Main Scenario/The Name's Doggan Gang!

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Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency
Story Putra.png
"ORYEEEEAH! I'm not able to help fix the train or cook, but I'm full of energy and I'm going to do my best in battle!"
Story Putra.png
Story Doggan Minion.png
Story Vivienne.png
"......! What's the matter with these guys, they're not even alive? A lot of screws and gears and stuff came pouring out their torn outfits' openings even when Putra stabbed them with her standard spear while screaming that she's punching and kicking!"
Story Putra.png
"Yes, thank you Vivienne for the play-by-play commentary! Yeah - it appears that the result of the attack was weird too, it felt machine-y, just like the ancient mechanical parts we fought before! I don't know what's going, I can't predict what's going to happen next!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Just get on with it, fight seriously! Gosh you two...!"
Story Putra.png
"Oh! and there it is, Yakutsk followed up her special move, Eisengrad Spanking...! What do you think, my fellow commentator Vivienne!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"You really want me to commentate, don't you, live broadcaster Putra? But the fact is - these things pack absolutely no bite to the point that we're casually cracking jokes like this, it seems?"
Story Vivienne.png
"To think we're also weakened from the nightmares we had yesterday and, incidentally, had plenty of life force sucked out of us. To be honest, I can still dismantle them with only one hand... these guys."
Story Putra.png
"Hmhmm. Well, if it's easier, it's better, isn't it? We can handle all these ourselves--"
Story Putra.png
"Woah, that scream, was Paddington's!? Don't tell me that those weak mooks over here are a diversion and the enemy is after non-combatants like Paddington and Conductor?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Both of you! Leave this to me, I can use my whip to take out even these large number of enemies! In the meantime, you protect the Conductor and -"
Story Putra.png
"Affirmative! I'm going ahead, Vivienne, I'm worried about Conductor and co.!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh, mon dieu - Don't run off on your own, Putra!"
Meanwhile-- Those of us who were working on the roof of the train and so on were astonished to witness something 'unbelievable'.
Story Paddington.png
"Wha, what is that...? Conductor, what is that!?"
Story Queensway.png
"C-C-C-Calm down Miss Paddington! Th-th-that can't be - are we still in a nightmare?"
Story Paddington.png
"If-if it's not a nightmare, it's an optical illusion! I remember reading all the literature on this train, but I don't know anything about that!"
Story Paddington.png
"This shouldn't even exist... we have 'another Mist Train'!?"
Yes... Kicking up snow behind us and pushing forward... was a train that looked exactly like the Mist Train. Everything, from the colour to the size -- It is exactly the same as the train that we're standing on right now.
But it's true, such a thing should be impossible. There is only one Mist Train in the world. And the only person in the world who can move it - is me, the Conductor.
This inexplicable object shakes the very foundations of my existence is approaching us at a rapid pace. Naturally, I can't hide my agitation and, to my shame, I can't even think properly.
Story Yoshino.png
"Shashou... Don't worry, relax. That doesn't seem to be a nightmare or optical illusion, but probably also not a Mist Train, Yoshino can tell, kougyoukei after all."
Story Yoshino.png
"It sounds different. It's probably--"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Suddenly - Yoshino was about to say something when she was interrupted by the sounds of a sly laugh. Surprised, we looked upwards to see someone standing on the roof of the other train that's approaching from behind.
She is a little girl who, because of our distance, looks like a pea. Her long hair is dishevelled by the winds and she is wearing a spotless white coat... Her large twin eyes were shining like jewels under the sunlight.
For a moment, I don't know why - But I felt nostalgic.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
"Nyufu, nyufufu! NYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I've finally caught up with you, big broth- I mean, Conductor of the SSS!"
Bending her little body backwards to the limit - The mysterious girl shouted cheerfully, waving her hands around in vain as she almost fell over.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
"Behold! We are the amusing, unreasonable, and world-changing villainous organization, 'Dr. Gloria's Gang of Beloved Compatriots' - the Doggan Gang for short!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
"And Doctor is not... I am the crime boss of this Doggan Gang! I am the supreme, great, mad scientist genius, Dr. Gloria!"
The strange girl, grinning broadly, introduced herself as Dr. Gloria, and laughed herself silly.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"NYAHAHAHA! Now that you've met us, poor things, today is the day of your demise! This is the end of the line for you and your SSS - NYAAAAAAAAH!"
And because bending backwards a bit too much is not a good thing -- She lost her balance and fell off the train!
Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency