Event Scenario/Finally, I Caught Up With You

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It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting
We then hurriedly followed the trail of the person who seemed to be Shibuya's mother.
We determined her to be the person who had opened countless Gates in the skies of this ice age, a dangerous presence that threatened even the present day, the age in which we live.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Are you here, Ohaha-ue?~ If ya are, please answer me!"
Udon Thani gently held up Shibuya, who seemed to be unable to keep calm and had lost her temper.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Are you sure the person in that video is your mother, anego? The video was blurry and it is possible that you have the wrong person...?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Very sure! That's definitely Ohaha-ue! How many years do you even think 'I' have been chasing her...!?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"......Ugh, sorry for shouting. Udon-chan, Shibuya-san knows you're worried about her."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"No. It can't be helped. I don't even remember my parents, so I can't say I understand anego's feels."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I might see my family again after be separated from them, so I can't help feel restless."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Even I, can understand that much."
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Udon Thani
"Because I understand. I want to help and support you, anego. No, I want to repay you for all you have done for me."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"......Thank you, Udon-chan♪"
Holding their hands tightly together, the two looked around. Shibuya's mother seems to have wandered off from this place after creating countless cracks in the sky--
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What is this place? It's very beautiful, but... It's weird that it's strangely warm here, while the surrounding area was in an ice age and there was a blizzard."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"There are a lot of flowers... it's like a place for the afterlife."
Shibuya must have meant it as a joke, but maybe she thought it wasn't funny herself - her face twitched.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"This place, uh, accord to the information left on the machine, seems to be called Kumphawapi."
Udon Thani had been seriously taking details of the information gathered by the ancient machine, so she tried her best to explain, as if she wants to help Shibuya even a little.
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Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Erm. It's an ancient word, so it translates to, red, lotus, sea?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It was the most important place of worship for the people of this period. It had the strongest barriers in the world to stop Phantom Mist and other invasions."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"That's why it was a refuge for survivors. It seems that many times there were warnings to flee here in case of emergency."
So it was the last stronghold of the dying people.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"......It seems that the invasion of the Phantom Mist has not been stopped, though."
Story Monster.png
"Kiiiii! Kiiiii!"
Just as Shibuya said that sarcastically, a thick Phantom Mist was swirling around the Red Lotus Sea. Countless monsters emerged from it and flew around in the air.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"......!? Goshujin, Udon-chan, stand back!"
Shibuya blinked in surprise and took a combat stance. Moments later, what looked like icicles extended towards us at high speed.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Get lost!"
Shibuya kicked and shattered the icicles with her beautiful movements as ever. Meanwhile, countless icicles latched onto the flying monsters and carried them off into the distance.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What the? Those icicles, they're attacking monsters indiscriminately? But supposedly Mist Monsters don't cannibalise each other...?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It's not just monsters! Look at that, over there!"
Udon Thani pointed at a location. Various animals are dragged by icicles out of the lake where countless red water lilies float.
They are carried high into the sky, wrapped around the icicles, and sucked into the countless Gates that have opened there.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Are they carrying monsters and creatures to otherworlds through the Gates...?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What for? Sending monsters under their control to otherworlds and trying to invade them...? And the other creatures are bentos for those monsters?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"...No. That can't be, Ohaha-ue."
On the shore of Red Lotus Sea, someone in tatters was crouching. She seemed to be Shibuya's mother, whom we glimpsed in the films.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ah, finally caught up with you."
Shibuya spoke to her, walking carefully. As she walked, Shibuya spoke to her mother, reunited after a long and strange fate.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ya probably wanted to save the world and person ya loved."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Nah. Maybe ya didn't even love them. As a descendant of a noble bloodline in Nishiki - for ya, it was a 'natural duty' for ya to fulfil."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"And that's why. You, you have abandoned 'me', us."
Shibuya tearfully blamed her mother, unsteadily switching to speaking in first-person.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"In order to save the world, where the threat of the Phantom Mist has not yet disappeared. Leaving behind her husband and daughter, who cling desperately to her, not good enough to be confined to the safety and peace of their home."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"To join the Resistance, the organisation that works to save the world--"
That much had been researched. Shibuya, you have been trying to track down her mother for a long time, and we were doing everything we could to help. However, after the Resistance collapsed to the point where it could no longer be considered an organisation due to the activities of the SSS, Shibuya's mother went missing.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Yes. Unsure if Ohaha-ue gave up on the Resistance, or if she was cut off against the main branch in the current organisation - Don't know the circumstances about that."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ohaha-ue probably didn't stop working after that. But she was cornered by either the SSS, or the Resistance, or both--"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"She probably used a special technique used by Resistance executives to open a Gate and escaped to another world. Probably with a group of trusted subordinates."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"That's how she ended up in this very ancient world."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"This world is now in an ice age and on the verge of extinction. But likely there were still a few survivors."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ohaha-ue couldn't leave such survivors to die. If she doesn't try to save at least one of them, she's no longer a nobility."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"So, she kept on trying until the very end of her life, opened Gates and sent survivors to the otherworlds."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"She prayed for them to survive."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"You are a great woman. Respect you really much, Ohaha-ue. Honoured to be your daughter."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"However. It's certain that your men who loved you and stuck by you died because of your shitty ideals, because of your self-satisfaction."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"You were strong. No matter how many Gates you opened, you lived. But your men weren't. They ran out of strength and died."
I saw that in the video earlier. The people who seemed to be Shibuya's mother's subordinates had turned to dust and fizzled out, they must have used up their magical power beyond their limits. It was as if they had never existed in the world from the beginning.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Well, let's call it good. If you're a soldier, it's a matter of honour to lay down your life for your country, isn't it? Shibuya-san's a modern child, and doesn't really understand it."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"As a member of the nobility, surely it's natural to think that way."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"But ya know what? What ya did is not only meaningless but also harmful."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"The countless Gates you've opened in the sky are causing trouble for the rest of the world. The ice age cold wave is flowing in, and all worlds and eras are about to freeze."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"You, are not a hero who will save the world."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"You're a monster, who's going to destroy the world."
Shibuya clenched her fists tight, and faced her mother directly.
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"That's why, Shibuya-san, as your daughter, is going to stop you."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"As your daughter, as a descendant of a noble family, as a member of the SSS--"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"As Shibuya-san, you will be stopped."
Shibuya sincerely said so, and attacked her mother, her destined opponent. But just before she did so, Shibuya's mother turned around somewhat sadly and...
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"......!? Anego!"
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Udon Thani
"Don't go near her~! That person is already......!?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Shibuya's mother's whole body swelled up eerily.
It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting