Event Scenario/The Unfortunate Child

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Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'Not fair! Not fair! It's not faaaaair!'
The shadow puppet girl went on a rampage, crying vindictively. She (can I address as her?) also extended the mass of flesh's deadly tentacles in obedience to her will.
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'Why, only you!? Why, only you all!?'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'Unfair! It's not fair, it's terrible, I envy you! I wanted to live in a bright, beautiful, free and happy world, too!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'Good food! A warm place to stay! A nice lover! I wanted all those things too! A normal, happy life that everyone should be given...!'
Story Chitose.png
"Yond's right. I'm sure thee doth, I can see yond."
Chitose responded, looking frustrated, while skillfully parrying the enemy's attacks with her sorceries.
Story Chitose.png
"Nay. I hath felt the same way. I did dress up and did act like an elder, but I never spoke of mine own weakness in public."
Story Chitose.png
"Like thee, I has eke lamented the unreasonableness yond hast been inflicted on me. Wherefore, was t only me? Wherefore was t me?"
Story Chitose.png
"The moment I did jump into the lake as a human pillar and was did sacrifice - all the time I was puling in mine own heart."
Story Chitose.png
"I want not, I want not, I want not... Want not to die, Want not to die, Want not to die..."
Story Chitose.png
"Perhaps. Perhaps mine own prayers were answered by the heavens and I was given such an immortal body."
Story Chitose.png
"I did want to live more fully with the people I love. I didn't care if I starved, I didn't care if life was hard, as long as I could be with mine own beloved family, I was joyous."
Story Chitose.png
"I had nay complaints on cold nights, as long as I could sleep in mine own mother's arms. I could sleep peacefully, did surround by tender loveth."
Story Chitose.png
"I know not aught about sore logic 'r adult affairs. But I knew what mine own fortune was. I was such a young issue everywhere."
Story Chitose.png
"I did want to be did hold a lot more. I did want to be loved, mine own head stroked. I did want to be praised for being such a valorous wench."
Story Chitose.png
"I very much wish yond was all I did want."
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'And yet! Your family wanted you dead! Because if you die, the rest of your family will have plenty to eat for that!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'Oh, how pitiful...! You were young and stupid, and you were fooled by the beautiful things the cunning adults spewed!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'A human pillar!? Are you not a fool? There's no basis, you're just a sacrificial ritual!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'I will never forgive them! Even if you do!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'I don't want to be sacrificed for others! I want to be happy!'
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'At the expense of anything else, even if the world is destroyed! Even if all mankind but me sinks into the lake of tears, into the depths of the Underworld! I, I don't care, as long as I can live happily!'
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. Yond too wouldst be mine own untrue yet true feelings."
Story Chitose.png
"However. I has did pretend not to see 'it', and pretended t doesn't exist."
Story Chitose.png
"In my long, long life, I has did touch the Underworld many times. Yet, I has never did notice the sound of thy lamentations."
Story Chitose.png
"I has been silent, believing yond such a thing should not exist. Oh, thee did cry so loudly."
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
Chitose reached out to her other self, as if seeking an embrace.
Story Chitose.png
"I am sorry. I apologise sincerely for not coequal recognising thee. But allow me pray pardon, yond I had nay choice."
Story Chitose.png
"I had to be a valorous wench. If I had made coequal one doubt - everything wouldst fall apart."
Story Chitose.png
"If I, have been did sacrifice for mere slaughter. I has died in vain. I shall be a victim of naught, just a victim who was killed in a cruel manner for naught."
Story Chitose.png
"I wouldst be a poor issue who was hath killed by the family and villagers whom I did love, simply to increase their food supply."
Story Chitose.png
"Yond's the only thing I didn't want. At least, I did want there to be desire and loveth."
Story Chitose.png
"I know not the facts. But I am joyous to be of service to the people I loveth -"
Story Chitose.png
"I did want to believe yond they were joyous and fortunate. They did love me, but they had nay choice but to giveth me up in order to save so many people..."
Story Chitose.png
"At least. If I didn't believe yond, I wouldn't be able to live."
Story Chitose.png
"Therefore. I did turn hence from doubt and never lamented mine own circumstances. I never hath said it was hard, painful 'r lonely, but hath kept insisting yond I was joyous."
Story Chitose.png
"I never did hold grudges or cursed anyone, but hath continued to be a valorous wench."
Story Chitose.png
"I didst not believe like an innocent child yond if I did so, I wouldst be rewarded. Mine own happiness is the reward for those I did love."
Story Chitose.png
"T proves yond everyone hast done the right thing. I didst not want mine own loved ones to be the guilty ones, who mercilessly killed innocent children."
Story Chitose.png
"I did want mine own life, which had ended a long time ago, at which hourI was still a normal living being, to be a joyous one with a 'happily ever after' - "
Story Chitose.png
"If I didst not believe and prove it, I could not die."
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'......Pitiful girl!'
Story Chitose.png
"Nay. I am by nay means a being to be pitied."
Story Chitose.png
"Didst thee knowe? If thou art valorous, thee shall taketh a gift from a holy being on Kurisumasu. I know not who bethought up this strange custom, but t makes sense."
Story Chitose.png
"If thou are valorous, thee shall be rewarded. Thee shall be did praise."
Story Chitose.png
"For example, such as -"
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
Chitose, smiling, looked ahead and saw a crack in the sky of the Underworld. A crack appeared in the space that should be empty, and a thin, white finger grew out of it.
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmph, ge-ge-ge-gerrr...!"
The owner of the finger was Abashiri, her face red and snarling. She is Chitose's favorite apprentice as a sorceress, and I wonder if she can open the gate to the Underworld, if only temporarily.
Story Abashiri.png
"Gosh, that's hard...! But!"
Abashiri pried the gate open to the skies of the Underworld with all her might, then turned around and shouted behind herself.
Story Abashiri.png
"Now, Nara...! I'm trying my best to show my Darling my messed up face, so you do what you have to do too...!"
Story Nara.png
"Mhm, Abashiri-chan! You're not messy, you're super cool right now♪"
Nara leaned over the petite Abashiri. A holy radiance gushes from the beads she held up.
Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children