Event Scenario/Lord of the Otherworld Realm

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Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou
An otherworld realm suddenly appeared in the First Shimoamazu no Iwato as a result of an accident. There were fears that it might cause damage to our reality, but according to Shimoamazu the First, this is of 'rare frequency', and every time it appears, she takes care of it.
This time, however, it was Maki, her apprentice's wish not to bother her master, so she decided to handle it. So Yoshino, Shimoamazu and I decided to help her, but the realm inside was more dangerous than we had expected.
Even so, we all managed to work well together and made it deep inside. However, the lord of the otherworld realm, who seemed to have overheard our conversation, transformed this otherworld realm from the Iwato into something else in order to eliminate us.
Story Yoshino.png
"The place this time is... Some kind of familiar mansion."
Story Maki.png
"Very similar. Ooenomiya-sama's mansion. Very similar, except there's something wrong with the outside of the window."
Story Yoshino.png
"Various buildings are floating in the air. It's like an otherworld realm."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I see, so you were even peeping into MY Shishou's house. That makes it even more unforgivable."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"However, I can't deny the feeling that our march so far has been in vain. We were only halfway to the point where we expected to find the source of this incident."
Story Yoshino.png
"But it's easier to move this way. Above all, Shimoamazu is the most knowledgeable person here."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That's true. There is nothing in this house that I don't know. I'm sure even my Shishou can't find that 'Aru Aru' secret place, which I mentioned once when I drank too much."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh, the mastermind behind Ooenomiya's mansion..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Please don't say unnecessary things. It's just that everyone doesn't have much interest in anything outside their own sphere of life."
Story Maki.png
"Amanohashidate is interested in everything."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Indeed. That big girl knows all about the mansion second to me."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"By the way, Maki, you've been watching a lot too."
Story Maki.png
"Shishou is cute, but so is Shi-chan. Maki went to see Shi-chan once a day. So learned a lot. Daily accumulation."
Story Yoshino.png
"A very bold confession in front of the person in question. For some reason, even Yoshino's uneasy."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Please don't express out my feelings indirectly."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Maki, if you, who didn't go near the mansion that much, were that observant, then can you tell which room my Haha used when she lived in the mansion?"
Story Maki.png
"Of course. When observing her, Ooenomiya-sama told me about it. Since then, Maki has been allowed to clean that room regularly."
Story Maki.png
"Could it be that that is where the master of this otherworld realm resides?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Those who mimic these real-life locations often do it in places that are considered special even in real life. My haha's room is the most suspicious. My shishou's room is next."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"So if we get separated, go to my haha's room first."
Story Maki.png
"My Shishou's room is just around the corner. There's no way we can get separated from--"
Story Maki.png
"Careful. Something is coming from above."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Kya, Kya. Everyone enjoyed the course. Let me know what you think!"
Story Maki.png
Story Maki.png
Story Maki.png
"Wrong. You're not my Shishou. This is not the course. In addition, my Shishou would not ask such a thing during the middle of a course."
Story Yoshino.png
"That's right. If this were a surprise, Haha Amazu will pop in from more interesting locations."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"As her musume, as Shimoamazu the Second, there is no way I would mistake my haha for you."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"Kya, Kya♪"
Story Maki.png
"Phony, hold it right there!"
The likely fake Shimoamazu the First ran away, ignoring Maki's voice to stop. Its speed is so fast that to the untrained eye it looks no different from the real thing.
Fake Shimoamazu the First then suddenly disappeared in the middle of its escape, and next it appeared right next to us.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"Shi-chan, believe me. Haha is real. Hug me."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"No, you are a fake. My haha never asks me to hug her every time."
Shimoamazu uttered coldly. Then the fake Shimoamazu the First ran away again, disappeared around a corner and reappeared beside us.
Each time, however, the three of them spot that it is a fake without pause.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"Everyone, this is really a sideshow. This is the finale."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"The culprit, I saw it over there. Found it!"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"If you don't believe me, Haha, sad. Sadness."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"How interesting! Haha's in the mix! Which one is the real one? Kya kya♪"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
"The Iwato collapsed in the real world. Escape quickly!"
Story Maki.png
"Extremely angry, Maki will never forgive. Will get it next time."
Story Maki.png
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I?
The fake dodged Maki's attack just barely.
I knew it, after I observed all this, even an amateur like me can know in battle. The original Shimoamazu the First will easily avoide that. Above all, its tone is no longer that of Shimoamazu the First.
Its transformation lifted and the master of the otherworld realm appeared. It was a yokai wearing a kasaya.
Story Sounankai.png
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"Tch... The transformation of this Sounankai should have been perfect. I thought I had learnt that I could get rid of any intruders this way."
Story Maki.png
"Not perfect. You didn't look alike at all. All of them are fake. Now, prepare yourself!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I'm sorry about your cool moment, but there was exactly one real Haha among all the fakes you just saw."
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan, is it true?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yes. The only one who was amused was my Haha. She probably only sent her thought-double here using sorcery."
Story Yoshino.png
"Donmai, Maki."
Story Maki.png
"Sh-Shishou is far beyond Maki's imagination. A novice deshi like me can't see it yet."
Maki, completely flustered, made up an excuse for the fact that she had said all of them is fake. As expected of Shimoamazu the First, she never misses a chance to prank even at a time like this...
Story Maki.png
"A-Anyway, the fake was exposed. Called itself Sounankai. Will not forgive you for insulting my Shishou. Prepared myself this time!"
Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou