Main Scenario/Get Set, Go

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Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero
After that... We followed Columbia's instructions and took the train to the start of the Trans-MS race, whatever it was called.
Story Woking.png
Woking twitched her horse ears excitedly and exclaimed in admiration. She seems to really love rides and races, and is unusually eager.
Story Woking.png
"The Trans-MS race! It's already started...!'
Woking was making a lot of noise substituting the usual Doggan Gang, who had disappeared after being told by Columbia that they had something to do.
Story Woking.png
"Blimey, there's rides everywhere to the right and to the left! Is this Heaven...!?"
Story Woking.png
"Roaring magic engines! Revving wheels! Carriage hooves and whip sounds!"
Story Woking.png
"Aaaahh, how I really wish I could join in all that lovely clamour! May I go for a little sprint, my President!?"
Story Columbia.png
"Calm down. You are so childish when it comes to vehicles."
Columbia looked at us embarrassingly as she grabbed the squire by the shoulders and stops her.
Story Columbia.png
"As you can see, the race across the MS has already started. To be precise, it started since the participants set off at the 'Ready, Get Set, Go' signal. --And it's been three days since then."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa? That long ago? Then we're really late to the race!"
In fact, we of the Special Steel Squad are also taking part in the Trans-MS Race, but-- I don't think that's a problem, because winning is not our objective. Our mission is to deal with the unidentified phony Mist Train.
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. I like your selflessness, Mr. Conductor. That's why you're the perfect companion to contrast my greed♪"
Story Woking.png
"Miss President, I noticed you seem to try really hard to get involved every time Sire said something, aren't ya?"
Story Columbia.png
"Ain't that wholesome? Anyway - as Conductor stated, our objective is to defeat the fake Mist Train. The outcome of the race is of secondary or even tertiary importance."
Story Columbia.png
"Anyhow. No matter how late our start is, the Mist Train is bound to win if it does what it usually does."
Story Woking.png
"Well, I'm sure it would... The horsepower and everything else is different. Just look at the faces of disappointment the other participants we passed, see?"
Woking chuckled as she indicated towards an open field with unobstructed visibility. A large amount of machine wreckage and other debris were lying in the area she indicated.
Story Woking.png
"Preliminary observations so far. We know what's running on our surface-- But the main means of transport underground seem to be horse-drawn carriages."
Story Woking.png
"In the subterranean universe, technology of ships and other forms of aquatic transport are well developed, as there are seas in all the five major countries. The types and performance of ground vehicles however is almost the same as on our surface."
Story Woking.png
"Recently, mechanical carts-- I mean cars, automobiles, or whatever they're named, are appearing recently on the market."
I did went to a driving school with you before, Woking.
Story Woking.png
"Yes we did. That was a good memory for me, Sire♪ Though there hasn't been much technological innovation since then, and the performance of cars overall remains quite low compared to horse-drawn carriages."
Story Woking.png
"They don't run properly, they don't go very fast and they are very prone to breakdowns... Most of the cars in the Trans-MS race seemed to get the timing chains in the engine stuck shortly after they set off."
Story Woking.png
"It's as if the car's goading the owners to make progress, even if just a little, as one can stop to fix it on the spot. However, at this point it would probably be faster to walk."
Story Columbia.png
"Yeah. They're still languishing near the starting point three days after the start of the race. It's unlikely that an automobile will ever win the Trans-MS Race."
Story Columbia.png
"Of course, much less on foot. The Trans-MS Race, as the name implies, crosses a large area of the country of Metro St. Iris."
Story Columbia.png
"Even in this subterranean universe, there is the threat of the Phantom Mist and monsters. Only the very lucky will make it to the finish line while avoiding them."
Story Woking.png
"It would take several months to reach the finish line on foot normally."
Story Woking.png
"It's a huge distance and you have to move very carefully and protect yourself."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. The same goes for horse-drawn carriages. In terms of stability and speed, they can't compare with Woking or automobiles, but they can't resist the Phantom Mist and monsters either."
Story Columbia.png
"The choice of route to the finish line is left to the discretion of each participant-- But the more competent participants who aim to cross the finish line will take detours to avoid the Phantom Mist and other obstacles."
Story Woking.png
"It's a dead-end if you get swallowed up by Mist or attacked by monsters."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. But with the Mist Train, we can go the shortest distance without worrying too much about that."
Story Columbia.png
"If we travel at top speed, we'll probably reach the finish line in a few days. A delay of three days won't be a problem at all."
Story Columbia.png
"The Mist Train will be the winner of the Trans-MS race, beating all the other participants. I'd say this is already a done deal, the vehicles they use are just too great a difference in performance."
Story Woking.png
"It's a race that's rigged from the start."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. I waited because I thought we could make up for a few delays. Mr. Conductor's team were busy doing heroic deeds in the various subterranean countries."
Story Columbia.png
"I waited my turn. I watched from afar, with my fingers crossed, as you, my darling, made friends with the other girls."
Story Columbia.png
"But. I can't wait any longer."
Columbia grabbed my tie and stood taller, bringing her face closer to mine.
Story Columbia.png
"After all the scheming, and all the arrangements, and with a cause that no one can object - taking out the phony Mist Train, I'm spending time with you now."
Story Columbia.png
"I'm having a blissful time."
Story Columbia.png
"All I want now is for this time to last as long as possible, if even for a second more. Of course, this mission is more important to you, defeating the phony Mist Train."
Story Columbia.png
"You'd better get me in a good mood or I'll sulk."
Story Columbia.png
"If you don't satisfy me... I will continue to call you up as often as I can for the same reason."
Story Columbia.png
"Because I love you. Because I want to be with you, even if only for a little while."
You don't have to make up a mission or anything, if you want to see me, you can always visit me even if you don't give me a reason.
Story Columbia.png
"You are a liar... You care more about your job than me, don't you?"
Story Paddington.png
"Umm! Attention everyone, look over there!"
Paddington suddenly shouted, interrupting Columbia who was moving closer and closer to me. She continued to pull at my clothes like a spoiled child.
Story Columbia.png
"Oh, come on. I was just having a nice chat with Mr. Conductor, could you please get out of my way?"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa? Oh, I-I'm sorry! But..."
Story Columbia.png
"Hmmhmm♪ you're jealous, milady?"
Story Paddington.png
"N-No, you're mistaken! The Conductor and I don't have that kind of relationship!"
Story Columbia.png
"Then what kind of relationship is it?"
Story Columbia.png
"You think you are the woman closest to the conductor, don't you? So when someone else closes the distance between them and the conductor, you feel as if your position is threatened, and you feel insecure--"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa! T-That's not why I'm here!"
Story Woking.png
"Don't tease a novice too much, eh~ President? You're a bully, you know?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmmhmm, alright. It may be fun to play with the serious ones, but it's not very classy of me."
Story Paddington.png
"This is no time for banter and jokes!"
Paddington insisted, her face turning bright red as she waved her hands frantically.
Story Paddington.png
"Look outside! There's a vehicle that looks a lot like a train coming from the other side! Could that be the fake Mist Train we're looking for...!?"
Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero