Main Scenario/Genius Little Inventor

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Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency
The next morning, the Triumphal Return Ceremony took place as planned. For us of the Special Steel Squad, it was all too sudden, but it was our fault for arriving late because we were stranded at the Old Spider Castle - there was no way around it.
Of course, Yours Truly the Conductor is in charge of overall train operations. I am aware that I am responsible for the derailment and delay in arrival, so I will be working harder than anyone else.
Just last night, the Doggan Gang easily broke into the fully guarded base, and managed to recapture Dr. Gloria - Currently there's many things on my mind, but for now I'll be concentrating on my tasks at hand.
Story Murmansk.png
"Scrub scrub, squeak squeak♪ It'll be all [Pretty]♪"
Last night's attack left Leipzig and some others injured, but fortunately the rest of us escaped unscathed. After a good night's rest and Iron Injections, everyone is in good spirits and fulfilling their duties.
Story Yakutsk.png
"- Although to be honest, I would have preferred to fight the bandits said to have invaded the base than to be here greeting people at the Triumphal Return Ceremony. I'm not a fan of festive atmospheres, at least they could have sent me to guard the venue or something."
Yakutsk ranted with me while she was working with Murmansk to polish the windows of the train that will be used as a spectacle at the Triumphal Return Ceremony. I understand what she's feeling, but we are all still very worn out from the Old Spider Castle. Even though we have rested, I don't think we can manage the battle.
Story Yakutsk.png
"What, don't underestimate me you know? We are soldiers, not sports athletes - we don't have the option of not fighting just because we're not fit. We are strong even if we are tiny, yeah Murmansk?"
Story Murmansk.png
"Heheh, I'm still a bit [Sleepy]. I couldn't [Sleep] much because of the loud [Siren] last night."
Story Murmansk.png
"But. Even if I'm sleepy, I'll [Die] if I don't catch my [Prey]. If something happens, I'll fight too - [Conductor]."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You're so reliable, Murmansk, good good♪ I really hope the bandits attack us, we haven't done much since the Old Spider Castle - I'd love to relieve some stress by defeating the enemy with a spectacular victory."
Don't wish for enemies, Yakutsk. For now, just think about finishing the Triumphal Return Ceremony in peace. In fact, this is an essential ceremony for the future activities of the SSS.
Story Murmansk.png
"And it's also a fun [Festival]. Hey, Sir [Conductor], once we're done with our work, can we go and visit the [Food stalls]? Look, I can smell delicious [Borscht]~♪"
Story Yakutsk.png
Yakutsk reacted like an adorable critter when she heard her favourite food was mentioned. After all, she is also a festival-loving Eisengradian, and I have a feeling she is just not honest about it.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I-I don't really like festivals, it's just that most Eisengradians go completely wild at festivals when they are usually very serious - everyone thinks so."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I didn't fit in with that kind of atmosphere, so I always stayed at home and studied whenever festivals were held. I didn't have any good friends for a long time."
Story Murmansk.png
"Now you have a lot of [Friends]. That's why you should [Enjoy] it to the fullest... Sis♪"
Murmansk is very friendly and close to Yakutsk, and Yakutsk smiled back without shunning her. As I watched the interaction between the two little ones with a sense of ease, a familiar voice rang out loudly.
'My fellow citizens of Eisengrad. Guten morgen♪'
It's Fussen. She is speaking out to the entire capital with a loudspeaker, a new invention from the technologically developed Eisengrad.
Incidentally, Fussen has been invited by the Eisengrad government as the organizer of the Triumphal Return Ceremony and is making speeches all over the city. She is the daughter of a well-known local aristocrat, and the reaction of the gathered public is surprisingly good.
Story Fussen.png
'Our Eisengrad is the proud 'Country of Snow and Steel'. But we are neither snow itself, nor are we steel itself. We are beautiful beings of hot blood, of love, of dreams, ideals and hopes!'
Story Fussen.png
'It will be the Eisengrad Army that will protect our abundant life, but it is the Mist Train that makes our lives and the world last forever, carrying our hope alongside.'
Story Fussen.png
'Both are cogs in a wheel that neither of them should be missing. Circuits that keep our world and our lives running. Just as melting snow brings a bountiful harvest, a machine made of steel brings prosperity -'
Story Fussen.png
'The Train runs to make our glorious future last forever'.
Story Fussen.png
'Behold the Train. It is our future itself. Fortunately, it is sitting in our bosom - in the middle of our capital.'
Story Fussen.png
'Enjoy the festivities to the fullest, everyone, and dream our glorious vision of the future! In the white map of endless possibilities - the train will always draw a new beautiful track, for as long as we want it to be.'
Story Yakutsk.png
"...I don't want to praise her too much. I don't know if she's used to it because she's usually so high and mighty, but she's good at stirring the public up like this, that Fussen."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Well, she probably has a script written for her by the PR department. At any rate, I hope she says what she needs to say without picking a fight with the audience until the end."
Yeah, you're right. If Fussen fulfils her role, she will have fulfilled the objective of having our 'triumphant return'. With the confidence and sponsorship of the Eisengrad public, the SSS can continue to exist in the future.
Story Yakutsk.png
"But that Fussen, how could she take a task she despised so much? Even though she seemed to despise the government and military brass - especially the PR department."
Story Murmansk.png
"Hmhm. [Karlsruhe] of the [PR department] is a [Lovely] person. Anyone who gets to [Know] her will [Love] her at once♪"
In fact, Karlsruhe and her PR department are exceptionally brilliant.
Even if Fussen was really sent away for an arranged marriage as originally planned, they would have been able to gain favour from the military by 'disposing of her' - an achievement that would have won them patronage and still made this Triumphant Return a success.
Story Yakutsk.png
"So she has already planned for a good outcome no matter how it turned out. This is quite horrifying - I don't even know how far she can forsee her plans, and we'll have to be careful not to be taken advantage of by her."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Murmansk.png
"? What's the matter, sis?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Nothing... Sorry, maybe I'm a bit tired after all. I saw something I shouldn't have seen."
Story Murmansk.png
"Things I'm not supposed to see? Oh, like [Ghosts]? I'm not a [Ghost]."
Story Yakutsk.png
"S-stop saying spooky things. It's not a ghost, it's just that outside the train window--"
Story Bestyakh.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"What? I knew it, that's Bestyakh--"
Story Murmansk.png
"Bestyakh? Isn't that your [Little sister], sis...?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"No, it can't be. She's been missing ever since she disappeared into the Phantom Fog - but there's no way I could have mistaken her for anyone else."
Both of you. I'll take care of the rest of the work here, so you can rest until your next shift.
I know Bestyakh is your dearest sister, Yakutsk. If there is even a chance of seeing her again, you should bet on it.
Story Yakutsk.png
"....Yeah, thanks, Conductor."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I'll take your word for it, I'm going to take a break and have a look around the area."
Story Murmansk.png
"Yes. I'll go [Together] with you too, because I'm [Worried] about you."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Heh. Thank you too, Murmansk, you've helped me a lot yesterday and today."
Murmansk bowed to me and left with Yakutsk, whose legs are shaking, as if she is indeed upset. I wave to them both, then turned around to polish the car window one last time - and I was very stunned.
Dr. Gloria
"I told you! Why don't you believe me! Doctor is a genius, that why I have a lot of patents! And with the privileges I've earned from that, Doctor is granted a preview of the train before the press and other people enter--"
...Dr. Gloria!?
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Hweh? Wha, haaah? B-B-Big bro - the Conductor of the SSS!"
It was an unexpected sight, too. The young girl, apparently being stopped by soldiers guarding the train, is the boss of the Doggan Gang - Dr. Gloria, is pointing at me repeatedly and suspiciously.
Story Bestyakh.png
(Hmhmhm. Ah, they're after me, after me indeed, the dearest sister I was always chasing--)
Story Bestyakh.png
(But. Unfortunately, we both have our own paths now... you'll have to wait for the next chance to meet again. I was reprimanded by comrade Queenrose for draining the Resistance's resources on my own initiative.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(I'll stick to my mission as the Resistance executive this time.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(I envy you for meeting your 'family' properly - Dr. Gloria, you should do your part, as I have thoughtfully arranged it for you.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(Use your genius brain, which is not worthy of your frail body, to uncover everything about the mysterious Mist Train - and report back to us, the Resistance. That is the job we have asked you, the Doggan Gang, to do.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(Depending on the outcome, we will consider impeaching 'That person', the leader of our Resistance.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(It all smells too fishy.... I have the feeling that 'That person' is not acting for the greater good, but on the basis of very personal feelings.)
Story Bestyakh.png
(Hmhmm. 'For the greater good'... Perhaps because I haven't been back home for a while, I just thought of an expression that is very Eisengradian.)
Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency