Main Scenario/Family Reunion

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Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero
A few days later. Columbia, who's always ready to do what she says, had started to take action to solve the case. And, in a daring way that no one could have predicted.
Story Columbia.png
"Good day to you, citizens of M. St. Iris...♪"
Story Columbia.png
"You know me, I am the world's protagonist - Columbia."
Story Columbia.png
"If you don't know who I am, you're missing out, so please keep my name and my existence carefully in mind. You won't regret it, ever."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Gosh, how can you behave so grandly in a town you've never been to before?"
Dr Gloria, who was paroled from prison, made a reluctant face as she listened to Columbia's broadcast ringing through the town. In her hand was the ice cream I bought her earlier.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Lick lick♪ This ice cream is de~licious! Thank you for buying it for me, Big Brother, I love it!"
Story Paddington.png
"I-I too-"
Paddington wanted to say something, then blushed and shook her head, perhaps she was caught up in Dr Gloria's carefree display of affection.
Story Paddington.png
"I-I think the ice cream is delicious."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Am I right? Ehehe, you've got good taste... Paddy♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"But, gosh, weather's so warm, isn't it? Are we starting a festival?"
Story Paddington.png
"Huh... We've been summoned to the festival without knowing what we're doing."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I, the Doctor, is glad to be out of the prison for the first time in a long time, though."
Story Paddington.png
"You're still on parole at the moment. Don't do anything too crazy- Eh, eheh, Eddie♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes♪ I know. I'm not going to trouble you and Big Brother!"
While they chat amiably with each other over ice cream, I looked around. Here and there in the town, where happy people were parading around, there were photos of Colombia with her perfect smile on display.
On the photos, the printed words read -- [Trans-MS (Metro St. Iris) Race]
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Race huh... Sounds like fun to both compete and spectate, though..."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"How does this have anything to do to solving this case?"
Story Columbia.png
"Oh, you don't know? I thought you were a genius, Eddie."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria cried and hid behind us, threatening her like a dog. Columbia only smiled, and looked at her with the eyes of a loving little animal.
Story Columbia.png
"Pffhaha. Gee, you look like you've seen a ghost."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Y-you're scarier than a ghost! I thought you were broadcasting just now? Why are you here?"
Story Columbia.png
"That's a recorded voice. I don't want to screw it up, in case I don't make it, and there's no way I'm going to do it live."
Story Woking.png
"Raaaawr~ a monster's here♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Woking unexpectedly manifested from Dr. Gloria's shadow. She has a special ability to move from shadow to shadow, and she calls it 'shadow crossing'.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Woking.png
"I'm sorry. My President's likability is at the bottom of the barrel. I thought it was necessary for me, the squire to be equally disliked."
Story Columbia.png
"Your thoughtfulness sure makes me weep."
Story Woking.png
"I only said that as a joke-"
Woking pulled something out from the shadows, with a blank face, her expression unfathomable. It was a familiar group of Doggan Gang leaders who, like the Doctor, were supposed to have been inmates in the prison.
Story Bright.png
"Mwah? What is this? What's happening?"
Story Whisper.png
"Ghyah, we're really in the middle of nowhere! What kind of magic trick is this?"
Story Woking.png
"It's not really a magic trick, more of a psychic power. I can carry at least one other passenger with me, besides myself, with my shadow-walking ability."
Story Bright.png
"Hmm. So you carried me and Whisper with you. It must have been difficult for you to carry both of us, I'm sorry for the strain."
Story Woking.png
"No, no, robots are just considered as cargo, so you're fine. I was actually a little surprised that I could carry two individuals with the strength of one."
Story Whisper.png
"Ahyahhyah, you're cargo! Ya~hyah~hy, Bright's a cargo♪"
Story Bright.png
"I-I'm neither a cargo nor a robot! I hesitate to speak this way to my benefactor, but I demand correction!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
The Doctor cried, and leaped towards her Doggan Gang subordinates, who were still bustling and jeering each other.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Idiots, idiots! You two have always been so selfish...!"
Story Paddington.png
"Huh? Why do I feel like it's been a while since you've all seen each other? I thought the Doggan Gang were all imprisoned together in Oshioki Prison..."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
No! These idiots appealed for a commutation of Doctor's sentence! They wanted their sentences to be heavier instead..."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"So they were imprisoned in a place called Ezo Prison, where they served harsher sentences!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Idiots! I'm not at all happy to have my crimes shrugged off like that! Waaah~!"
Story Bright.png
"Come now, I was originally sealed up in a corner of the ruins. Compared to the centuries of boredom I endured in that time, prison punishment seems like a pleasant pastime."
Story Whisper.png
"Yes. I mean, the reason the Doggan Gang were given such heavy sentences, was because I was the most wanted criminal in the world."
Story Whisper.png
"The worst criminals get the heaviest punishment. That's the way it's supposed to be, really."
Story Whisper.png
"You didn't do anything that bad, you know -- Eddie♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Even if you did! You two are guilty of the most serious crime of all, being separated from me! Please don't ever go away from me again without my permission, that's an order!"
Pouting and angry, the Doctor embraced her precious friends enthusiastically. Observing how all the Doggan Gang members huddled like a family, Columbia turned away sulkily.
Story Woking.png
"Heh. You look envious eh, President? Take a look at all them Doggan members-- If you ever get sued for libel or something and end up imprisoned, I'll take the blame for your crimes too♪"
Story Columbia.png
"No one wants that to happen."
After pinching her own squire's cheek, who whispered to her mischievously, Columbia turns on her heel and walked briskly away.
Story Columbia.png
"Well, whatever. I'll explain everything to you and stuff, and you guys follow me."
Story Columbia.png
"I have to tell you something. I have temporarily released you all, the Doggan Gang, on parole by my extrajudicial authority. You are not to run away or misbehave."
Story Columbia.png
"If you betray my trust, or if you do anything to offend me, I will make you all pay for it."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes! Eheheh, even if it's only temporarily, even if there's something going on behind your back... I thank you for letting me see my Doggan family again. Um, Miss Columbia?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmph. That should have been a 'Thank you, big sis', shouldn't it?"
Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero