Event Scenario/The Oath to Shishou

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Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou
Sounankai learns and nullifies all attacks from us.
But Maki, Shimoamazu and Yoshino all still had their hidden arts and sorceries. That's why we were able to hunt it down until the very end, as we had done before.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Now. Conductor, Iron Injection!"
Story Sounankai.png
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"I can read you. What that man there is trying to do is amplify magic power, right? Pfhaha, do you think lesser spells will work on me who have learnt Shimoamazu the First's counting curses! I won't even let you amplify it first!"
Sounankai's attack hit me. But--
Story Yoshino.png
"Too bad, that's a Super Shashou-kun Doll made by sorcery."
Story Sounankai.png
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"What!? Then where is that man...!"
Sounankai looked around in a panic. But we're already in position and ready to go. Maki, are you ready?
Story Maki.png
"Don't worry. Maki is always ready."
Unleash the Barrier.jpg
Maki nodded, her back turned. I placed my hand on her shoulders and activates the Iron Injection.
"Oh, this is the first time Maki had such an overflow of magical power. Can produce as much power as Shi-chan now."
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"Don't tell me you're a sorceress!? You haven't used it all this time!"
"Ara, Maki is Shimoamazu the First's deshi. Of course she can use magic."
"I'm better at fighting with weapons, so that's what I did."
"Now, I'm going to deploy barriers from both sides, Maki, so don't hesitate to come at me with all your might!"
"Acknowledged. Maki will do the best to use sorceries."
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"I didn't expect two people to use spells together...!"
"Unfortunately, you are incorrect. The correct answer was that it took three people."
"So leave it to Yoshino to connect barriers to barriers."
Yoshino connects the wards that Shimoamazu and Maki unleashed from both sides. Sounankai is then trapped inside a single sphere created in this way.
It might have been impossible with the magic of one person, but with the magic of four people gathered together, it seemed that Sounankai would not be able to escape.
When I heard that Maki had come up with a plan, at first I thought I was going to inject my power into Shimoamazu. But now I see, this would give us three very powerful sorceresses. It's a great strategy.
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"Graaah, what power. But this time I have time to get my notes out. If I learn now th-"
Ikai Youkai · Sounankai
"No, the power of the seal is so strong I can't even hold my brush....! Tch it, I don't want to come this far and be seaaaaled!"
Right at the moment it cried, the three has completed the barrier they've created. The spherical barrier flashed one bright light, and then vanished, as if to send the Sounankai sealed inside it back into some other realm.
Story Maki.png
"It's done...!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It worked this time."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's all thanks to the great leadership of director Maki."
Maki and the other girls hugging each other and rejoiced. Shimoamazu the First rushed to them and dived into the middle of the three without hesitation.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Brilliant! Excellent moves by all three of you! Perfect coordination! Happy as Haha! Happy as Shishou too!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Good grief, you're more excited than anyone else."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's like we're carrying a portable Haha Amazu shrine."
Story Maki.png
"Shishou, you're so cute."
The four joyful voices echoed on the summit of Nishiki.
Thus, the otherworld realm incident that had hit Iwato came to an end.
That same day, Mount Ooe was crowded with many tourists.
On the first day of the Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour, I heard that the queue stretched all the way to the foot of the mountain.
Story Ooenomiya.png
"Yeah spectacular ees exactly wat I'd cwall eet. I didn't eshxpect so many people to visit Mt. Ooe. I'm sho happpy! It's a grate theeng to be happy aboot!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Shishou, it's a day for celebrations, but you don't intend to get drunk so early, do you?"
Story Ooenomiya.png
"It's a day for ceweblrations, dat's why we dreenk. Cammon, Shemoamazoo, coma long."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It seems that you won't listen to me. Then I will invoke that, Sleeping Kijin sorcery."
Story Ooenomiya.png
"Kukuku, dat thymed sorchery, todaay's achtivation thyme shwould have been shet a little furrtherr in advanse."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"No. I expected this coming, so I set the activation time earlier. 'I can't have any misbehaviour on this auspicious day, you must stop me.' That's what you said, shishou, so please don't be offended."
Story Ooenomiya.png
"I nevah sayed that! I will nawt schleep TODAY! Sleep..."
Story Ooenomiya.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Now, I have to carry you to the futon... Yoshino, sorry but can you hold my shishou's legs for me?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ryoukai. But still, Shimoamazu, you're too good at this."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"If you do it every time, you'll get used to it. Good grief, my shishou's very troublesome."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"By the way, where is Maki who said she would help with the reception? It's almost time to start."
Story Yoshino.png
"Maki was summoned by Haha Amazu to help with the Iwato preparations, that's what she said."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Who is in charge of the reception then? Karakawa and Futamata are not here because they are in charge of other events. Is it possible that there is no one at the reception now?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Amanohashidate took over the reception desk for her."
Shimoamazu was so surprised to hear these words that she unintentionally dropped Ooenomiya's armpits from her hands.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"No way, of course it's impossible for Amano to be a receptionist. It must be chaos by now. We have to get there as soon as possible."
Story Yoshino.png
"Nee, Shimoamazu, where's Shishou who was on your hands earlier?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Oh, right. Oh gosh, I'm so busy..."
Story Ooenomiya.png
"Mgh... Shimoamazu, the futon is very hard today..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I'm definitely not allowed to say 'Aru Aru' for a while."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Come here, Maki, come here!"
Story Maki.png
"Shishou. The tour has already started. But we have to go on an errand?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Yes, a big deal! A very big deal! I even made a Supesharu Course!"
Story Maki.png
"Understood. As expected of my Shishou. Do you want to open this up to tourists too?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"No. This is Maki's course, I made it for you!"
Story Maki.png
"For Maki..."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Yes, Very confident about it. The very first that's made with physical tricks, not sorcery. So Maki can see through it. Come in, come in!"
Story Maki.png
"Very honoured, Maki is a fruitful person. Will experience the course created by my Shishou."
As recommended by Shimoamazu the First, Maki went through the entrance of the Supesharu Course.
Looking at the course, it's set up with obvious prank devices. It was rather more obvious than the beginner's course.
Story Maki.png
"Maki always falls for my Shishou's tricks. So you prepared something easy to understand? Thanks to Shishou's kindness, Maki will learn how to recognise the pranks perfectly here today."
Story Maki.png
"So take a deep breath. And charge. Here we go!"
Story Maki.png
"I see. You are showing me a bit of birdlime. I took it as a message from Shishou to watch carefully."
Story Maki.png
"Thank you. Now, step across the bird lime--"
As Maki stepped on the floor to avoid the obvious bird lime, she thought she heard a click from somewhere. And the next moment, chalk dust rained down on her head.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"You fell for it! Brilliant bait, Shishou's victory! Kya, Kya♪"
Story Maki.png
"I didn't think there was such a trap..."
Seeing Maki covered in powder, Shimoamazu the First jumped happily.
Story Maki.png
"Shishou, you're so cute."
Maki loves her master's carefree smile. As long as she can see it, she even feels like she doesn't have to see through the pranks.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Report ahead. No deliberately falling for it. Exit at all costs. This is a course for Maki."
Story Maki.png
"Amazing. Shishou, you know everything, Maki reflects. Going to give it my all."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Yes! That's what Shishou wants, Maki's development is beyond this course♪"
Story Maki.png
"Understood, will show Shishou Maki's growth."
Maki believes her mentor's words and gave her all.
Eventually she realised. Halfway through, this is really a training for sorcery.
Ah, Shishou's so wonderful. I wish this time could last forever.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Almost there! Go on, go on♪"
Tomorrow I'll be back on duty with the SSS, so we'll be away from each other. Time doesn't last forever. That's why I have to show a little growth, a desire to grow. With this in her mind, Maki ran through her short time with her mentor as fast as she could.
Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou