."
Story Miyabi.png
"Love people. Protect them. Use your powers for them. That is your sister's last advice to you."
Story Miyabi.png
"Farewell Miyako. The doll princess with a person's body and a doll's heart."
Story Yoshino.png
"Miyako, Miyako..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Wake up, Miyako. Yoshino is here to welcome you. Let's leave the Hinayashiki together. Let's put Miyako's goshujin-sama to sleep and clear away the scary Mist."
Story Miyako.png
Story Yoshino.png
"Good morning Miyako. A lot has happened and we're all here to pick you up."
Story Miyako.png
"Everyone? Conductor and the others are here too?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes. Versailles is with us."
Story Yoshino.png
"Miyako is not alone. We'll do our best together."
Story Miyako.png
"Did I say anything while I was sleeping?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes. You were talking to Miyabi."
Story Yoshino.png
"You were talking about the friend you mentioned before. Miyako said it was thanks to her that you met Yae-san."
Story Miyako.png
'Yes, Miyabi is my best friend, and my nee-san."
Story Yuuzen.png
"She's a good nee-san. Will I meet this Miyabi doll too?"
Story Miyako.png
"You are..."
Chapter 22.png
22-1 Cooperating With Yuuzen
22-2 The Price of Sorcery
22-3 Doubt
22-4 A Reliable Companion
22-5 As a Doll
22-6 Sisters' Memories
22-7 The Scent of Dolls
22-8 Welcome Back Miyako
22-9 Miyabihime
22-10 Sadness, Happiness