Event Scenario/Welcome to the Undercafé♪

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Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children
For a moment, I was unconscious.
And when I came to, I was standing in a strange place. A hellish, horrific landscape... Where am I? Where is Chitose, Abashiri, Nara?
Story Akihabara.png
"Welcome home, goshujin-sama~♪"
Story Susukino.png
"Eh um? Welcome home, Conductor nii-tan♪"
While puzzled, I was embraced from both sides. Looked down in surprise, I saw that Akihabara and Susukino, who had been in a sleep coma until a few minutes ago, were somehow rubbing up against me joyfully.
Story Akihabara.png
"No, no, no! You're cute, but that's not enough! The secret of cosplay is to be in-character properly, isn't that right, Susukino-shi?"
Story Susukino.png
Story Akihabara.png
"No retreat! No shyness! No regrets! You're going to be a maid! Instead of 'nii-tan', you should call Conductor-shi, 'goshujin-sama'!"
Story Susukino.png
"Nn~? Ah'm not sure, but ah get it! Akiba-tan says it right~ Love you Akiba-tan♪"
Story Susukino.png
"Ehehe. Um, goshujin, sama? You can order me to do anything you want~? Ah'm a maid and ah love, love, love you too, so I'll do whatever you say♪"
Story Akihabara.png
"Excellent! Susukino-shi is a good example of a maid!"
Story Susukino.png
"Ah got complimented~♪"
Akihabara... Susukino... What are you girls doing here? Or rather, where are we?
Story Akihabara.png
"This is the Undercafé!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Underworld - A café in the Underworld, so it's the Undercafé. Said twice because this is important!"
Story Susukino.png
"You said it~♪"
I don't understand what you mean. We're working to solve a mysterious incident. So let's not play any funny games, and if possible, I'd like to ask you, Akihabara and Susukino to help us--
Story Susukino.png
"Yes, Ah'll guide you, customer~♪"
Story Akihabara.png
"Wrong, that's just a normal coffee shop! Act more like a maid welcoming her beloved goshujin-sama!"
Story Susukino.png
"Uween, but it's so difficult?"
Akihabara gave an unintelligible reprimand to Susukino, pulled at while rubbing her body against her. Neither of them seems to be interested in listening to what I have to say--
Story Akihabara.png
"Then, please wait here for a moment♪"
Story Susukino.png
"Ehehe, just wait here for a minute, okay? Ah'll get you a drink or something♪"
As it is, we are thrown out into a place where rocks of horrifying shapes are strewn about. What's going on, I don't understand the situation at all...
Story Chitose.png
Suddenly, I was hugged from behind while puzzled.
Story Chitose.png
"Didst I startle you, bouzu? Rest assured, 'tis me."
Chitose... Why are you hugging me? You're a pampered little girl, right then...♪
Story Chitose.png
"Do not pet me. Thou sometimes treat me too much as a child."
Story Chitose.png
"Well, yond's brave, I doth look like some few wench... 'tis the cursed fate of Nishiki beastmen yond they are something fortunate when they are stroked..."
While twitching her beast ears and tail, Chitose glanced around at her surroundings.
Story Chitose.png
"And yond. As thou see, this is the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"'I the Underworld, there is aye a horrifying miasma yond robs the living of their sanity and makes their skin sear. Wander hither unprotected, 'i the flesh, and thou could die."
So that's why you're here to protect us, Chitose. Thank you, Chitose, good girl♪
Story Chitose.png
"That's wherefore I told thou not to pet me. Thou should doth yond sort of thing to the younger ones... I doth not crave the other children to see me being pampered and groomed."
I think you, Chitose, could do with a moment of relaxation now and then. More importantly - is this still the Underworld?
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. Earlier, as anon as I opened the gate yond connects to the Underworld, something came flying out from inside the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"That something seems to hast dragged us into the Underworld. It stretched out an arm-like thing covered in eyeless miasma and seized us."
Story Chitose.png
"What this Chitose didst was a lifetime mistake. I've never seen aught thus ere and I couldn't react towards the spur of the instant."
Story Chitose.png
"I am not worthy. I too am 'i decline. And yet, methinks I've become convinced yond this incident hath something to try with the Underworld."
That's what you were talking about until you opened the gate leading to the Underworld. I thought that those sleeping in the women's dormitories of the SSS and other places were trapped in the 'Underworld'...
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. In fact, the previously sleeping Susukino and Akihabara ojou, are moving normally in this Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"This is speculation. Their souls are trapped in the Underworld, and their actual, real corporal agents are shells - Methinks."
What do you mean?
Story Chitose.png
"Hmm. There hath been a great deal of horrifying flesh stirring in the Underworld for some time now--"
Lumps of flesh... The monsters I've seen in this world, I mean in the ordinary world, also have the appearance of what I can only call lumps of flesh.
Story Chitose.png
"Mhm. They are the monsters yond seem to hast been going around putting everyone to catch but a wink. I be so did burn out yond I didn't presently recognise it - T wilt not but hast been the meat lumps from the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"There was an anomaly in the Underworld and the mass of flesh was spat out from within. These lumps of flesh - monsters, art extracting the souls of those living in this orb and dragging them into the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"It is unclear why this is happening. The souls yond are extracted and trapped in the Underworld are fused with the flesh masses..."
Story Chitose.png
"It seems yond they become the inhabitants of the Underworld, just like yond ."
Where Chitose pointed, Susukino and Akihabara are moving about happily. They are playing with each other like children playing a game.
Story Chitose.png
"They look like Susukino and the others to us, yet they art actually lumps of flesh. They art just souls did trap in lumps of flesh making movements yond behold like yond, and they do not seem to hast an ego. They canst not even speak properly."
I can't say I understood half of what you said, because it's a little difficult to understand. How can we help the meat lumps - The children who are trapped in the Underworld?
Story Chitose.png
"Right now, in earnest, there's naught I doth. Should I use my sorceries in this way, I can save them temporarily, yet -"
Chitose moved her fingertips as if to prove a point. Then a spell is released from her artifact and struck Akihabara, who was moving around.
Instantly, Akihabara's figure transformed into an eerie lump of flesh.
Story Monster.png
Flesh Lump
"I’M LONelY! it's ImpoSSIBLe, So eXhAusTed!"
Story Susukino.png
"Ehehe~♪ Akiba-tan is always cheerful, ye~?"
Story Akihabara.png
"--Fwaaah!? I'm sorry, Akiba seems to have fallen asleep?"
Story Susukino.png
"Amazing, you slept standing up?"
Story Chitose.png
"...And anon they shall be back to usual again. As long as the cause of the soul being dragged into the Underworld is not eliminated, it shall be the same thing over and over again, like a pile of stones on a rice field."
I see. That was a very clear explanation, and I understood that Susukino and her friends have no ego. She wasn't surprised at all when her friend turned into a lump of meat right in front of her.
Story Chitose.png
"Hmhmm... Susukino hath aye been like yond ere, unfazed by aught yond happens to her."
Story Chitose.png
"Still, the lady's a gentle wench. I canst understand why she is so unconcerned about her friend."
Story Chitose.png
"Most of those trapped in this Underworld are belike half-baked wooden figures like her. Coequal wouldst they join us, they shalt not only be of nay use to us, they shalt only slow us down."
Story Chitose.png
"Yet Abashiri and Nara, like me and thou, are like to still retain their egos. Fortunately, they escaped from the strange disaster and were able to move about in this world while retaining their souls."
Story Chitose.png
"Argal. Allow us join up with them first."
Story Chitose.png
"Then, we might not but find the person whom dragged the childlike wench into the Underworld - and strike them down. Then, this incident shall be resolved."
Story Susukino.png
"Here you are, goshujin-sama♪"
Story Akihabara.png
"That's wrong, if you're dealing with a woman, it's 'ojou-sama'!"
Story Susukino.png
"That's why it's so difficult, Akiba-tan?"
Story Chitose.png
"Hmhm. Though I'd like to look at those cute girls for a while...♪"
Seeing Susukino and Akihabara walking up to her, happily and noisily, Chitose smiled somewhat sadly.
Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children