Event Scenario/A Christmas Incident

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Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children
Afterwards-- After taking out the monsters with ease, I decided to investigate together with Chitose and Abashiri. We thought we needed to find out what was actually going on.
Story Abashiri.png
"It's weird... Absolutely weird..."
Story Chitose.png
Story Chitose.png
"Coequal if t's early in the morning on a festival, t's still too quiet. All yond can be hath heard is the sounds of the strange, lumpy monsters crawling around as of a few minutes ago."
Story Chitose.png
"This is the main stronghold of the SSS, where our role is to deal with monsters. And yet, not a single person hast did detect any sign of monsters, not coequal a glimpse--"
Story Chitose.png
"As Abashiri hath said, it's very strange."
Story Abashiri.png
"No, that's not the point! No matter how I look at it, it's just weird that Chitose baa-sama and my Darling are so 'intimate' together...!"
Story Chitose.png
"T's been a while since I hath heard the word 'intimate'."
Story Chitose.png
"I have did explain t to thee, Abashiriya. I am trying to Kurisumasu to be close to the culture of the youth and--"
Story Abashiri.png
"Liar! Baa-sama is indeed childish in some ways, but you tend to keep your distance from strangers...! And yet you sleep unguardedly in bed with the opposite sex...!"
Story Abashiri.png
"That's not possible! Tell me honestly, Baa-sama, what did you and my Darling do that made you so tired that you fell asleep together!?"
Story Abashiri.png
"But since when...! How can I not notice the shadow of a woman approaching my Darling, when I'm watching over him... every time and everywhere!"
Story Chitose.png
"Halcyon down, Abashiriya. Anon is not the time to break with such things."
Story Abashiri.png
"This is the most important matter in the world to me...! I will not tolerate any vile woman who deceives my Darling, even if you are my Baa-sama, I will imprison you for 'seducing my Darling'...!"
Story Chitose.png
"Huhu. T's a bitter cold time at which hour loving someone is a crime."
Accustomed to Abashiri's strange behaviour, Chitose continued to explore her surroundings while lightly brushing off her remarks. Her floating lantern, likely her artifact, flitted about here and there.
Story Chitose.png
"Hmm. As I bethought, t is strange."
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmm? So you admit it, Baa-sama! You say you're a filthy cuckold...!"
Story Chitose.png
"Grow up already, Abashiri."
Chitose patted Abashiri's head and then told her in all sincerity.
Story Chitose.png
"I have just did search the surrounding area with mine own artifact. As I bethought, there were hardly any humans to be seen."
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmm~, that's really strange... At this time of the day, the crew living in the dorms should either be still sleeping or just waking up and starting their activities...?"
Story Abashiri.png
"I rarely come to the dorms, so I don't know much about it..."
Story Chitose.png
"Same to the right. I catch but a wink better in mine own familiar home, so unless I'm hath called up for duty 'r something, I tend to stay in mine own hometown."
Story Abashiri.png
"How can you sleep in a place where there's nothing but graves like that, Baa-sama...? Then again, it's not for me to say, as I live comfortably in a prison..."
Story Chitose.png
"I am a gravekeeper. Besides, t's all familiar."
You have been a gravekeeper in northern Nishiki for a long time now, Chitose?
Story Chitose.png
"Hum. Basically, I am a carefree hermit. Mine own job is to gaze over the cemeteries so yond the dead wander not off."
Before you disappeared from the public eye like this, Chitose, I heard you were a major rebel of the current regime - I hear you were feared as the 'Great Yokai of the North'.
Story Chitose.png
"Yond was a long time ago. There was a time at which hour I was a did bite of a youngster, and I had a a did bite of a rough time."
Story Chitose.png
"Looking back, I know not wherefore I succumbed myself over to lacking valor feelings and went wild like yond. Perhaps because t was so long ago, I feel as if I were listening to the tales of a stranger."
Story Chitose.png
"...Enow talk. Allow not speak of me anon, but rather about the strange things yond art happening."
Story Chitose.png
"There art two unnatural things:
'The disappearance of human figures from the surroundings, as it by a God.'
'As if to replace them, monsters has begun to roam 'round."
Story Abashiri.png
"'And my Darling has a fetish to only lust after young-looking old ladies'."
Story Chitose.png
"Add not aught strange. They sayeth loveth is a sickness, but thee has been declaring and doing wrong things since a while ago, Abashiri... T's shameful, so dun's the mouse up."
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmph... I'm so sorry, for I'm a useless disciple you're not proud of..."
Abashiri turned her head away in an unusually childish manner. Overheard her, Chitose looked and smiled.
Story Chitose.png
"How doth thee like mine own grandchild, bouzu, isn't the wench adorable?♪"
Whether she's adorable or not is a personal sensitive matter, but I am puzzled because it is rare to see Abashiri with such a bad temper. I usually thought she was a serious, quiet girl.
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. I did train her yond way, so Abashiri is usually a valorous wench."
Story Chitose.png
"But Abashiri was born and hath brought up in a special prison environment. The wench only has superiors like me and parents by her side, r prisoners the wench hast to make shift and prison officers under her command."
Story Chitose.png
"The wench was almost never involved with girls of her own age with whom the wench could have an equal relationship. Therefore, in such situations, the wench wouldst not know what to doth and wouldst be panicking."
Story Chitose.png
"Yond's immature, teasable... and adorable♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"Obaa-sama! What have you been talking to my Darling in secret for a while now!?"
Story Chitose.png
"Huhu. We were talking about the loveliness of a child, 'Kurisumasu' is an nonce to honour and loveth such things, isn't t?"
Story Abashiri.png
"Child!? D-Did you have a child with my Darling, Obaa-sama...?"
Story Chitose.png
"What kind of misunderstanding is this? I am not going to has children, I want not mine own condition to be inherited."
Story Chitose.png
"I high-lone can guard the graves of the impersonal."
Story Abashiri.png
Story Monster.png
'i'm cooOld! I'm LOoonely!'
Story Monster.png
'pleeEAsE! HUg meEEee!'
Story Abashiri.png
"Gosh darn it, you're depressing...!"
Abashiri takes out her frustration on the mass of meat and sealed it with her artifact. She's not a genuine soldier who fights hard on the front lines, but she's a specialist when it comes to neutralizing her enemies.
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. Good, good, thou art getting tenacious, Abashiri hast at each moment been too clever a wench to work too hard."
Story Chitose.png
"I see yond thee anon understand the value of hard work and not giving up."
Story Abashiri.png
"Stop being so happy to give me a short review, Baa-sama, will you fight too...?"
Story Chitose.png
"Oya, thou art forcing an elderly like me to work? t's a hard world we live in."
Story Chitose.png
"So wherefore should I not be able to pretend to be a joyous retiree too?"
Chitose spoke mysteriously as she recalled the lantern that had been probing around her.
Story Chitose.png
"I've made a more detailed inspection of the surrounding area, and as I bethought, we art the only people who is art factious in this vicinity. The fellow members of the SSS seem to be asleep in their cubicles in the dormitories."
Story Abashiri.png
"Everyone is asleep...? This is such a big mess that I don't understand what's happening...?"
Story Monster.png
'stroKE MEEeeee!'
Story Abashiri.png
"Argh, another one...!"
Abashiri shot down another leaping lump of flesh with a bundled chain. It's strange that such a myriad of bustling lumps of flesh are running amok, yet nobody noticed them and they're sleeping soundly.
Story Abashiri.png
"It's not just strange, it's extraordinary... It's impossible..."
Story Chitose.png
"Fortunately, the others seem to be simply sleeping. The monsters are not attacking those who is 't art sound asleep and defenceless."
Story Chitose.png
"Monsters seem to attack only those who is 't art awake and factious like us. Then they strike them down and knock them out or put them to catch but a winkwith some kind of sorcery."
Story Chitose.png
"Here and there, I saw some members of the team who is 't hath seemed to has 't been put to catch but a wink in this way. Those children might not but has 't been outnumbered, overpowered and without weapons."
Thanks to your protection, Chitose, that I am fortunate that I am still able to move without being asleep. Thanks again, Chitose.
Story Chitose.png
"Hey, isn't yond what I'm did suppose to doth as a Torein Naito?"
Story Abashiri.png
"My suggestion, Darling...! How about we wake up these sleepy morons and add them to our fighting force...!"
Are you perhaps in rivalry with Chitose, Abashiri? You're unusually making positive remarks. Abashiri is quite energetic today, so you're like this in front of your own relatives. It's comforting to see.
Story Chitose.png
"Hmm. Yond's not lacking valor as an idea. Me and Abashiri high-lone may not be able to protect thee, bouzu, from the countless masses of flesh."
Story Chitose.png
"However. Firstly I wouldst like to confirm a few things. Mine own lantern, mine own artifact, hast picked up some information yond I'm curious about -"
Story Chitose.png
"This may, in some cases, kill two birds with one stone."
Story Abashiri.png
"What is this...?"
We're led towards by Chitose, who had gathered information with a lantern - to an unnatural jungle at a corner of the women's dormitory.
Story Abashiri.png
"This is certainly weird... What's going on? Why is there such a dense jungle in the girls' dormitory?"
Story Abashiri.png
"Oh, could it be -"
Story Chitose.png
"Hmm. I, too, bethought 'maybe'. This one is...?"
Having cut through the lush plants with a magical blade from her artifact, Chitose grumbled with an exasperated face after having secured the view.
Story Chitose.png
"As I bethought. As ever, 'This wench' hast a sore condition."
Story Nara.png
"Zzz, zzz...♪"
Story Abashiri.png
Nara is sleeping with her large body curled up in a gap between vigorously growing trees. Safe to say that there appears to be no injuries whatsoever, but the situation around her is too abnormal.
Story Chitose.png
"As I'm sure thou art acknown, bouzu, Nara ojou hast a Fertility Curse yond causes plants and other vegetation 'round her to grow at an excessive rate."
Story Chitose.png
"Normally, the wench suppresses her Fertility Curse with a specially made artifact. The artifact might not but has 't cometh off while the wench was lying down or something, and this is what hath happened."
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmph... She's still the same careless girl..."
Despite her words, Abashiri knelt down and fumbled around with her hands, looking worried.
Story Abashiri.png
"Then Nara's artifact must be down there somewhere... Hyah!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Zzzyah, zzzyah...♪"
Story Susukino.png
"Ehehehe, nee-tan... muny muny muny♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"Susukino, why are you sleeping here...?"
Story Susukino.png
Story Chitose.png
"Hmm, Nara ojou, Susukino, and Akihabara ojou..."
Abashiri concernly shook Susukino, her sister-in-law, while Chitose examined each of the girls sleeping together.
Story Chitose.png
"Wherefore art those children sleeping in the same cubicle? The mystery only deepens."
Story Abashiri.png
"W-We'll have to wake them up and ask them! What's going on, Nara? You brought my sister-in-law in here without my permission...!"
Story Nara.png
"Zzz, zzz...♪"
Story Chitose.png
"Hum, I see yond everyone, including Nara ojou, hast been put to catch but a wink by some supernatural power."
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes, no matter how hard I slapped or kicked her, she shows no sign of waking up..."
Story Chitose.png
"Treat thy cater-cousins better, Abashiri."
Story Abashiri.png
"They're not my friends.... This girl... Not only is she flirting with my Darling, she's seducing my sister-in-law too--"
Story Abashiri.png
"Unforgivable... I'll get rid of her now that there's an opportunity..."
Story Chitose.png
"Innocent until proven guilty, Abashiri, but first we might not but somehow wake these children up and ask them what is going on."
Story Nara.png
"Zzz, zzz... nom♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"NGYA! Stop eating my tail, Nara!?"
Story Chitose.png
"Hark carefully, Abashiriya. Valorous. As long as thee stay healthy and well, there's nothing else I want♪"
Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children