Event Scenario/Rewards for Good Children

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Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children
The Nembutsu chanted by Nara, a highly respected monk called 'Daibutsuyou' in her hometown, has the power to purify evil beings. The shadow puppet girl is purified by the light and is in agony and confusion.
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
'What? What? What are you, YOU PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEE!?'
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmph. A passing Santa-san brought you a miracle on Holy Night..."
Story Nara.png
"Ahaha, I remember that it's Christmas today♪"
Abashiri and Nara waved to us as they talk to each other with somewhat similar smiles on their faces.
Story Nara.png
"Ana~, actually~? When Chitose Baa-sama's were dragged into the Underworld, Abashiri-chan reached out her hand to protect us."
Story Nara.png
"Thanks to her, we were able to operate safely in this world. So we did everything we could to rescue Baa-sama's."
Story Chitose.png
"I see. Thee has done well, Abashiri, in protecting Nara ojou. T seems yond thou art taking care of thy cater-cousins, just as I hath said thee wouldst♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"That's untrue... When I reached out to help my Darling, my fingertips got caught in her big figure--"
Story Nara.png
"Eh~? Don't ya lie~♪ Abashiri-chan, you said, 'Look out, Nara!' and you held me up in a desperate hug--"
Story Abashiri.png
Story Nara.png
"Ittatatata!? Stop it, Abashiri-chan, don't pull those! You're tearing my horns off, you're tearing my horns off!?"
Story Abashiri.png
"You're in my way, your horns...! They sting when I'm near you, they're so annoying...!"
Story Nara.png
"I can't help it, can I? But Abashiri-chan, you never give up on us - You say terrible things with your mouth, but you're kind to us, aren't you?"
Story Nara.png
"That's what I like about you♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"I don't want your favour...! I only want my Darling's love...!"
Story Chitose.png
"Fufu. Worry not, Conductor bouzu knows how to loveth Abashiri. Isn't yond right, bouzu?"
That's true, but right now I'm more interested in--
Story Chitose.png
"Umu. We has to settle everything done, properly."
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
Chitose quietly walked up to the shadow puppet girl - burnt by Nara's holy power and crawled on the ground like an insect. Then, crouching down on the spot, she pats the head of her hated enemy.
Story Chitose.png
"I am the initiator of this incident. The grudge I hath left behind in the Underworld hast did turn into a demon and did cause ado for everyone."
Story Chitose.png
"Thee were so lonely yond thee did drag the souls of those living in this world into the Underworld and did play with them, toying with them. By playing with them in this way, thee wilt have comforted thy despairing hearts."
Story Chitose.png
"T seems yond the souls thus did trap were did depriveof their ego and eke given a humour of euphoria. Hence, there was nay escape from the Underworld and they hath kept here forever."
Story Chitose.png
"The reason I was able to move freely in this world without being did trap was because I was familiar with and tolerant of the power of the Underworld."
Story Chitose.png
"Alternatively. Didst thee intend to invite me, who is still did retain mine own ego, to the Underworld in this way, and then kill Conductor bouzu in front of me, 'r did thee intend to take something important from me and be fustian of thy victory?"
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
Story Chitose.png
"Didst thee envy me, who is was living happily, and were thee driven by jealousy? Or didst thee simply want to boast yond thee, too, were joyous? Or didst thee want to meet me in mine own right mind - Like a dram issue seeking a family, and talk to me as an equal?"
Story Chitose.png
"Because thee and I have thus been did separate - though the exact time is nay longer known."
Story Chitose.png
"There can be nay doubt yond thou art the source of all this. Therefore, make thyself disappear and everything shall be cleared up."
Story Girl2.png
Shadow Puppet Girl
Story Chitose.png
"However. Thou art eke I. Until anon, I has did pretend not to see thee, and pretend thee exist not."
Chitose gently placed her hands around the shadow puppet girl's waist and picked her up as she would a baby. She then rubbed her cheek lovingly.
Story Chitose.png
"I am nay longer a dram issue. I can at least hold mine own heart firmly like this."
Instantly, the shadow puppet girl is absorbed into Chitose's body. She did not disappear, but became a part of Chitose.
Story Chitose.png
"Okay, okay...♪"
Chitose will continue to live in this way, never ignoring the horror and ugliness of her mind.
Story Chitose.png
"In Kurisumasu, it is the manner to giveth, not to taketh. Therefore, I give thee the right to live the same joyous life in me as I doth in mine."
Story Chitose.png
"There is nay need to return the favour. Rather, I am in a position to apologise. Besides, if Kurisumasu does not taketh a gift - I has nay complaints."
Story Chitose.png
"Coequal if I have nothing, I am joyous just to be alive. And thee has to taketh care of thy own humor, that's what a grown-up is all about."
Story Akihabara.png
"Merry Christmas☆"
Story Susukino.png
"Meri Kuri! Goshujinsama~♪"
Then... Together with the children, who seem to be suffering from subtle aftereffects of the events in the Underworld, we decide to enjoy a Christmas party.
Story Chitose.png
"Fufu. We art exhausted, but the others were just sleeping peacefully."
Story Chitose.png
"They are full of energy, so allow them make as much hurtling as they want. Just seeing them makes me feel as if I'm coming back to life."
Chitose walked up to the children, looking dazzled at them as they frolic and chat. However she looked a little sick, perhaps because she has taken the shadow puppet girl into herself, I'm worried about her.
Story Chitose.png
"Worry not. Thee know who is I am, bouzu."
Peaceful and Happy Time.jpg
"I am immortal. At the very least bouzu, I will not kick the bucket before thee."
"I shall live happily and well from now on - and forever, I shall remember thee. These glorious days I hath spent with the ones I love."
Chitose looked happily at Abashiri and Nara, who are asleep at the base of a nearby Christmas tree. They too seem to be exhausted and are sleeping soundly, snuggled up together.
"Zzz, zzz......♪"
"Ugh... Mugh, ughuu..."
Abashiri looked like she's about to suffocate from the big Nara hugging her, though. Seeing that too peaceful scene naturally made our faces break out.
"Fufu. Behold the loveliness of those children. I'm fain I did introduce Abashiri to cater-cousins her own age, coequal though I once bethought t was none of mine own business."
"Nara ojou oft as a nun cometh to the graves I maintain to make offerings. I hath used to taketh her to Abashiri and ask her to befriend her."
"Grant mercy to her, Abashiri, who is hath used to be gloomy, hast recently becometh much more cheerful and looks quite happy. After all, t's nice to has lovely neighbours."
"Ne, ne! Chitose Obaa-tan, let's eat cake together♪"
"Fumu. I want not t, so thee can has t for me."
"Eh? You don't want the cake? Are you okay, Obaa-tan!? You're sick? Ah'm worried!"
"If you're tired, why don't I give you a shoulder rub...?"
"I don't need it. Sweetmeats and plenty of Purezento art for valorous girls like thee. An elder like me cannot taketh hence thy share."
"Eh~? Are you sure about that? But the cake is delicious, Obaa-tan?"
Susukino, a gourmand, grabbed a piece of cake in each hand and begins to devour it. Akihabara wiped her mouth while moe-moeing at her.
"Fufu, T seems yond Susukino hast made a valorous friend without mine own having to worry about her. But the more sore a child is to dudgeon, the cuter she is, yoikana yoikana♪"
Story Chitose.png
"Thee may bethink t unseemly to entrust mine own unfulfilled dreams to mine own children and grandchildren - but I want them to be joyous in a normal way."
Story Chitose.png
"Therefore, I taketh care of them unnecessarily. I care not if they bethink I'm a self-important, meddlesome baba."
Story Chitose.png
"This is the kind of joyous time I've at each moment dreamed of."
A precious, respected woman who has always wished for someone else's happiness and has given her all and worked hard - I gently hold Chitose in my arms and pat her on the head.
Story Chitose.png
"...What art thee imitating, bouzu?"
You, Chitose, have done a great job this time, so I rewarded you.
Story Chitose.png
"Fufu. I was the cause of all this, so I deserve neither scolding nor praise."
Story Chitose.png
"Well, that's well enow. I nonay longer behold hence from the filth in me. Like people everywhere, I will live with t."
Story Chitose.png
"I shall live with arrogance, egoism and self-righteousness, but I shall live with it. I shall live with thee all, mine own favourite people, from anon on."
Chitose said this, leaning her weight on me - and whispered.
Story Chitose.png
"Speaking of which. Yond's wherefore I visited thy cubicle at first, but I ended up getting sloppy and didn't receive to giveth thee the Kurisumasu Purezento."
Story Chitose.png
"T wouldst has made nay sense for me not to giveth thee what I hath said I wouldst giveth thee--"
Chitose told me this in her usual stiff manner, then laughed cheekily like a criminal. It is a side of her that she has regained after this incident.
Story Chitose.png
"For anon, be did satisfy with this."
Chitose kissed me on the cheek, like a child spoiling a parent or a parent congratulating a child.
Story Chitose.png
"Meri Kurisumasu, bouzu. May thee has many more blessings in thy life in the future."
Underworld Ringing Jingle Bells Banner.png
T-1 The Lost Santa Claus
T-2 My Treasure Named Granddaughter
T-3 A Christmas Incident
T-4 A Precious Gift
T-5 That Dream Seen Yesternight
T-6 Welcome to the Undercafé♪
T-7 For Everyone's Sake
T-8 The Shadow Puppet Girl
T-9 The Unfortunate Child
T-10 Rewards for Good Children