Main Scenario/Phony and Genuine

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Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero
After that... They returned to the Special Steel Squad Headquarters in a great hurry, and we parted company with the girls who were representatives of their countries.
Story Paddington.png
"Hmmhmm. Them representatives have been fighting a lot since the discovery of the subterranean universe of Iris Metro. I think it's good for them to have a break now and then."
And even before we entered the subterranean universe, we had one big battle inside the Giant Tree. Queensway and the others may be strong paragons, but they are still young girls who still have some growing up to do.
I want to make sure that they're not overworked and end up burning out. The number of personnel within the SSS is increasing, and we want to put in place a system that doesn't rely on them too much.
Story Paddington.png
"Versailles, Miyako and the people from the underground are also cooperating with us. From now on, I think it's vital that we make the most of our abundant human resources."
Story Paddington.png
"You don't sound very proud of yourself though. Heheh."
Actually, you are a great individual, Paddington. You're the vice-commander of the Special Steel Squadron. You're irreplaceable, and I hope you get some rest now and then too.
Story Paddington.png
"No, no, Conductor is the one person who mustn't be left out. In my case, as you know, I have excellent sisters..."
Story Columbia.png
Columbia, who had been leading us in silence, suddenly turned around and stared at us.
...What's the matter, Columbia, do you have something to say?
Story Columbia.png
"Nothing~? Are you two really that close?"
I think it's been like this for a while. I think our bond has deepened as we've been through the line of death many times together.
Story Columbia.png
"Hmm? Is that how it is?"
Story Columbia.png
"Poor thing, no matter how well they try, they will only be able to cry about it in the end. Because, Mr. Conductor will be mine."
Story Woking.png
"Where do you get your confidence from, President?"
Story Woking.png
"If this was some kind of a race with Conductor - Sire as a prize, I'd think Miss President would already be irrecoverably slow out of a corner."
Story Columbia.png
"Oh, not to worry. No matter how far behind I am, I'm the one who will win in the end."
Story Columbia.png
"Rather. The fact that I rarely see Conductor like this now is just the right handicap. If the difference is too large, this race won't be much fun."
You're always so confident, Columbia.
Story Columbia.png
"You're right, I could fall in love with you more♪"
Columbia continued to speak, while floating around like a child with one eye shut. (I actually think these little acts are pretty cute.)
Story Columbia.png
"That aside, I'm going to ask Mr. Conductor to interrogate the suspects in this case."
This incident - the story of a fake Mist Train that has appeared and is running amok underground.
Story Paddington.png
"It's hard to believe, isn't it... There should be only one train in the world, and only the Mist Train."
Story Columbia.png
"It's valuable, precisely because it can't be mass-produced. The same is true of us 'artificial heroes', the products of the Messiah Project."
Story Columbia.png
"When something is rare, they are important and special. Before I met Woking, I thought I was the one and only successful prototype of the Messiah Project."
Story Woking.png
'Huh... thought you're going to say something like, 'I'm special!' So sorry to hurt your pride."
Story Columbia.png
"It's okay, I'm more happy than humiliated right now."
Story Columbia.png
"Ah, it's nice to finally not be alone."
Story Woking.png
"...She's cute sometimes, isn't she?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmmhmm. Excellent, keep the praises coming."
Story Woking.png
"That part of you annoys me."
Good to know you're all on the same page. I honestly find it hard to believe that the fake Mist Train exists.
Story Paddington.png
"Yes... while I think it's technically possible to make a train that looks exactly the same, like papier-mâché, only Conductor should be able to move it."
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. And yet such a fake Mist Train is running all over the subterranean world... I'm inclined to think the witnesses are hallucinating or mistaken."
Story Columbia.png
"And yet we're getting a lot of reports of such witnesses. Protests from all over underground against the SSS HQ on the surface."
Story Columbia.png
"So, we just couldn't stand by and watch it happen."
Story Columbia.png
"If the train is genuine and not a phony, this is a serious scandal. The train that was meant to save the world is instead branded a threat."
Story Columbia.png
"If that is the case, I will punish the SSS with my authority as the inspector general. In the worst case scenario, this is the end of the SSS here."
Story Columbia.png
"But, turns out, you, Conductor, don't seem to know anything about it. After all, what is threatening the underground world is not the real thing, but a phony Mist Train..."
Story Columbia.png
"And. There have been previous sightings of such a rare entity, a fake Mist Train."
Story Paddington.png
"Ah, yes. That's right. This suspect you mentioned, is she 'that girl' after all?"
Dr. Gloria
"I~ TOLD~ YOU~!"
Just as Paddington mumbled her concerns, a familiar, lovely girl's voice sounded from somewhere.
Dr. Gloria
"Doctor did not do it! I wish someone would believe me! Doctor and the other Doc Squad have changed their ways!"
Chapter 23.png
23-1 Protagonist's Arrogance
23-2 Phony and Genuine
23-3 Suspicious Stepsister
23-4 Family Reunion
23-5 Trans-MS Race
23-6 Get Set, Go
23-7 The Usual Promises
23-8 Midnight Secret Talk
23-9 Running Monstrosity
23-10 The True Hero