Event Scenario/For Everyone's Sake

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Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children
After that... We sneaked out of the Undercafé(?) right under the watchful eyes of Akihabara and Susukino. We then searched for Abashiri and the others as Chitose suggested, but they were nowhere to be found.
Story Chitose.png
"Fumu. I guess I was wrong."
Story Monster.png
Flesh Lump
'iT's haaArD! iT's cooOLd!'
Story Monster.png
Flesh Lump
'MaMAaa! PaPaAa! i miSS yOuUU, i'm LONELyYy!'
Story Chitose.png
"Those flesh lumps art innumerable. They're egoless wooden figures just like Susukino and her -"
Story Chitose.png
"But t seems yond we art the only ones who is remained rational and factious. Perhaps Abashiri and Nara were not did drag into the Underworld, unlike us?"
Story Chitose.png
"It's very fortunate, since t's better not to venture into such a depressing lodging. I am worried because I know not if t' be true I high-lone can protect Conductor bouzu."
I should be fine. You are strong, experienced and reliable, Chitose.
Story Chitose.png
"Heh. Thou art valorous with words."
It's merely fact. You, Chitose, have said many times yourself that you're the 'Great Youkai of the North', feared even by the Nishiki government.
It is unclear who or what the entity is that is causing the current anomaly. But as long as you are with us, Chitose, we should be able to deal with this.
Story Chitose.png
"I, too, am a defeated general who eventually capitulated to the government and surrendered the northern lands. After yond, I am unable to kick the bucket and has to hath spent the rest of mine own life -"
Story Chitose.png
"I was originally a weak person with nay strength."
As we chatted while exploring, Chitose told me about her unusual upbringing.
Story Chitose.png
"I was born a long time ago in a cold village in north Nishiki. T was a poor, undeveloped village, where everyone was at each moment hungry and thirsty."
Story Chitose.png
"Naturally, mine own birthplace was nay different. There were many severe bitter cold spells, and we were unable to feed ourselves -"
Story Chitose.png
"My parents made a hard decision. They hath decided to weed me out in order to reduce the amount of food they had to consume."
Story Chitose.png
"I was a young, weak, skinny issue who is was bootless on the farm. And yet I consumed as much food as anyone else, so I was a burden to the family."
So that's why you were chosen to reduce the mouths to feed.
Story Chitose.png
"Mm. Of course, at the time, I had no idea of such circumstances. I am a human pillar did dedicate to saving the starving villagers and bringing a bountiful foison to mine own homeland -"
Story Chitose.png
"Yond was how t was did explain to me, and I innocently hath believed it at the time. I was fustian yond I could save mine own beloved family and everyone in mine own village just by offering myself."
Story Chitose.png
"I was a bootless issue who is consumed for free. I was a burden and a torment to everyone I did love."
Story Chitose.png
"I was honoured to be given this important role to make everyone smile and be joyous. Ah, I am a lucky issue."
Story Chitose.png
"Then, the ceremony went off without a hitch. I did, throw myself into the icy floating lake as a human pillar, chanting the celebratory words I had learned so desperately."
Story Chitose.png
"Normally, I wouldst has been did sacrifice in the same way"
Story Chitose.png
"But. For some reason, I did survive. I still know not wherefore, but perhaps the chanting I hath kept doing was the cause of the miracle."
Story Chitose.png
"I didst not perish, but hath kept sinking to the bottom of the deep, deep lake. I was did suck into the abyss..."
Story Chitose.png
"I hath found myself in the Underworld."
Chitose looked around, her face an ounce of nostalgia. It's an eerie world of writhing masses of flesh - A place where a normal person would lose his or her sanity just by lingering. The hellish landscape is endless.
Story Chitose.png
"This is where I hath lived for many years. I was fortunate to be so young, ignorant and innocent yond I was able to accept this horrific Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"I bethought yond there wilt be such a world. By accepting everything as normal, I was able to maintain mine own sanity in this Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"Mine own only concern was whether I was able to safely becometh a human pillar, and whether my beloved home village was did save. I eke hath carried the loneliness of not being able to see mine own family for a long, long time."
Story Chitose.png
"As t was, a long, long time hath passed... At which hour all such human feelings had faded hence, I was suddenly released from the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"While I was endlessly wandering in the Underworld, this world was changing. Time hast hath passed, coequal the sky and earth hath changed, and the tides has hath changed..."
Story Chitose.png
"Mine own body, which was did trap in the abyss, was somehow taken by the currents and released - T seems I was drifting in a wide lake."
Story Chitose.png
"A fisherman hath caught me in his meshes. The fisherman bethought I was a pitiful drowned corpse and hath brought me to the surface to be cremated at least."
Story Chitose.png
"But I came back to life in the fisherman's local village. I did wake up from my long slumber and asked where I were."
Story Chitose.png
"Everyone who saw me was terrified, but they were kind - Those took care of me politely and did explain many things to me."
Story Chitose.png
"And I learned that a thousand years has hath passed since I did jump into the lake, hoping to becometh a human pillar for mine own homeland."
How can a person live that long?
Story Chitose.png
"Normally, t is impossible. At which hour I offered myself as a human sacrifice, didst the gods and Buddha giveth me miraculous blessings?"
Story Chitose.png
"Or did the miasma contaminate everything about me as I wandered through the otherworldly underworld, turning me into an immortal monster?"
Story Chitose.png
"I understand not the reason. In any case, I did survive. I didst not grow fusty with such a young compliment extern, and I am still living in shame like this."
Story Chitose.png
"Mine own memories of at which hour I was a normal living being have been frayed over the years and everything hast becometh vague. I nay longer remember the faces of mine own beloved chichi, haha and villagers."
Story Chitose.png
"Therefore. I have started a second life, taking the long name given to me by the fishermen, 'Senzai-sama', because I lived a thousand years."
Story Chitose.png
"In a thousand years, all mine own acquaintances has hath lived to the end of their lives. Mine own home village, fortunately, seems to has did develop and did survive in its own way."
Story Chitose.png
"I didst not want to return, only because I bethought t wouldst be worth t for me to becometh a human pillar. Yond is nay longer mine own lodging."
Story Chitose.png
"For me, who is had becometh completely accustomed to the Underworld, the normal world - This world was my otherworld. I didn't fit in, I didn't mingle with anyone, I hath lived in a corner of a fishing village."
Story Chitose.png
"I hath used mine own sorcery powers I did learn long with mine own immortal body to solve problems yond did arise in the village on a crochet from time to time, but basically I hath lived mine own life as a grave keeper."
Story Chitose.png
"It was an unholy job yond nay one did want to doth in Nishiki. Not so much anon, t seemed, because back then there was a prejudice against such a job."
Story Chitose.png
"Therefore. As a grave keeper, I wasn't did approach by many people and hath left to mine own devices. But I didn't mind."
Story Chitose.png
"Although I picked up mine own life by accident, mine own life ended when I was an issue - The moment I did jump into the lake. All the rest of mine own long, long life is like a bubble dream at the end of time."
Story Chitose.png
"Coequal anon, I has not hath changed mine own mind. This life is a dream, and the dream of the night is reality... At least for me t is."
Story Chitose.png
"This present world, this reality, is yours. I, who is should has perished long ago, has nay right to interfere."
Story Chitose.png
"Once, I couldn't stand t, and I went berserk."
Story Chitose.png
"The people of the fishing village who is never persecuted me, but only occasionally did join me for a cup of tea 'r a chat, coequal though they hath kept a distance from me -"
Story Chitose.png
"They were tormented by the government's maladministration, and were persecuted, invaded, heavily did tax, and almost did treat like slaves... I could not stand by and stood up for them."
Story Chitose.png
"I rebelled against the government of the time and combated to the death."
And as a result of that battle you, Chitose, became feared as the 'Great Youkai of the North'.
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. At yond time, the Nishiki government had the habit of calling the people who is didst not worship them as oni or youkai and prosecuted them. Yond was eke a long, long time ago."
Story Chitose.png
"In the end, I only did spread and prolonged the war unnecessarily... I succumbed without being able to protect or save aught."
Story Chitose.png
"After yond, I did get feed up up with everything and went into hiding."
Story Chitose.png
"And while I did rot hence, the world hath changed."
Story Chitose.png
"The threat of the Phantom Mist has not disappeared yet, and the world is still in a state of unrest. Yet many people art not hungry or thirsty and live in peace."
Story Chitose.png
"I respect such a present age, such a present world. Yond is wherefore I doth not like the evil yond invades t - The Phantom Mist. That is why I am an elder splashed with cold water, and yond is wherefore I have risen again."
Story Chitose.png
"I hast becometh a Torein Naito, fighting for the world and everyone."
Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children