Event Scenario/The Second Event ③

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Opening! The Athletic Meet of Five Countries Banner.png
S-1 Opening Ceremony S-2 The First Event ①
S-3 The First Event ② S-4 The First Event ③
S-5 The Second Event ① S-6 The Second Event ②
S-7 The Second Event ③ S-8 Noon Intermission ①
S-9 Noon Intermission ② S-10 Noon Intermission ③
S-11 The Third Event ① S-12 The Third Event ②
S-13 The Third Event ③ S-14 The Fourth Event ①
S-15 The Fourth Event ② S-16 The Fourth Event ③
S-17 Pre-Standings ① S-18 Pre-Standings ②
S-19 Pre-Standings ③ S-20 Closing Ceremony
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"Five Nations Athletic Meet ―― Second event, Try at a Lawn!"
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"The original triathlon, like a full marathon, is a long-distance swim and a bicycle race all in one, a reaaaally~ grueling event!"
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"This Try at a Lawn is different! First of all, competitors are sent to either the 'sea course' or the 'desert course' no!"
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"They have to complete either of these courses within a time limit! In the end, the number of people who completed the route, the time it took, and the cuteness of the athletes――"
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"The judges will give you a score based on all these things no! Easy, isn't it♪"
Story ZouératSP.png
"Before that, why is Your Majesty acting like a commentator instead of competing?"
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"Normally this time, I'm helping out with the financial side of this event as the organizer. For that reason, I'm exempt from competing as an athlete no."
Story Puerto RicoSP.png
Puerto Rico
"Besides. In the case of this event, it would be too unfair for me, who has Mermaid's Blood, to compete."
Story ZouératSP.png
"I heard that Her Majesty can breathe underwater... But, umm~ I'm a desert native, so I had an advantage."
Story ZouératSP.png
"Yet I'm being sent to the sea course of all things... I'm too lucky in the lottery today."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Nu-uh. On the contrary, you might literally be the luckiest person today."
Story ZouératSP.png
"Huh? What do you mean...?"
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Hey, after seeing Zouéy's performance in the first event (heh), I was a bit curious――"
Story ZouératSP.png
"St-Stop laughing like that! That's mean!"
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Fair enough, I'm a sadist and I love to be mean to others. This is not part of that kind of play though, it's just an honest question or impression."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Hey, Zouéy..."
Story ZouératSP.png
"Hey, what is it? Your face is too close. Please move away from me."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Don't be so defensive. You can interact with inorganic objects and transform and manipulate them at will, can't you?"
Story ZouératSP.png
"Huh... That's the ability of the ancient weapon Ruh that I have in me, though."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Aren't you able use that ability to build a ship that we can sail on?"
Story ZouératSP.png
"Umm? Hmm, I can build a boat, but ―― As I said in the first event, I work with steel, so it will rust in the sea."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"So what? It's true that a golem, which is based on the structure of the human body, will be unable to move if its joints rust."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"However. What is rust in the first place?"
Story ZouératSP.png
"Huh? Are you trying to riddle me? This is not the time for jokes――"
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"It's just a matter of chemistry, my little serious honours student... Rusting means that iron oxidises, right?"
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Hey, isn't iron oxide, which is created when iron and oxygen corrodes, also an inorganic substance you can manipulate?"
Story ZouératSP.png
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"Because I saw you panicking during the first round without even thinking about that ―― I laughed out loud."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"It's a disaster for the girl you were paired with in the first event. You didn't know what you could do, and she was forced to pair up with an unfortunate child who only whined with teary eyes."
Story ZouératSP.png
(Ugh. Ah, Miss Ayala――)
Story ZouératSP.png
(That's true. She didn't fail at anything. She encouraged me when I was shy and showed me how she came up with her own way――)
Story ZouératSP.png
(And she did everything she could to compete, and she didn't even blame me for failing!)
Story ZouératSP.png
(I was! I put such a kind and good person to shame... She's a cheerful Flamarinian who doesn't feel ashamed of my shame!)
Story ZouératSP.png
(In the first event, If only I'd been more confident and done the best I could...!)
Story ZouératSP.png
(Maybe we could have won by a landslide and made her smile even more?)
Story ZouératSP.png
(No! This is no time for regrets! What I can do now is――)
Unfortunate Friendship.jpg
"Miss Khajuraho! I heard that most of the Train Knights are competing in the second event, and I'm sure Ayala is there somewhere!"
"Let's search and find her! That person is an expert in shipbuilding and ship handling! Learning from that person, I will build a ship made of iron oxide that will run at lightning speed!"
"Then we are sure to win the second category! The sea is the stage and we Flamarinians cannot lose!"
"Aha. You've got a nice face, I want to tease you......♪"
"However. I'll be serious with you now. Um, we just have to find Ayala, right?"
"Leave it to me. I am a human body professional. I can remember and trace the bodily fluids, odours and everything about the people I meet."
"Disgusting... That ability, so disgustiiiiiing."
"――But it helps now."
"Let's work seriously together and win, Khajuraho!"
"Mhm... Ahah, I wasn't going to have a family-friendly athletic meet."
"I too, am having a bit of fun......♪"
Story Islington.png
"Well here we are at Try at a Lawn, all contestants are at the GOOO~~~~AL!"
Story Islington.png
"That's a great result. I can't believe Flamarine..."
Story Islington.png
"I can't believe they started so slow!"
Story PaddingtonS.png
"Some of them were looking for pairs after the start, and some of them started eating snacks, calling it a strategy meeting."
Story Islington.png
"That generosity is what makes Flamarine so great. But this is just a competition! Unfortunately, they are so far behind across the board and are at last place!"
Story Islington.png
"However, this does not confirm the result! This Try at a Lawn still has the jury's Fighting Spirit Awardーーー!"
Story PaddingtonS.png
"This Fighting Spirit Award is given to the team that does enough to impress the judges during the competition to receive 100 points!"
Story Islington.png
"Maybe a big upset can happen! So girls, don't give up hope, okay~?"
Story PaddingtonS.png
"So first of all, I would like to ask Lady Kingston which team will win the Fighting Spirit Award!"
Story Kingston.png
"The team that struck me the most ―― Flamarine team, the way they all tried to unite under the command of Her Majesty Puerto Rico was like no other team! "
Story Kingston.png
"A great example of visible results is contestant Zouérat and contestant Khajuraho. The girls worked well with each other and built a great boat."
Story Kensington.png
"It was amazing how quickly contestant Khajuraho was able to find contestant Ayala. I would like to personally ask her the next time to share her secrets to finding people."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"If you want to know, I'll tell you anytime you know...? In fact, I can even tell you here and now......♪"
Story Kensington.png
"That's a great offer. But we are in the middle of scoring, so by all means, please tell us later."
Story Islington.png
"Oh uh, I don't think you should ask her to teach you......"
Story Kingston.png
"That's a great display of bravado from contestant Khajuraho. That's probably why the boat the girls have built also had such an imposing appearance, despite the rusty iron."
Story Kensington.png
"What exactly was the power source?"
Story Kingston.png
"After contestant Khajuraho disappeared into the cabin with contestant Ayala, the ship was seen to rock violently. That must be where the secret of the power source lies."
Story Kensington.png
"I agree, dear sister. I think that the rocking of the ship as if it were coming to life symbolizes the very passion of Flamarine."
Story KhajurahoSP.png
"The ship's secret is simple. That was me fuc......"
Story Islington.png
"Uh the ship is powered by contestant Zouérat's ability! Wow! Flamarine indeed has an amazing group of contestants as we can see!"
Story Islington.png
"Yes Miss Kingston, thank you very much! So, 100 points added to the Flamarine team~~~!"
Story PaddingtonS.png
"Next will be Lady Kensington, please!"
Story Kensington.png
"I would have to say the Verforet team. I was particularly impressed with contestant Messina's team setting up the relief tent in the desert."
Story Kingston.png
"It was great to see how they nursed both friend and foe, even though their team was at a disadvantage."
Story Kensington.png
"Also, that line, 'I'll be the first to fly into Darling,' said by contestant Abashiri from the Nishiki team was amazing."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Delusional! There was no Conductor at the finish line!"
Story Kensington.png
"That's right. So it felt like there was a bit of a dangerous aura after the goal..."
Story Kensington.png
"However contestant Abashiri was single-minded and inspiring, and I would like to give the Fighting Spirit award to the Nishiki team."
Story Kensington.png
"I made a lot of comments but everyone did their best and everyone was lovely. So I would like to give the Fighting Spirit award to all the teams."
Story Islington.png
"Oh my no way, a Fighting Spirit award for all five countries! This is a big deal~~~!"
Story Kingston.png
"Are you sure? I don't think that's actually moving the scores."
Story PaddingtonS.png
"Well, last but not least, Lady Shimoamazu the First, please!"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Puerto Rico! In the end, we all had fun swimming, and only one person came out victorious! She's not a contestant! Kyakkyak♪"
Story Islington.png
"So that means the Flamarine team, and Flamarine team wins the Fighting Spirit Award again!"
Story Islington.png
"That's all for the Fighting Spirit Awards. Thank you very much to all the judges!"
Story Islington.png
"Now that the Flamarine team has won so many Fighting Spirit Awards, it's getting more and more difficult to tell where the Great Athletic Meet is going to go!"
Story Islington.png
"Now, everyone, the third event... But before that!"
"It's time for a break!"
Opening! The Athletic Meet of Five Countries Banner.png
S-1 Opening Ceremony S-2 The First Event ①
S-3 The First Event ② S-4 The First Event ③
S-5 The Second Event ① S-6 The Second Event ②
S-7 The Second Event ③ S-8 Noon Intermission ①
S-9 Noon Intermission ② S-10 Noon Intermission ③
S-11 The Third Event ① S-12 The Third Event ②
S-13 The Third Event ③ S-14 The Fourth Event ①
S-15 The Fourth Event ② S-16 The Fourth Event ③
S-17 Pre-Standings ① S-18 Pre-Standings ②
S-19 Pre-Standings ③ S-20 Closing Ceremony