Event Scenario/Holy Night's Delivery Merchant

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It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting
Flying through the blizzard in a mysterious flying snowmobile.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Hyahaaaaa! Shibuya-san is the strongest and the fastest today too☆"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Hyahaha~! Des nano~♪"
While being slightly taken back by the two of them who seem to be having so much fun, I cling desperately to the body of the snowmobile so that I don't get shaken off. Usually I'm in the role of carrying everyone on the train, so this position is a bit new to me.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Be careful not to fall off, Goshujin! When it's snowing like this, it's hard to find and catch ya on the way down!"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"That's right, be careful or you'll be in trouble~? If you fall from here, you'll be flat no~?"
Why is this snowmobile flying in the first place...? Doesn't it go against the laws of physics?
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ehehe~, isn't it Santa-like?♪"
That's true, but. I'm afraid I don't understand the logic.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Hmmm. To put it simply, this snowmobile is fly with my buoyancy~"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Udon-chan, your whole body radiates buoyancy magic. That's why you float around and can't even dive underwater."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Yes~. I'm in the swim club, but I can't even dive."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"And there's more. Recently, I've been practice with the swim team and train with the SSS, and it seems that my buoyancy is get stronger."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"If I really get my buoyancy up~, hey hey♪ Throw a lot of heavy containers on the snowmobile is just a piece of cake!"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"We're making use of Udon-chan's special ability(?) to create a completely new kind of flying delivery business! In our company!"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"There's so much snow on the ground that even ordinary horse-drawn carriages can't move, and it's difficult to transport supplies, which are in short supply all over the world, unless we do this."
"I see. Flying delivery companies... Once this kind of thing becomes commonplace, even the Mist Train will be obsolete."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Doubtful it'll become common, will it? This is a method that relies completely on Udon-chan's special abilities, you know?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Udon-chan, from what's heard, is an ancient person who time-traveled ahead in time from long ago, right? It's rare to find such a person anywhere else, isn't it?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Yes~. Unfortunately, I have never met anyone in my position~"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I don't remember much about the time I was there originally... I'd like someone who knows what they're talk about to tell I about the past."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I don't even know where I was born and raised, a pity."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"That must be difficult too~ Not only are there no other ancient people, but there seems to be very little ancient knowledge left behind."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Even when 3000 years old Chitose obaa-san was asked this question, she said that the things from that time period are 'long ago' for her too."
"Super-ancient times, far before 3000 years? For us, it was a time of unidentified ruins, railway tracks and the like."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What are the railway tracks for, anyway? Thanks to them, trains can run, which is a great help to us as the SSS, right?"
I don't know how to respond to your 'What'. That's one of the biggest mysteries in the world that even I can't answer.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Ummm... I wish I could have remember things like when the railway line was built and all that."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"It's no use asking for something ya don't have! Ya have to do the best ya can with what ya can get your hands on."
Story OshiageSS.png
"AHA! Don'cha think you're barking up the wrong tree!?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Suddenly, a new member of the Special Steel Squad, 'Shitamachi no Dai Oyabun', Oshiage appeared from the depths of the blizzard, surprising us. The snowmobile came to a sudden halt, and Shibuya asked frothily on her purpose.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"O-O-Oshiage anego! Wh-Wha-Why are ya floating in the air!?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Thought we were going to crash...! Didn't expect you to fly in the sky, anego's rockin' as always!"
Story OshiageSS.png
"I'm the one who should be saying 'ya rock'. Why are ya flying around so high up in the sky like a bird or a winged insect?"
Story OshiageSS.png
"I thought ya'll are flying monsters that's gonna attack me, I was so chilled."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Uhuhu, not a monster ya~? It's Santa~, here here♪"
Oshiage's expressions softened, then got curious watching as Udon Thani was showing off her cute outfit.
Story OshiageSS.png
"What're ya, this kiddo? Friend of yers, Shibuya-chan?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Osu! This is part-timer friend Udon-chan!"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Heeh, that's quite a tasty name♪ Good good, wanna eat some kaminari-okoshi?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I'll have some~! I get hungry when I'm float! Munch munch♪"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Anego~, please don't feed part-timer friend, okay?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Anego?[Shibuya] anego's anego, meaning super anego?"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Ah, I'm a steeplejack from downtown, Oshiage at'cha service. While in the SSS, I'm ya junior methinks."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"You're my junior? Wow, I'm finally the senior I've always want to be...☆"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Aha! Whaat~ an innocent and cute girl 'ere♪"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Isn't that right? She's very popular as our company's mascot character these days! We're planning to make her into merchandise too! The first one is a 'Talking Udon-chan Alarm Clock'!"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Udooon~, Udooon~! I'll let you know when it's six in the morning~!"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Ahaha, like the saying of the samurai that pretends he has eaten well when he has no food, Shibuya-chan's family's rich and noble yet doing a business like that huh."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Well... Normally just being a reeegular delivery person, but now is the time of year for that, so dressed up as Santa."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"This kind of thing is called cosplay, isn't it?"
Story OshiageSS.png
"That's whacha learned from Akibo, innit? ...Thanks fer being good friends with that girl, Shibuya-chan♪"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"It's my pleasure too! Shibuya-chan very happy to be friends with Akiba-chan! She's also been very helpful in teaching all about cosplay and how to have fun at work!"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Oya. Ya look like yer having fun, but yer not too keen on yer job."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Enjoying it now~, but at first it wasn't very motivating."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Honestly, Shibuya-san didn't want to work at all, she had run away from home half of the time and was doing whatever she wanted, so she should at least help out in the family business to show filial piety~ That's what Otou-san said."
Story OshiageSS.png
"Hmm, ya have a lot of things going on beneath your easy-going face, aren'cha? But it's a blessing that yer parents are still alive, so ya should be filial to them at your best."
Come to think of it, Oshiage, you didn't know who your parents were because you suddenly 'appeared' one day in a state where you had lost your memories before your teenage years. In that respect, your position's a bit similar to Udon Thani's.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I see~? So you are also an ancient...?"
Story OshiageSS.png
"I don't think that's funny. I'm just a common street gangsta wandering roun' downtown."
Story OshiageSS.png
"--EACHOOO! Argh, stutard! God dammit!"
Story OshiageSS.png
"I'm gonna catch a cold if I talk in such cold weather. If ya don't mind, ya can come to my foothold after ye've finished your work."
Story OshiageSS.png
"It's because I've something wonderful that makes yer body warm. So, I'd love to have a relaxing chat over tea."
Looking closely, it seems that Osiage, a steeplejack, had dexterously balanced herself on a very high ladder and climbed up to such a high altitude. The fact that she didn't even sway in spite of the blizzard is a true feat of craftsmanship.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Super anego's feet? What are you stand on? Umm~ umm~, it's hard to see because there's so much blizzard~?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"There's still plenty of time left, so if yer're curious, why don't we go and have a look?"
Story OshiageSS.png
"Well, I won't force ya. A child's a wind child, an energetic child, flyin' around as one pleases♪"
After saying this, Oshiage easily climbed down the ladder. She is the very essence of the free wind.
It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting