Main Scenario/The Usual Promises

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Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero
Story Woking.png
"--Please stay behind me, Miss President."
In response to Paddington's warning, Woking retrieved a spear from the shadows and held it up. Not only can she move between shadows, she can also get her weapon out whenever too?
Story Woking.png
"Hmph... This is my ninpo, 'Kagewari'. I will be you protector, President."
Story Columbia.png
"Why do you sometimes sound like a ninja? What kind of roleplay is that?"
Story Woking.png
"It seems that the source of the Nishikese who became my 'raw ingredient' are of the Tsukiyo Banshuu - it seems they were the so-called ninja. My blood tingles sometimes, or my ninja genes were activated."
Come to think of it, it's rare for a beastkin to be in St. Iris, Woking. Do you have parents who were Nisikese, or is your blood mixed with theirs?
Story Woking.png
"I can't really call them parents, merely raw ingredients. After all, recruits born from the Messiah Project are artificial beings cultured in a test tube."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. We had to establish our own identity because our parents doesn't exist. Is that what your strange characterization is about - Woking?"
Story Columbia.png
"Because no one told you what you should be, you ended up envisioning and embodying your ideal self. You like vehicles and ninjas, which is why you became such a character."
Story Woking.png
"Yeah. And when you found out about my abilities, Miss President, you said, 'You look like a ninja', so I went with it... I thought maybe that's the kind of a character you want."
Story Columbia.png
"Hah, that's a cute thing to say. You wanted me to like you, didn't you, my sweet?"
Story Woking.png
"I mean, I was afraid if I upset you, you'd get rid of me. So I thought I'd give you what you wanted..."
Story Paddington.png
"E-Everyone! This is a very interesting story, but I'm afraid now is not the time for idle banter!"
Story Columbia.png
"Mhm. If, indeed, the fake Mist Train had emerged as a target to be eliminated, we should respond to it, even if it means putting everything on the back burner."
Story Columbia.png
"This time though, there's no problem and we can relax. In fact, you're too panicky... See?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
'Nya-ha-ha! Nya-ha-ha-ha! Nyaaaa~ha-ha-ha!"
A train-like vehicle approached us, Dr. Gloria was laughing high above it. It's a sight we've seen many times before. Paddington, too, lets her guard down and smiled to herself.
Story Paddington.png
"Oh, thank goodness it was the Doctor... I mean Eddie. I was getting all worked up, thinking the rumoured fake Mist Train had turned up."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Ah, I'm sorry to startle ya? Doctor and the goons were actually asked by Columbia to participate in the Trans-MS Race too, or something like that!
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. We were wondering why you minions arrived late, you know?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Ehehehe, sorry bout that! It was a short notice and we coudn't get the Doggan Gang Train to move!"
Story Whisper.png
"Yes, yes. But there were a lot of broken cars and parts lying around here, so we picked up the scraps and put them together- And for the time being we made a train that could run for a while."
As ever, you have amazing technical skills. How did you managed to manufacture a mobile vehicle in such a short time?
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Well, I've made the Doggan Train so many times that my hands have learnt how to assemble it! As long as I have the materials, it won't take long to complete!"
Story Bright.png
"It was a lot of work, though! It was a really rushed job ......! This Doggan Train is working, but it's not a complete unit, but one that's only been made to look almost exactly like it!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes!! So, well, this might not stand a chance against the real Mist Train, right?"
The Doggan Train is a copy of the Mist Train in the first place - So we've never lost to the Doggan Train or anything like that.
Story Paddington.png
"It's not a metter of winning or losing, the Doggan Train almost always explodes every time we encounter it. Although there was a time when we were given a ride, it did run for quite a long time."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yeah. That's the longest surviving one so far... Why does it explode? Big brother, why didn't you ask mum about the cause of that when you met her?"
I am sorry. When I met our mother - Ricardo, again, I didn't have the luxury of doing so.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Well, it's okay, I guess? Big brother has saved our mom's soul - That has been I, the Doctor's wish ever since I came to this world."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I can't have any complaints about my big brother who fulfilled her wish."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"But that's not the same thing! Today is the day I will prove that the Doggan Train is a better vehicle than the Mist Train!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"The Mist Train is not unique. I will demonstrate that there are other equally or even better vehicles!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"And so we succeed in developing a train, a dream vehicle that can run around this misty world. Once we have established that technology and mass-produced it- That will reduce the workload for my brother and mommy!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I want the family I have met in this world, which I, the Doctor love so much, to live a healthy and happy life! It is absolutely wrong for the burden to fall solely on my big brother!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Doctor and her goons will also help in our own small way! What big brother carried, Doctor will do so too!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"That's what the Doggan Train is for! It's a vehicle for the new era, piercing through the Mist of illusion! Hmm~hmm♪"
Story Paddington.png
"...She's a really good girl, she is♪"
Yes, she is. My sister's too good a sister for her own good.
Story Whisper.png
"Excuse me~ sorry to interrupt the excitement, but..."
Story Whisper.png
"There's been smoke coming out of the engine room of the Doggan Train since a few minutes ago."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"What? What?"
Story Bright.png
"Hmm. I knew it was too much for you to do in a hurry. The Doggan Train has reached its limits much quicker than the usual."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
'What? No! Doctor will make a vehicle more superior than the Mist Train and reduce big brother's burden--"
Story Whisper.png
"Even if you say 'no', reality doesn't always work out the way you want it to, Glorin♪"
Story Bright.png
"Mhm! But everything is an experience! By repeating the same accident over and over again, we've learned to spot the signs of an explosion before it happens! This way we can escape unharmed, without being caught in the explosion!"
Story Whisper.png
"Yep yep♪ Look on the bright side~, tomorrow will be better than today!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I don't wannaaaaaa! Why!? Why did it explode? It's inexcusable, what are we missing?"
Whisper and Bright leapt high into the air, and carried away the teary Dr. Gloria who was tearily writhing left and right. The Doggan Train exploded with a loud bang at the same time.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Kyaaaaaah! Noooo! I worked so hard to assemble iiiit, I thought it worked this timeeee!"
Story Woking.png
"--Anyway, we'd better get going too."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. I know I said we can win the race no matter how late we start, but there are no absolutes in this world. We can't afford to take too long."
Story Paddington.png
"Um, what's going on right now...?"
Paddington looked between Columbia and the others, who were out of their combat stance and returning to the Mist Train, and at the crying Doctor, and let out a a bewildered sigh.
Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero