Main Scenario/The Price of Sorcery

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Chapter 22.png
22-1 Cooperating With Yuuzen
22-2 The Price of Sorcery
22-3 Doubt
22-4 A Reliable Companion
22-5 As a Doll
22-6 Sisters' Memories
22-7 The Scent of Dolls
22-8 Welcome Back Miyako
22-9 Miyabihime
22-10 Sadness, Happiness
Versailles joined us, and the unit responsible for entering Hinayashiki to rescue Miyako was reorganised. We had another strategy meeting and decided to plan how we would breaktrough Hinayashiki.
The key to this strategy is, of course, Yuuzen.
If Yuuzen is unable to open the Gate leading to Hinayashiki, the operation to rescue Miyako will have to be immediately cancelled. The information that the Phantom Mist is expanding at the target location cannot be overlooked. Using the Gate to teleport directly into the mansion is an absolute prerequisite for this operation.
Story Versailles.png
"I understand the story. If Miss Yuuzen has the power, she can open the Gate again at the top of Senbon Torii."
Story Yuuzen.png
"There is no guarantee that it will work. However, it should be possible to successfully disarm and re-utilize a barrier enchantment of that magnitude. At the very least, it should be possible to avoid being caught in a trap ourselves."
Story Versailles.png
"I'm thinking it's possible for everyone to jump in if we can manage the traps and sorceries set up at the Gate. However, did Miyako say to 'don't ever come'?"
Story Vivienne.png
"No, I don't remember her saying it that way. She just said it would be difficult for anyone other than herself to go to Hinayashiki."
Story Putra.png
"Miyako was aware of the trap at the gate. She knew that if we chased after her, we would all be torn apart."
Story Versailles.png
"Miyako doesn't mince her words or say random things. I know she sounds a bit harsh when you're not used to listen to her. But Miyako's words are more trustworthy than anything else because she only tells the truth and what she really feels."
Story Versailles.png
"If she said, 'Don't come to Hinayashiki', she would have said so. From the way Miyako said it, the problem isn't going to Hinayashiki, but going inside the Gate."
Story Putra.png
"You said she was not good at speaking, but the result she conveyed is easy to understand."
Story Yuuzen.png
"It's good that it's easy to understand. I trust that type of person more than those who blur the truth with a lot of unnecessary jargon."
Story Yuuzen.png
"All that's left is to make a decision. It's almost possible to break the trap set by the enemy. I'm even a little doubtful that we can open the Gate without repercussions."
Story Yuuzen.png
"It's even possible that we will be sent somewhere else other than Hinayashiki. Ya know what that means, don't cha?"
Story Vivienne.png
"We'll be thrown out into the middle of the Mist."
Story Putra.png
"And we won't even know where we are."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I can't be responsible for that. If I am no longer of any use to ya, ya'll have no way of getting back to where ya were."
Story Yuuzen.png
"If ya want to go, go now. I want Yoshino's assistance if possible. I think I can manage a little with my sorcery, but I can't wait for her to recover to full strength."
So we can only ask Yuuzen for a one-way ticket. Depending on the situation, there will also be situations where we will have to protect Yoshino. There is no guarantee that everyone will return safely.
The question is whether we are prepared to take on the challenge with that kind of intention. That is, to do it or not to do it. I have to make that decision here and now.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Mah, that's what I mean. If we take our time, we might end up doing more work than we need to."
I want to say this from my own mouth. I want you all to listen very carefully.
Going from the Gate at the top of the mountain to Hinayashiki does not only mean relying on Yuuzen's power.
...First and foremost, It means putting Yuuzen's life in danger.
Putra & Vivienne & Versailles
Yuuzen is not a member of the Special Steel Squad, nor is she affiliated with the Allied Forces. She is an individual travelling the world to fulfil her own ends. The fact that she was a member of the Resistance does not disappear either. As such, she is not someone who we can be assured that she is completely trustworthy.
Nevertheless, Yuuzen says she will do it.
Whether she succeeds or fails, the risk is highest for Yuuzen, the sorceress. Yuuzen has told us not to complain if we die, but remember that it is Yuuzen who risks her life more than anyone else.
With what I've said so far, I would like everyone to vote for themselves - Do you want to go to Hinayashiki with Yuuzen?
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino will go."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yoshino, are you feeling better already?"
Story Yoshino.png
"To be honest. A bit sick."
Story Yoshino.png
"But Yoshino's fine. Can do what's had always been done."
Story Yuuzen.png
"If we were to leave, it would be immediately after this. Can you still say ya can go?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes, Yoshino can. Been sleeping with that plan in mind."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino heard what Shashou said. He's right, everyone. What Yuuzen is trying to do is very, very dangerous."
Story Yoshino.png
"Probably, it's even more dangerous than Shashou thinks. Yuuzen's life is more at risk than Yoshino and friends".
Story Yuuzen.png
"It's certainly dangerous, but it's not something to worry about. If ya're travelling alone, ya're bound to run into this kind of danger every now and then."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino's not that worried about it, Yuuzen. Yoshino is a sorceress. Can at least understand that you're risking your life to dispel the trap."
Story Yuuzen.png
"That's only if I'm the one to do it, alright? I don't make the same mistake as a novice sorcerer like ya. The difference between my experience and yours is too great. Up to ya to believe me or not."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino believes in you."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Then you should try it the way I think it should be done. This is the only way to rescue Miyako. Unless ya're waiting for Miyako to come back."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Once the Nacht is over, we won't get another chance until the next Nacht. We don't have time to dawdle here."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Yuuzen, is it true that you can do something about Miss Yoshino's illness with your sorcery?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yes, it's true. There will be recoil when the effect wears off, but if ya're still willing to continue, I can manage."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Wait a minute. What do you mean by 'recoil'? Will Yoshino's body be affected in any way?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I can't say what exactly will happen, but there is no doubt that it will have a negative effect. After we finish this job, she won't be able to move for a while.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Well, it's not life-threatening. I promise ya that. It'll probably just give your body a bit of a workout."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's too dangerous. I wouldn't take her on an operation like this, let alone a regular mission."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Tell me, what is a regular mission?"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Don't be so lenient with those who carry the lives of others on their shoulders. Ya SSS put your lives on the line every day, don't cha? Is the train Ricardo built simply a 'vehicle of convenience'?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I know that. I know that much. But I'm sure the conditions vary from mission to mission."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yakky-tan, Yoshino is fine."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yoshino.png
"If Yoshino doesn't have to go, then will not go. But this time, Yoshino has to be there for this sakusen. Yuuzen knows that too, so she wants to take Yoshino with her."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yuuzen. Can you cast that charm so that Yoshino can move a bit more? After saving Miyako, will rest for a while.'
Story Yuuzen.png
"Understood. Then come over here."
Having conditionally removed Yoshino's ailment, Yuuzen immediately touched Yoshino's body and began chanting some kind of mysterious incantation. Something invisible entered Yoshino's body through Yuuzen's palm.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Child who does not know day should play at night. Swim across the river before you are caught."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Child that does not know night should play in the day. If you get caught, call someone from the bridge."
Story Yuuzen.png
"If you follow, you will never know tiredness. If you follow the defilement, you will not know the moonlit night..."
What is going on? Even if I understand what Yoshino meant by the word "charm", the rituals performed by Nishikese sorceresses are too foreign for me to understand.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yoshino, did Miyako told ya anything about water? I think she probably told ya not to 'drink the water'."
Story Yoshino.png
"She told me. But Yoshino went crazy and wanted to drink water, so Yoshino jumped into a puddle with nagashi-bina floating in it."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya've been put under a very strong curse. But don't worry. Ya can drink this water."
Story Yoshino.png
"Understand. If Yuuzen says so, will drink it."
Yuuzen took a bamboo tube out from her luggage and slowly poured its contents into a teacup. She circled the cup of water around Yoshino's head a couple of times, and took a sip before handing it back to Yoshino.
Story Yoshino.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Did ya drink all of it?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes, certainly. Obviously it was dubious water, but it's drunk."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yoshino, what do you think? Did you notice any changes?"
Story Putra.png
"Did it taste good? Did you feel a hundred times better?"
Story Yoshino.png
"To put it another way, what Yoshino drank was definitely not water. It was so bad that it can be said as that."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hey, Yuuzen! What did you make Yoshino drink?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"It's special water with a strong curse on it. If ya're not a person of Nishiki, ya'll faint after just one sip."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ugh, it's so disgusting. Yoshino feels like all my internal organs are going to come out through the earholes."
Story Putra.png
"That's not good. It's true that Yoshino's ears are big, but I don't want that to happen."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Do ya feel a cracking pain in yer head or a dizzying sensation?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino gets them a lot. It's like falling down a flight of stairs after drinking a lot of alcohol."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Good. Then it worked."
Story Putra.png
"It's a success!?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"That's the way it is. Ya'll feel better soon and will be able to use yer magic as usual."
Story Yoshino.png
"Oh, now that you mention it, Yoshino has a feeling that's the case."
Story Putra.png
"Really...? "
Story Yuuzen.png
"As I said before, after the effect of the charm wears off, there will be serious recoil. Of course, the longer ya stay in Hinayashiki, the worse it will be."
Story Yuuzen.png
"So we'll go quickly, kidnap Miyako and return. It's not a good pattern to both look for the owner of the mansion and getting locked inside. Don't forget that ya have a time limit."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino understands. Will find Miyako and rescue her as soon as possible."
Yoshino was brought back into the line of fire thanks to Yuuzen's sorcery. However, there seems to be a time limit on the effects of the charm, and if we don't get this done quickly, Yoshino may be stuck in Hinayashiki.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yeah, I'd like us to go without stopping if possible..."
Chapter 22.png
22-1 Cooperating With Yuuzen
22-2 The Price of Sorcery
22-3 Doubt
22-4 A Reliable Companion
22-5 As a Doll
22-6 Sisters' Memories
22-7 The Scent of Dolls
22-8 Welcome Back Miyako
22-9 Miyabihime
22-10 Sadness, Happiness