Event Scenario/Vestiges

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It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Udoooon! Udoooon!"
Ancient Machine
'--Authentication code input successful. Your computer will be activated in guest mode.'
We have inferred that the world is collapsing due to the 'Flowing Ice Age' (tentative name), so naturally we set out to solve this anomaly as the Special Steel Squad. There's only two other people in the team, but we will not give up until the last one falls.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Huff~. This PC - I don't know if you can tell, but this machine seems to be alive, so can check a lot of things."
So called PC, personal computer? I have seen something similar in Dr. Gloria's homeworld. I think it was a machine that could look up all sorts of information.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Yes♪ Ehehe~, [Conductor] knows everything, don't you?"
I don't know everything and I don't know how to handle computers and stuff. I'll leave it to you to operate it, Udon Thani.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I've been entrusted with it~♪"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"But. I've come back to my home, to the super-ancient times, and my memory seems to have returned a little, too--"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I mean. It's like my body remembers how to operate a computer like this, not my head."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"I can't remember who I am and how I came from back in time to the present day with [Conductor] and everyone."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"This computer can only work at minimum, and I don't want you to expect too much from I~?"
Still, it's many times better than us who can't run it at all.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"That's right! No matter who Udon-chan is, it doesn't change the fact that Shibuya-san and the gang love Udon-chan!"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Please be proud and do everything ya can, Udon-chan, Shibuya-san will do the same!"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Yes, anego...♪"
Udon Thani operated the machine while rubbing her cheeks happily, without making Shibuya hug her from behind.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Hmmm~. I knew it, the Internet seems to be completely dead. I mean, um, this machine is not connected to anywhere."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Is it okay to just connect them? Can we just glue it together or something?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It's not that simple as you think~ I mean, um, it seems that this machine can only collect information from this area♪"
Numerous images are displayed on a large display near the machine.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"This is probably the world map of this era."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Hoho, this is very different from the one Shibuya-san knows! The Iris Cloud continent is covered in Mist here and there, but here it looks like it's all ocean!"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"After all, this isn't the era of Shibuya-san's past or something, but a completely different world, isn't it?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"No. This is probably the original Iris Cloud continent."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What do you mean...?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Well, let's see. The land we live on today, the so-called human sphere of existence - Is from here to here."
Udon Thani drew a tiny circle in the corner of the world map.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Here is St. Iris, here is Verforet, here is Nishiki, here is Eisengrad, here is Flamarine -"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ah, ah... Can definitely recognise the topography and the shape of Flamarine's coastline."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Ueeeeh, the area that was supposed to be 'the entire world' was merely such a small corner of land of the real world!?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It seems so~ Maybe modern humans were cornered by the threat of the Phantom Mist - Run away from one end to another."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Eventually, they defined 'our world' as this small area that is not yet covered by the Phantom Mist. I don't know when that was."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"A long time has passed since then, and we have forgotten what the world really looks like."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Well, that doesn't matter now~"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"What the heck do you mean it doesn't matter! Shibuya-san, is rather shocked and is about to faint!?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Please get a hold of yourself~ anego. If we get into a battle or something, anego you are the only one we can rely on."
That's right. We have gained some interesting knowledge, but our immediate goal is to prevent the destruction of the world. Had we had more time, we'd gain knowledge of the lost antiquities, but--.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Right now, we have more important information to gather than that."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Wow... Udon Thani has been unusually reliable since we came to ancient times."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Hmhmhmm~. This is my home ground after all."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Well, you know. I said before that there is no Internet connection, but it seems that local things are still a little bit active."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"D-don't understand you even if you speak in technical terms. Ugh, Akiba-chan would be happy to listen to and understand it right away."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Um. I mean, it seems like we can get real-time information on this area. The images from the surveillance cameras that are still work are being sent to this machine."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It seems that a lot of past footage has also been accumulated, so if we can check that, we might be able to get a lot of information."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"For example, where the Phantom Mist is coming from."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Huh huh. If we can identify the source of the Phantom Mist and destroy it, like the SSS always does--"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"We may be able to solve this incident. This town was probably abandoned long before this time, so we may not be able to remove the cause of this civilisation's demise."
Udon Thani explained. It seems that in this time period, the area around here was destroyed by a 'nuclear winter' or something like that. There are records of that.
What that 'nuclear winter' is, I don't know. It is said that the area was plunged into an ice age and the people could not withstand the cold, could not survive and died out.
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Yes. We can't do anything about that, because that story is already over."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Now there are countless cracks in the sky - Maybe we can find out why the Gates are open."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"At least. If we find out what it is and do something about it, and close the Gates, the worlds and eras outside of here will be saved."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Got it. So we're trying to block the windows and stop the Ice Age from flowing into other worlds, like the present day where Shibuya-san and the gang lived."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Anego smart♪ that's what I'm talk about~, Nice nice nice♪"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Udon-chan, are you actually thinking Shibuya-san is your pet dog instead of a reliable big sister...?"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"It's fine~ if it's Udon-chan or Goshujin that's keeping me."
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Ah! I found a video that looks like that~! I'll show it on the screen!"
Udon Thani's face suddenly turned serious and operated the machine busily. Instantly, a strange image appears on the giant display.
"This is--"
In a city of a super-ancient, ruined civilisation, strange people were walking around. An unidentified group dressed in rags, they march sluggishly and raise their hands to the sky.
Instantly, a crack appeared in the otherwise plain sky.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"These guys...! These guys are the culprits who opened the Gate' in the sky!?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"It seems so! The crime scene was recorded exactly. I don't know why they did it, though."
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Isn't there any sound recorded? They seem to be mumbling something, but can't hear them!"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Uh, umm...? This is just surveillance camera footage, so there are no recorded voices or anything~?"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Ah! But if I analyse the mouth movements and reproduce them with artificially generated voice--"
Right at the moment Udon Thani hurriedly operated the machine, a grating sound echoed from the attached speakers.
Mystery Figure
'......i, o, .........d.'
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
"Oh God! It's so irritating, can't hear anything!"
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"Please wait~! If I make the speaker's face bigger, it'll be easier to read their lip movements and--"
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
The moment Udon Thani adjusted the image and made the speaker's face appear larger on the display - Shibuya stiffened in shock.
Udon Thani
"? What's wrong~, anego?"
"No way, no way, no way."
Where the trembling Shibuya looked, a more unusual scene displayed on the screen. All other people around the whispering person turned to dust and fizzled out.
Mystery Figure
The person on screen looks at them in bewilderment and hung her head. Right afterwards, the hood that had been hiding his face was removed, exposing her true face.
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
"......Do you know this person, anego?"
Mystery Figure
'......i, a--u, oo...'
Story ShibuyaSS2.png
Story Udon ThaniSS.png
Udon Thani
On the screen was a beastkin with the same dog ears and tail as Shibuya - Her face in despair, a synthesised, grating machine voice emitted.
Shibuya's Mother?
'--This world, I must save it.'
It's a Gift for the Holy Night♪ Banner.png
T-1 Santa's Morning is Early
T-2 Holy Night's Delivery Merchant
T-3 Special Steel Academy Swim Club!
T-4 Holy Night's Traffic Accident
T-5 "Welcome Back"
T-6 Fafrotskies
T-7 The Sound of a World Breaking
T-8 Vestiges
T-9 Finally, I Caught Up With You
T-10 I'm Tired of Waiting