Event Scenario/Noon Intermission ③

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Opening! The Athletic Meet of Five Countries Banner.png
S-1 Opening Ceremony S-2 The First Event ①
S-3 The First Event ② S-4 The First Event ③
S-5 The Second Event ① S-6 The Second Event ②
S-7 The Second Event ③ S-8 Noon Intermission ①
S-9 Noon Intermission ② S-10 Noon Intermission ③
S-11 The Third Event ① S-12 The Third Event ②
S-13 The Third Event ③ S-14 The Fourth Event ①
S-15 The Fourth Event ② S-16 The Fourth Event ③
S-17 Pre-Standings ① S-18 Pre-Standings ②
S-19 Pre-Standings ③ S-20 Closing Ceremony
Those Who Work in the Shadows.jpg
"Oh, there they are. Those twerps from the SSS, they're all here on the ground. Now is our chance."
"Hey petite Fréthun, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Of course, Ville, there's no way we can back down after coming this far."
"But but but there are so many SSS troops here. If they find out that we of the Mistism have infiltrated, we'll be in trouble."
"There's no point in being scared. If we're doing it, we're doing it."
"That's right. We've come this far, we're just going to push on."
"Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, I, who have mastered the art of fighting and reached the height of sorcery, will handle it."
"Ah, petite Fréthun, you have a lil' cowlick theeere~♪"
"Oh no, and I've just finished trimming it! Get it off, Ville!"
"...... Listen to what others are saying."
"So sorry petite Choushi, Fréthun had a cowlick."
"I was trying to pose and look cool too..."
"Well, whatever. Anyway, I wasn't told the specifics, but how do you plan to damage the SSS?"
"Héhéhéh. I'm going to mess up their athletic meet."
"Apparently, this athletic meet is also meant to showcase the SSS to the world. So if we mess up this competition......"
"The credibility of the SSS goes down the drain, is that it? Well done. Then, we will attack the weakened SSS and wipe them out all at once."
"Hmm......? That doesn't sound right?"
"I didn't think it would turn out that bad but..."
"Don't do this, Choushi. If you do something bad, karma will come back to you one day, okay?"
"It's you who told us you would ruin the athletic meet though!?"
"If they figured out that it's us Mistics that caused the mess, they would think that it would be troublesome if they got involved, and they'll avoid us, right?
"That's what I had in mind, but... that turns me off."
"It's not nice to be told this much right after I complimented you on your strategy..."
"Come on, calm down, calm down. Right, let's have a cup of tea and take a break, shall we?"
"You forgot we're in the middle of hostile territory."
"Oh, that reminds me. Everyone's having so much fun at the athletic meet, I'm in the mood for lunch too~"
"Blah, do you know what's nervousness!?"
"Okay? Now that they're on guard duty, we have a chance. So we'll move on to the operation right away."
"Fréthun, this is just an action to avoid bloodshed between us, right?"
"Yes, it is. If we disrupt the SSS, we already won. So we don't have to think about striking the weak ones afterwards."
"Okay. I've left the strategy decision to you, so why don't we follow it?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Suspicious people. I don't know these people."
Story Choushi.png
"Oh no, we've been fou――"
Story Choushi.png
"Oh it's just a child..."
Story Fréthun.png
"Oh no, I think she couldn't find her maman."
Story Ville.png
"Poor girl...... Don't worry, little girl. I'll be your big sister now and will take you to your maman."
Story Choushi.png
"You'll be caught if you go to the ground."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"I don't know you. Are you bad people?"
Story Fréthun.png
"N-n-no, we are not bad people. We're playing tag... Oui, and we're in the middle of a game of tag! Wow! If we go to the ground, the Oni will catch us!"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Games! It's fun to play♪"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"But I don't like Oni. If we're going to play, play something else."
Story Fréthun.png
"Well then, let's play a running game! Yes, little girl, can we run to the ground?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Plenty of time! Run faster than a bear!"
Story Fréthun.png
"Eh, I did not expect that kind of speed..."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Found Shi-chan! Running and charging!"
Story Choushi.png
"Good. She went somewhere on her own."
Story Fréthun.png
"Looks like she weren't lost after all."
Story Ville.png
"That's a relief. Welp, let's go back then?"
Story Fréthun.png
"Don't try to go back in the dark though."
Story Ville.png
"Well, I'm starting to get a little scared~"
Story Ville.png
"Ugh, but Fréthun is doing her best. I'll do my best as a big sister too."
Story Choushi.png
"I'm sure the three of us will make it."
Story Fréthun.png
"Right, now let's start the mission to ruin the great athletic meet!"
Opening! The Athletic Meet of Five Countries Banner.png
S-1 Opening Ceremony S-2 The First Event ①
S-3 The First Event ② S-4 The First Event ③
S-5 The Second Event ① S-6 The Second Event ②
S-7 The Second Event ③ S-8 Noon Intermission ①
S-9 Noon Intermission ② S-10 Noon Intermission ③
S-11 The Third Event ① S-12 The Third Event ②
S-13 The Third Event ③ S-14 The Fourth Event ①
S-15 The Fourth Event ② S-16 The Fourth Event ③
S-17 Pre-Standings ① S-18 Pre-Standings ②
S-19 Pre-Standings ③ S-20 Closing Ceremony