Main Scenario/Cooperating With Yuuzen

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Chapter 21.png
21-1 Senbon Torii
21-2 The Fox Girl
21-3 Ward Sorcery
21-4 Miyako's Secret Art
21-5 Nagashi-bina
21-6 The Black Doll
21-7 The Doll's Friend
21-8 Staring at the Pillar
21-9 Beyond the "Gate"
21-10 I Am Fine
Oh, a doll here. Someone has thrown away another doll today.
What is your name? What did your former master call you?
Yes, you're not very talkative, are you? You look like you want to say something, so I thought you were a talkative girl.
But don't worry. You'll learn to talk soon. You'll be able to stand up and walk on your own two feet.
So... you are not like other children.
You are a special doll. Whoever left you here was a fool.
-How could they leave such a beautiful, pure, big girl?
Miyabi? Are you here, Miyabi?
Oh, Miyabi, there you are. Take her to my room. I need to clean her up and put a new kimono on her.
Don't worry. She's not dead yet. If I split my strength with her, she will get better. Miyabi, as her sister, look after her well.
--You'll take care of her as her big sister, but don't say anything unnecessary, okay?
From today onwards, she will live in the dollhouse as a doll. You should help her to live happily as a doll.
That's right. We should give her a name.
She's Miyabi's little sister, so I'll name her... Miyako.
Come, Miyako. Ask your sister to show you around Hinayashiki. From today onwards, this is your home.
-Call me goshujin-sama.
Story Yoshino.png
"...Miyako, you mustn't go there. If you go there, you might not be able to come back."
Story Yoshino.png
"Don't say you are fine. Miyako is not an object or a machine..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yoshino's having nightmares again..."
Story Putra.png
"Time to wake her up. The strategy meeting will start when Versailles arrives."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yoshino, Yoshino. Wake up, the meeting will start soon."
Story Yoshino.png
"Nnnmmm... Miyako."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm Vivienne, not Miyako. How are you feeling? Are you better after some rest?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Not quite, but reasonably well."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's all you've been doing since you came back from Senbon Torii. Here, let me check your forehead for a second."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Putra.png
"How is she, Vivienne?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Looks bad, even though I'm sure she has not developed a fever after all."
Story Putra.png
"The doctor said there's nothing wrong with her, but I don't think she's in good health."
Story Queensway.png
"You haven't been well since you came down the mountain, Miss Yoshino."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Miyako must have already absorbed the curse from her at Senbon Torii. So why is she still so weak?"
Story Queensway.png
"Is it because she got too close to that Gate...?"
An abnormal outbreak of Phantom Mist happened at M. Nishiki's Senbon Torii. Children who had gone missing in various places were found one after another, and a sinister power corrupted the guardian god of the mountain into a demon.
The nature of what has happened this time at Senbon Torii is somewhat different from the other Phantom Mist outbreaks that have been resolved by the Special Steel Squad so far.
Even after we subdued the demonised guardian diety, Phantom Mist still remained at Senbon Torii. Miyako, who disappeared beyond the Gate that appeared at the top of the mountain, never returned, and after we descended from the mountain, Yoshino immediately fainted and slept for three days and three nights.
Following an investigation report by the SSS, the Iris Metro Allied Forces estimated that the key to the incident laid in Hinayashiki, where Miyako headed to.
The problem is that nobody can approach the place where Hinayashiki is located. Even if we took the Mist Train to the nearest station or stop. It is still difficult to reach the Hinayashiki on foot from there.
And we are about to hold a strategy meeting to rescue Miyako, still inside Hinayashiki.
"There is only one way to do it."
This was not said by a Train Knight of the SSS, but by a member of the Resistance who used to be an enemy of the SSS.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Pry open the Gate at the summit of Senbon Torii once more. But would Miko-sama and the nobles listen to such a crazy proposal of mine?"
This time, it is Yuuzen who came forward to join Miyako's rescue team. She is a Nishikese sorceress, who once travelled the world together with Ricardo to pursue the Phantom Mist and was a member of the Resistance.
Yuzhen apparently jumped in on foot alone at the exact moment we left the Metro Hole via the Mist Train. She went through the steep path alone and arrived at Metro Nishiki.
I know how powerful Yuuzen is, as Mary has told me about your strength. If you are willing to stand by my side, there is no one else more dependable when facing against Nishikese sorcery.
Story Yuuzen.png
"If you're going to lead the Allied Forces, don't be afraid of curses and sorcery. That's no good for the SSS. Ya should learn a little more about Nishiki sorcery."
Story Yuuzen.png
"This mission is no different. If it wasn't for me, the little fox would be dead."
I have no words to say in return. I'm ashamed to say that I still have a lot to learn about Nishikese sorcery. I would like to ask for your help here.
Story Yuuzen.png
"Mah, this one time only, I'll help ya. It's a side trip to my search for dolls. I can smell the scent of dolls where that Miyako girl dived."
Story Yuuzen.png
"But more importantly, can ya take me with ya at your own discretion? I figured Miko-sama you would usually ask permission from the higher-ups at times like this."
Do you think Ricardo went to the trouble of checking with the higher-ups in these cases?
Story Yuuzen.png
"...No. I'm sure she would have said, 'If I did that, I wouldn't make it in time'."
I'm sure she would have said that. Our people might die while we are wait for permission from the uppers. More Phantom Mist might manifest, and it might be irreversible.
--So, we have the same opinion. Action must be taken on Hinayashiki immediately. Without Yuuzen's assistance, Miyako's rescue is impossible.
We must reach Hinayashiki at all costs. Miyako went there alone to stop the abominable force. We will not allow her to be left alone, and bear the burden all by herself.
At the very least, I will not allow it. It is the same as sacrificing a Divine Child in order to protect the Giant Tree. The life of the world is not so minute that one life can save the world. I learnt that when I met Ricardo.
Story Yuuzen.png
"I see. No wonder Mary lends ya her strength..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya're right, Ricardo. Nice guy or not, he's just like his mother."
Story Versailles.png
"Pardon me. I am Versailles of the Order of M. St. Iris Railway. I'm now joining the SSS. I apologize for my lateness."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We have all the pieces in place."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Versailles, have you read the report?"
Story Versailles.png
"Yes, I have. I have read everything about what happened at Senbon Torii."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Just as well, now we are going to discuss the parts that are not mentioned in the report."
Story Versailles.png
"What do you mean?"
Story Queensway.png
"About our plan to follow Miss Miyako into Hinayashiki."
Story Versailles.png
"I understand what you feel, but this act would be reckless. The area around Hinayashiki is in no condition to allow people to approach."
Of course we are aware of this fact. But what if, just like Miyako, we enter directly from the summit of Senbon Torii to the Hinayashiki?
Story Versailles.png
"Is this even possible? How on earth can you do that without a Metro Hole..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'll explain it to ya."
Story Versailles.png
"Are you..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"What's it?"
Story Versailles.png
Are you an acquaintance of Yae's?
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Versailles.png
"She's a famous puppeteer in M. Nishiki, Miyako's master..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"No, I don't. I don't know anyone like that. To begin with, I'm from Iris Cloud. I've only just arrived here."
Story Versailles.png
"I see. Désolée."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Why did ya think I was an acquaintance of Yae's?"
Story Versailles.png
"No, I mean..."
Story Versailles.png
"I thought the dolls in your basket looked somewhat like Yae's work..."
Story Yuuzen.png
"How did ya know that the basket was filled with dolls?"
Story Versailles.png
"I would know if they radiated such strong power. A Nishikese doll with strong feelings emits a unique aura. I've been able to understand it better since I've been with Miyako."
Story Yuuzen.png
"This little one surprises me. I'm getting more and more interested in that Miyako girl..."
Chapter 22.png
22-1 Cooperating With Yuuzen
22-2 The Price of Sorcery
22-3 Doubt
22-4 A Reliable Companion
22-5 As a Doll
22-6 Sisters' Memories
22-7 The Scent of Dolls
22-8 Welcome Back Miyako
22-9 Miyabihime
22-10 Sadness, Happiness