Main Scenario/The Big Door

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Chapter 20.png
20-1 The Old Castle in the Rain
20-2 Miyako's Task
20-3 The Big Door
20-4 Lighting the Lamp
20-5 Voice From the Dungeon
20-6 Anna the Handmaiden
20-7 Chambermaid's Choice
20-8 The Saboteur
20-9 Anna
20-10 The Secret Tea Party
A mysterious old castle had appeared near the Giant Tree of M. St. Iris. Versailles reported that it has been raining for more than a week since the castle appeared.
She and her team entered the old castle to investigate, but they were unable to break the entrance door or the glass windows installed in various places, so they were trapped in this hall for a long time.
How could they have fought for a week in such a place without good light? It's as if they had been perfectly selected for the Metro's special forces. Both Versailles have Miyako have exceeded the typical mental strength of an ordinary person.
Story Versailles.png
"This is where the strongest magic is emitted. It's calm for now, but there is an extremely high possibility that Phantom Mist is emanating from behind this door."
Story Victoria.png
"This is protected by a very sturdy chain. It will be extremely difficult to break through. Now, how should we destroy this...?"
Story Versailles.png
"About that, I would like you to form a plan to OPEN it, if possible..."
Story Victoria.png
"You say this, but Miss Versailles and Miss Miyako have stayed here for a week with no progress in their investigation past this door or to move on from the hall, haven't you?"
Story Versailles.png
"Verily, but..."
Story Victoria.png
"Certainly the best thing to do is to destroy it."
Story Versailles.png
"Miyako said the same thing and used a powerful spell, but she couldn't even scratch the chains or the door. I have a feeling there must be another way."
Story Versailles.png
"By the way, Victoria broke down the entrance to this castle and raided it, didn't you? We couldn't break it no matter what me and Miyako did, so how on earth did you...?"
Story Victoria.png
"As I have previously mentioned, we have Iris Cloud's finest Divine Child, the Saviour of the World. With her powers, it is easy to defeat the deceptions and dark mysteries of the Mists."
Story Victoria.png
"And her name is..."
"Paddington Elrond!"
Story Paddington.png
Story Paddington.png
"...Eh? Is that me again!?"
Story Versailles.png
"Surely you are not powerful enough to break through magical barriers and wards, Lady Paddington...?"
Story Paddington.png
Story Paddington.png
"...About that. I was indeed nicknamed the 'Divine Child of Destruction'."
Story Paddington.png
"But that was only because I used to be a klutz that broke things in our mansion! I don't think I could ever be of any use to this mission!"
Story Paddington.png
"That will be all."
Story Victoria.png
"Excellent speech, milady. That's what I'm talking about, Lady Paddington."
Story Victoria.png
"And now, the magical barrier or sealing spell on this great door will be lifted by Sir Conductor."
Story Putra.png
"What's the whole point of this scene!?"
Story Versailles.png
"Oh, so it was thanks to Conductor that the front door was opened."
That's right. Victoria first tried to recklessly hammer the door and injured her shoulder; then she tried to break the whole wall with explosives, but that didn't work either, the magic barrier bounced off the detonation.
That's when I finally decided to try to disarm the barrier with Divine Child magic.
Story Versailles.png
"Should have tried that idea a little sooner. Victoria sure had a rough time of it."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Victoria charged headfirst to the door before we did anything. There should be limits being a powerhouse. You need to use your head a bit more."
Story Victoria.png
"I used my head as best as I could, literally."
We'll have another discourse on Victoria's boorishness later, but for now, let's think about opening the big door in front of us.
I'll try to inject my magic as I did when I opened the entrance door earlier. If that dislodges the magic barrier or seal, then I'll leave the rest to everyone's magical powers and muscle strength.
Story Victoria.png
"Please do. I will kick down the door and enter once the magic is unlocked."
With the Train Knights watching over me, I applied magic into the large door, locked with sturdy chains.
Story Queensway.png
"The chains are unlocked!"
Story Versailles.png
"Instantly too, those chains didn't budge then...'
Story Victoria.png
"I couldn't have praised you any better, Sir Conductor. That was brilliant."
Story Victoria.png
"Then leave the rest to me, Victoria. I will secure the path for you in a safe and secure manner."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Come on, Victoria, you've got to learn. Why are you running? Are you going to tackle the door like a wild boar again?"
Story Victoria.png
"Don't worry. This time I'll use my legs, not my head."
Story Victoria.png
"Here I go again. Lucy Squad Combat Skill, 'Jumping Lucy Kick'!"
Saying this, Victoria charged the front of the big door and unleashed a Jumping Lucy Kick... that is, an assisted leaping kick. She intends to make a violent entry, as she did earlier.
Story Yoshino.png
"However, Yoshino, the brainy one, wouldn't let that happen."
Story Victoria.png
Story Yoshino.png
"Phew, it's all yosh."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Not yosh at all. Victoria has disappeared beyond the darkness."
Story Yoshino.png
"Maa, maa, it's better than a broken leg. Shashou's magic removed the chains. The door opened normally."
Story Vivienne.png
"It's pitch-black, but I think I can manage if I use magic to light it."
Story Putra.png
"Oi, Victoriaaaa~! Are you alriiiight~?"
"I am fine. I merely rolled down the spiral staircase a little bit."
Story Putra.png
"Hear that. She said she's fine."
Story Vivienne.png
"Well, shall we go on then?"
Story Versailles.png
"So this is the Iris Cloud elite unit. You girls sure are tough..."
Story Queensway.png
"Are you alright, Miss Versailles?"
Story Versailles.png
"Ah, yes! I'm perfectly fine. Apologies, I'm just a bit slow..."
Story Queensway.png
"If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to tell me. I will support you as much as I can."
Story Versailles.png
"Yes, that's right. If there is anything I don't understand, I will try to discuss it with you. For the time being, I will observe and learn from those who serve the Divine child the techniques of raiding, I'll be fine..."
Chapter 20.png
20-1 The Old Castle in the Rain
20-2 Miyako's Task
20-3 The Big Door
20-4 Lighting the Lamp
20-5 Voice From the Dungeon
20-6 Anna the Handmaiden
20-7 Chambermaid's Choice
20-8 The Saboteur
20-9 Anna
20-10 The Secret Tea Party