Main Scenario/The True Hero

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Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero
Fake Mist Train
The fake Mist Train took aim at us with turret-like things growing out of its entire body. If the train is under concentrated fire, the train will indeed not be safe...
Story Woking.png
"Thank goodness for that."
Walking calmly muttered and lowered her posture as an athlete would do when going for a short run. She stroked the roof of the Train lovingly with her beautiful fingertips.
Story Woking.png
"I thank you for going to the trouble of flying through the air and making shadows on the ground."
Fake Mist Train
The moment the 'fake Mist Train' released a large number of shells, Woking activated her shadow crossing ability. The Mist Train moved instantaneously with us on top of it.
She said that if cargo - a box, for example - was carrying creatures inside it, everything inside could be moved together in a shadow crossing.
Fake Mist Train
Unable to catch the Mist Train, which moved in an instant, the fake Mist Train wasted no time in shooting at the earth and causing dust to fly. It was neatly evaded, so there was no damage to us.
Story Woking.png
"However, it's super hard for me to carry such a large mass--"
Story Woking.png
"That's all from me. I'll leave the rest to you all."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes! Leave the rest to Doctor!"
Dr Gloria raised a lovely, strangely rounded gun next to a sweaty, crouching Woking.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Ta-daaaaa☆ This is a new type of ray gun, an improved version of the Lucy Gun. It's called the Doggan Gun!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Come on, let's fight together - Paddy♪"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes, Eddie! Heheheh, I'm so glad to have a reliable friend♪"
Paddington also took out her ray gun and started shooting alongside Dr. Gloria. A huge amount of heat spurted from the tiny muzzle of the gun, and seared the enemy, who had just landed on the ground and was unable to move.
Fake Mist Train
Blown limb from limb by the heat rays and pierced by a huge hole in its torso, the fake Mist Train is quickly incapacitated. And to add insult to injury-
Story Columbia.png
"Hmmmhmm♪ after all the excitement you've been through, I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to show off your skills. No hard feelings?"
Directly above the fake Mist Train was Columbia, with her sword elegantly held in the air. She was daring to leap when Woking used shadow crossing earlier.
She had not touched the Train, so she wasn't affected by her ability, she flew to the sky with surprising leaping power without moving instantaneously. As it was, she anticipated the enemy's landing point and waited--
Story Columbia.png
"I am the protagonist of the world. The protagonist is supposed to take the tasty bits."
A pure white glow emanated from Columbia's entire body as she smiles joyfully. It is a light that only she, the only successful example of an artificial messiah, can radiate. A light that will extinguish all evil.
Story Columbia.png
"--Any last words?"
Thus, our Mist Train impostor vanished from the face of the earth without a trace.
Story Columbia.png
"See? I told you, I'll take care of it!"
After defeating the fake Mist Train - After making sure that the Phantom Mist, etc. had also completely disappeared, we once again entered the port town.
This was the finish line of the Trans-MS Race, which had gone by so quickly for us. The place was full of town residents and tourists, who were enjoying the festivities with great excitement.
Story Columbia.png
"Praise me! Be moved to tears! You are now characters in a story that stars me!"
Naturally, the Mist Train, the winner of the Trans-MS race, was The Mist Train was greeted with thunderous applause. It seems the moment of the defeat of the monster that was approaching the town - the fake Mist Train, was also witnessed, which also added to the welcoming mood.
People looked at us like we were heroes and cheered. Colombia was giving a speech using a loudspeaker, seemingly savouring such reactions from the people around her.
Story Columbia.png
"The fake Mist Train, who had been wreaking terror and destruction on this Iris Metro, has been vanquished by us, the Special Steel Squad!"
Story Columbia.png
"The enemy has been cunningly disrupting the world's public order by impersonating and imitating our name! But the phony can never defeat the real deal!"
The masses jump up and down in tune and are overjoyed with Columbia's voice, fists raised in the air. It's a strange feeling, as if watching a dictator anger the masses in full swing, but the frenzy spreads endlessly.
Perhaps, just as Columbia wants it to.
Story Columbia.png
"But! We can no longer rest on our laurels! The Phantom Mist still swirls above and below ground. Abnormalities and tragedies continue to occur!"
Story Columbia.png
"That is why! The SSS needs your support and cooperation in our daily fight against such evil! You are certainly not strong enough to fight, and you are at the mercy of the threat of the Phantom Mist-"
Story Columbia.png
"But by supporting us, you can indirectly fight the Phantom Mist! You can defeat the enemy! You can crush evil! You, and you, and you, and you--"
Pointing to the people in the town one by one, Columbia proclaimed this with authority.
Story Columbia.png
"Everyone can be a hero to protect this world! Believe in us! And please love and support us, for we are the SSS!"
Amidst applause and cheers, I softly called out to Columbia.
--"Are you satisfied with this, Columbia?"
Story Columbia.png
"Yes, of course. I am the protagonist of the world. I think I finally got the treatment I deserved this time."
Story Columbia.png
"So, yeah, I'm happy. I know you're not comfortable with this, but this is what I've always wanted."
I have one question.
Story Columbia.png
The timing was all too good to be true.
Story Columbia.png
"What do you mean?"
The fake Mist Train was very nasty. It was more than just a powerful monster. It was much more detrimental to the SSS.
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. It created rumors, which discredits the SSS. Should it be left unchecked, I think it would have been a great hindrance SSS's duties, especially in the subterranean universe."
That's why you dealt with it immediately. I knew you've already captured the fake Mist Train earlier on, and likely concealed it in the shadows with Woking's ability.
Story Columbia.png
We have just observed and confirmed that Woking's shadow crossing ability allowed her to move even something as massive as a train at a moment's notice.
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. With Woking's, she can make the fake Mist Train to any place at any time she wanted."
And this time, the timing and location was too good. If we had taken down the Fake Mist Train in the wilderness or elsewhere, where no one would have seen us --
The stigma borne towards us would not have been wiped out. It is highly likely that people would react and thought that we were just claiming that there was a fake and that we had defeated it.
Story Columbia.png
"Yeah. That's why we had to get witnesses from all over the world. The Trans-MS Race, which is a massive event, was a perfect opportunity."
Story Columbia.png
"It is a way of defeating the fake directly for the eyes of the public to see. That way, the SSS can demonstrate their innocence and legitimacy."
Story Columbia.png
"The Trans-MS race will be a regular event in the future, a tradition. The events of the first race this prestigious will remain legendary for a long time to come."
Story Columbia.png
"Each time the legend, the tale of heroism is told and spread, the fame of the SSS grows with it. Everyone will be convinced that justice is ours, and it will become common knowledge."
Story Columbia.png
"Now you will never again have to worry about the fake. If the same fake Mist Train appears and misbehaves again, everyone will think that the fake did it, and the SSS has nothing to do with it."
Story Columbia.png
"This is all an ideal development, isn't it? What's not to like, Mr. Conductor?"
Story Columbia.png
"What's wrong with the fact that we discovered and captured the fake Mist Train quite early on, but kept it instead of making it disappear?"
But there was certainly risks in keeping a dangerous monster on hand instead of immediately eliminating it.
Story Columbia.png
"I trust Woking to make full use of her shadow crossing abilities. There was no chance of an accident. It was trapped in the shadows, so there was no chance of the phony causing any damage."
And yet. One wrong move and it would have been a disaster. We didn't bring much of an army this time, and I wasn't sure if we could reliably take care of the false train.
Story Columbia.png
"Yes, but should the truth be revealed, the SSS will come under heavy criticism. I knew then that the other innocent kids of the SSS wouldn't be able to stand it."
So you went in with only the minimum number of people required. You've underestimated them of the SSS, they are strong in both mind and body.
Story Columbia.png
"Oh, you don't trust my strength? Think I'm going to succumb before a fake Mist Train?"
I trust you, but if we had been defeated-- The phony could have attacked a port town full of people and started a massacre.
The fact that there was even the slightest possibility of such a scenario, makes your actions have no justice whatsoever.
Story Columbia.png
"That's true. But do you think I was merely capturing and trapping a fake Mist Train and locked it away?"
Story Columbia.png
"I had it thoroughly investigated, its performance and everything. Even the fact that it transformed into a giant robot was actually within the bounds of our calculations."
Story Columbia.png
"Incidentally. That fake Mist Train is really just a pool of so-called 'bad Phantom Mist' that dripped down underground."
The "bad Mist" that pollutes and destroys the world.
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. And the bad Mist is hostile to the SSS and the Mist Train, which dispels the Phantom Mist."
So you think the Mist has a will?
Story Columbia.png
"While we don't know if the Mist has a mind of its own, even animals react to their environment in different ways. For the Phantom Mist, the SSS is like a natural enemy, it wouldn't be surprising if it started acting against us."
Story Columbia.png
"The Phantom Mist, which harbored hostility and hatred towards the SSS, was acting this time to undermine us, its natural enemy. It has clearly identified the SSS as an enemy and an obstacle, and have come to crush us."
Story Columbia.png
"We managed to deal with it this time. In the future, it wouldn't be surprising if more troublesome monsters and demons appear. The Phantom Mist was just a disaster, until now--'
Story Columbia.png
"It could clearly become our enemy in the future."
Story Columbia.png
"That's why we must be strong too. We are the protagonists of the world - heroes, and we will not let anyone stand in the way of that journey."
Story Columbia.png
"Even if I do dirty tricks that you, my dear, will hate. I will not let my sword waver to defend this world."
Story Columbia.png
"I will not let anyone undermine the value of the heroes who hold our trust and our hearts."
Story Columbia.png
"I am an artificial messiah, grown in a test tube, a mere imitation. You all are not."
Story Columbia.png
"You all are indeed heroes who will save the world. You all embody my ideals, the longed-for existence I have dreamed of--'
Story Columbia.png
"I will protect the real heroes. No matter how much I have to defile myself for it."
You're a real hero too, Columbia.
Story Columbia.png
Look around you. Everyone appreciates and admires you. The feelings they have in their hearts right now will not lie, no matter what.
Story Columbia.png
Thank you, Columbia, for protecting the world and the SSS.
Story Columbia.png
"...I've said something similar before, but..."
Story Columbia.png
"But I deserved and expected to be hated. I don't know how to react anymore if people thanked me."
I then took the hand of a beaming Columbia and held it high in the air. Seeing this, everyone, young and old, men and women, smiled and cheered.
Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil