Event Scenario/The Iwato Like None Other

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Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou
Shimoamazu the First created a high difficulty course for sorceresses, made for sightseeing tours.
Even Shimoamazu and Yoshino, who boasted the best skills in the Special Steel Squad, were not able to easily get through the Spartan-style contents for sorceresses, such as rock giants and numerous traps in the power-absorbing space.
And just when they thought they had managed to break through - An otherworld realm suddenly appeared, that even the original Shimoamazu did not know about.
So her apprentice Maki offered to jump into the otherworld herself and strike the source of the problem, in order to protect the course created by her teacher.
Story Maki.png
"Arrival in the otherworld realm."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's similar to Haha Amazu no Iwato. However, imagined a place where the space was more distorted."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It must have existed near the Iwato for a long time, so the master of this otherworld must have imitated and created it."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"But it's not a space that sucks our power like before. Instead, it has a disastrous atmosphere."
Story Maki.png
"Be careful. And make sure everyone is following each other. We don't know what's out there. Vigilance is recommended."
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan, Yoshino and Conductor too will come behind Maki. Maki will protect everyone."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You don't have to take all this responsibility so much, Maki, we can all go forward together."
Story Maki.png
"But it was Maki who said she was going to jump in here, and got you all all into this. Will take responsibility."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You don't have to worry about that. Even if you didn't bring it up, someone else would. See, Maki, don't hang around by yourself so much."
Story Maki.png
"Maki is a kijin. Has a stronger body than everyone else. Hence good at scouting. Leave this to me."
Story Maki.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"What's wrong, Maki? You suddenly stopped and your body's trembling."
Story Maki.png
"My leg is caught in birdlime, Maki can't move. Shi-chan, help me."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That's why I told you not to wander around. How bothersome."
Story Maki.png
"Got it. Shi-chan, thank you. Maki will never forget this favour for the rest of my life. Appreciated."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You don't need to remember something like this for the rest of your life. Just be careful next time and -"
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan, help me..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh, there's another birdlime just past one birdlime."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Why are you falling for the same prank again just after I told you...? "
Story Maki.png
"Thank you. Shi-chan is kind. Maki will never forget this favour for the rest of my life. Appreciated."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Don't be thankful, be sorry instead."
Story Maki.png
"Understand. Maki will reflect."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"By the way, this prank looks just like what my haha's."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino was thinking the same thing too. Maybe the construction of this realm, the tricks, everything, is the same as Haha Amazu no Iwato."
Story Yoshino.png
"If that's the case, then there must be some prank devices here too."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Oh my, it's true. Yoshino, how did you know it was there? No matter how many of the same tricks as my haha's Iwato are here, this realm has nothing to do with sorcery, so it shouldn't be detectable."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino also loves pranks. Just reading Haha Amazu's thoughts."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You think like my haha when it comes to pranks. Next time I will be more cautious when approaching you."
Story Yoshino.png
"Fuffuffu. When you think like that, you are already caught into the trap."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"...That certainly sounds similar."
Story Maki.png
"Yoshino, can you think the same thoughts as my Shishou?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Confident enough that we are the same when it comes to pranks."
Story Maki.png
"Maki, was always by Shishou's side. Yet always fell for her new pranks, and Maki doesn't have the talent to see through them."
Story Maki.png
"But one day my Shishou's thoughts will be understood. Maki cannot lose to Yoshino, Yoshino is my 'raibaru'. A duel."
Story Yoshino.png
"Now that you said we are rivals, must work hard not to lose. Will accept that challenge."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"What on earth are you two trying to win? Find the source of the problem sooner rather than later. Yoshino, take the lead if you can spot prank devices."
Story Yoshino.png
"Sure thing. The objective now is to close this space. Maki, let's not duel."
Story Maki.png
"Understand. We need Yoshino's help now. The duel will be postponed. Will look forward to that time."
Maki and Yoshino, now rivals, shook hands, when.
For a brief moment, I was struck by a sensation as if the outlines of the world had blurred.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That was..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Listen, everyone. It looks like the prank devices has been rearranged now."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You know exactly what I mean. I don't think that's something you can detect, considering my haha's thoughts, do you?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Was just curious, so took the plunge and stepped onto the prank in front of us now."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I see, so you have confirmed with your own eyes that the prank devices that should have been there is gone."
Story Yoshino.png
"Un. And together with the disappearance of the remains of the birdlime that Maki stepped on earlier, Yoshino was convinced that the location of the pranks had changed."
Story Yoshino.png
"But we're in trouble. If it's not arrangement's by Haha Amazu's idea, it's not so easy to spot the location of the pranks."
Story Maki.png
"But in the end, they are pranks. If it's the same ones as my Shishou's, it won't hurt people."
Story Maki.png
"Most things startle them. Sometimes can't move for a little while. That's about it. Hence don't mind stepping on it; Maki move."
Just as Maki took a step forward, an arrow shot out from the wall towards her.
Story Shimoamazu.png
Story Maki.png
"It's okay, Shi-chan. Was surprised, but this much is dodgable."
Story Maki.png
"But it's not what we talked about. Unexpected. There is no such danger in Shishou's pranks. Was wrong."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Looks like I should change my perception. This place is similar to my haha's Iwato, but it is a completely different otherworld realm. If we assumed it's the same, we're going to be in for a world of pain."
Story Maki.png
"Furious. This is no prank anymore."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It certainly can't be a prank if it goes this far. My oka-sama will be sad when she sees it."
Story Maki.png
"Agreed. Would never show it to my Shishou."
Story Yoshino.png
"Both of you, chotto chotto."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"What's the matter, Yoshino? Can the pranks - No, can the trap locations be figured out?"
Story Yoshino.png
"About that, we're in a situation where we can't say that anymore. Take a look over there."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"The floor is collapsing rapidly."
Story Maki.png
"Collapsing. If it continues like this, Maki and the others will be on the edge of the abyss."
Story Yoshino.png
"Hence don't know where the traps are, but likely we have to run through all of them."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I guess so. We don't have time to think about it, let's go."
Story Maki.png
"Shi-chan, when you say go, where are we going?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Let's head for the tea room. It's a room that was originally free of pranks, so it should be somewhat better than here. Conductor-san, I'll protect you, so don't stop and dash straight through."
Roger that!
Just behind us as we started running, the floor collapsed thunderously.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"And the arrow trap from earlier is reactivated too. What a malevolent trap."
Shimoamazu muttered, sounding disgusted.
Facing the oncoming collapse and the rain of arrows. The combo of these ridiculous traps, which were only possible in an otherworld realm, had us running frantically, hoping that none of us would be injured.
Revival! Shimoamazu no Iwato Tour Banner.png
R-1 Nishiki's Mysterious Discovery
R-2 Shimoamazu I's Specialized Course
R-3 Course for Sorceresses
R-4 The Iwato Like None Other
R-5 Hideaway in the Crevice
R-6 Lord of the Otherworld Realm
R-7 The Learning Sounankai
R-8 And the Interrupted Counting Curse
R-9 Eternal Maki's Tale
R-10 The Oath to Shishou