Event Scenario/Hideaway in the Crevice

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Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou
Sitting seiza-style, Shimoamazu made tea for everyone in beautiful gestures. When I received my cup, I felt like I was finally free of tension.
Since then, we had managed to escape the crumbling ground and the rain of arrows, and after breaking through many more traps, we finally arrived at this tea room.
As Shimoamazu had predicted, the tea room had originally been designed to be prank-free, so it seemed safe for now, even in this otherworld realm.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Don't worry, I brought my own tea."
Story Yoshino.png
"Very good tea, Shimoamazu, thank you. It's a good base."
Yoshino originally said 結構なおてもとです (Kekkōna ote motodesu).
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Good service, you mean. Come, Maki, come here and take a break."
Shimoamazu corrected her mistake, おてまえ、ね (Ote mae, ne).
Story Maki.png
"Don't worry, Maki is not tired. On alert now."
Story Yoshino.png
"Maki, you are very angry."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"She can't forgive my Haha's mischief being insulted like that. She has seen them more than anyone else."
Story Maki.png
"Correct. Shishou's pranks are loving pranks. She never hurts anyone. Maki likes Shishou's pranks. That's why the fake one we just saw cannot be tolerated. Furious."
Story Maki.png
"Shishou always makes everyone smile, and has made Maki smile many times. Savior. Maki owes her everything. Will follow her for the rest of my life. Savior."
Saying this, Maki continued to watch outside the tea room. She is usually quiet and rarely speaks much. The only exception to this is when she talks about her master, Shimoamazu the first.
Maki used to live in place called Kijinga Castle, in a mountain not far from Mt. Ooe. It was in a mountain where, long ago, those who take part in the 'Kijin Hunt' had casted a sorcery that attracted Phantom Mist and monsters.
The sorcery was very special, which suppressed evil spirits only as long as the blood clan of the castle's lord were inside the boundary. Once the blood clan were gone, a thick Phantom Mist was formed to swallow the mountain instantly. Maki was the last of the castle lord's blood clan.
Of course, at first she had her other family members and followers. But when her parents disappeared down the mountain in search for a fiancée for Maki, the followers who had gone to find them also disappeared, leaving her all alone.
She must have wished many times that she could have gone to look for her parents. But Maki was determined to stay behind and protect the castle. Words cannot express how ferocious it must have been for her to make that decision at such a young age.
Story Maki.png
"Someday Maki was all alone. All that could be done was wait and rot away in the mountains surrounded by Phantom Mist. But Shishou came and took Maki out."
Story Maki.png
"To the outside world. A landscape never seen before. So many people. The free sky. Shishou gave Maki so much."
Story Maki.png
"This favour can never be repaid even if my whole life is spent. So this will be repaid as much as possible throughout my life. Above all, Maki loves my Shishou."
Story Yoshino.png
"Haha Amazu, is so cool."
Story Maki.png
"Agreed. She's cool. Also, she's very cute. I'd like to pointo that out."
Story Yoshino.png
"Understand how cute she is, and Yoshino has had eyes on Haha Amazu for a while."
Story Maki.png
"Understanding person. Yoshino, understands. Former raibaru, but now colleagues!"
Story Yoshino.png
"And now, we're friends. And soulmates as well."
Story Maki.png
"Soulmates. This is Maki's first time. Raibaru to colleagues to friends...!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes. Sometimes we fight over Haha Amazu, and sometimes we laugh together."
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan, listen, Maki, made a friend. A soulmate! Perhaps my first!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yes, I heard that. I'm so happy for you."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"But me and the other Big Four weren't soulmates to you, were we?"
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan is Shishou's musume, and to Maki you are the same as Shishou. You are so 'special' that you cannot be compared to others. The Ooe Big Four are friends that I respect."
Story Maki.png
"M-My apologise if I hurt you. Forgive me."
Story Shimoamazu.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You didn't mean to hurt me, don't worry. I'm glad. Thank you, Maki."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"By the way, what are you grinning about, Conductor-san?"
I thought about teasing you a little, but it turned out to be the opposite, Maki took one over on me.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"What a bother, you're quite mean, aren't you, Conductor-san?"
Story Maki.png
"Conductor is mean. Remember that."
No, please don't remember... Because that information is wrong.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Now then, it's time for us to depart. Once we leave the tea room, be on the lookout for traps."
Story Yoshino.png
"That's all right then. Yoshino, is already confident on spotting the traps."
Story Maki.png
"Yoshino, is that true?"
Story Yoshino.png
"When we ran away together earlier, found some places on the floor where the rain of arrows were triggered. That's how the quirks of the trap are spotted."
Story Maki.png
"Oooh, as expected of Yoshino who can think like my Shishou."
Story Yoshino.png
"So next time, Yoshino will take the lead."
--I see, sounankai...
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That voice..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I see, so you've been overhearing us all along from somewhere, the lord of this otherworld realm."
Story Maki.png
"The lord of this otherworld realm, you will come out. Your blasphemy against my Shishou's mischiefs, Maki will not allow it...!"
Maki looked around the tea room, ready to fight. However, the supposed lord of this otherworld realm did not react in any way.
But then. Instead of a reply, something was altered in this otherworld realm. Everything I saw was distorted, and the outlines of everything rapidly blur. Along with this, my sense of what's up and down also disappeared.
And then everything mixed together, like milk in a cup of tea -
The world completely changed.
Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou