Main Scenario/Heresy and Decency

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Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Pant, pant--"
In a corner of the Eisengrad capital, a man is running, out of breath. He is an officer of decent rank in the Eisengrad military.
He has little experience in actual combat and has been away from such scenes for so long that his body is flabby - he doesn't look much like a soldier.
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Nonsense! What the hell, how did it end up like this!"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"What went wrong? No, who was at fault? Was it my biggest mistake to make that woman my enemy, that horrible woman -"
Story Karlsruhe.png
" - Dearie me, I wonder who could that be, ja?"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"HEEEEE!? Ka-Karlsruhe...!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Heh. Addressing me without titles? Then again, you've already been stripped of your military rank, ja?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Well, we were in the same military after all - I'll let some of your rudeness slide. You've lost everything anyway, so I'll spare a handful of mercy♪"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
At the first sight of Karlsruhe, the man tried to flee in the opposite direction to where she stood. Hoever - He was grabbed by Leipzig firmly at the shoulder, who unexpectedly appeared out of the darkness.
Story Leipzig.png
"Do not move. If you move, your shoulder will dislocate. It would not kill you, but it will still hurt."
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Ah, so you're calling me a scoundrel now, straight from the mouth of a scoundrel."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"I expected that someone wouldn't be happy with the Triumpal Return Ceremony - and by extension the SSS, and they would go off the rails."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"You made the wrong move, dummkopf. From that other train we have discovered yesterday - was a large number of eggs recovered from inside the belly of a giant monster covered in papier-mâché."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"You, who formerly had a very high position, invoked your strong authority to order your subordinate civilian soldiers to place the recovered eggs in the train. Then, while the journalists and others were looking around the train in this Triumphal Return Ceremony, hoped that the eggs will hatch and that there would be casualties...?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"That will harm civilians on tour of the train despite being escorted by the SSS. Additionally, to have the fiasco be spread around the world by journalists... Causing the credibility of the SSS to plummet, so the public will only trust our national army just as usual - instead of the SSS."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Then Eisengrad will secede from the Allied Forces and all the taxes that would have gone to the SSS are paid into the coffers of the military... From this, you and your cronies will make a lot of money from lining them into your pockets."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"That was your plan, wasn't it? You... err, what was your name again?"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"N-no! Believe me, Karlsruhe, I was working for the future of this country!"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"The people's taxes should be given to us, the national army, who go to war for the people and for peace, not for some flimsy group like the SSS! Don't you agree?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"And for that reason, you are willing to let the average citizen, who knows nothing about it, fall prey to the poisonous fangs of monsters born from eggs?"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"It's a necessary sacrifice! The stupid masses don't understand the facts as they are, and a spectacle was necessary to make them realise our noble ideals!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The latter is where you and I agree. Only that part though... If you're going to conspire a plot anyway, make a better one."
Karlsruhe snapped her fingers while sighing. Leipzig then released her grip from the man she was restraining.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Mhmhm. I'll clean up after you, go wherever you want. Thanks to you as a result, we've shown the public the strength and responsiveness of the SSS, which is enough for the public to believe in them, so -"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"That's good. I'm also a lawyer - I'm always on the side of the weak, you know, so I'll let you off the hook here."
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Oh, really? You'll let me off the hook here...?"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. I'm proud to say that I've never lied since I was born... You'd better scram out of here as soon as possible, because if the army catches you, you'll be shot dead."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The huge monster that appeared outside the town just now, you know, was the same kind of monster that was that 'other train'. Perhaps it was its husband - it was furious because we killed its wife and taken its children, meaning its eggs away."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"And it was closing in on the town to at least try to get the eggs back. It's a touching story... I have a weakness for that sort of thing. I feel a bit bad about what we did to that bug, so I'm going to be merciful to you and do a good deed to make up for it."
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Oh, I see! Thank you, you are a kind and beautiful goddess!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes, I get that a lot♪"
The man ran frantically away right past the smiling Karlsruhe. Leipzig, her gun drawn, walked up to Karlsruhe, who is absentmindedly looking the other way, and asked her.
Story Leipzig.png
"...You allowed him to escape, Offizier. I still have a clear shot at this distance."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. It's all over now anyway. We, the ambassadors of justice, don't need to bother getting our hands dirty."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"I have received a report from the surveillance team that is constantly patrolling this city. They say that people who appear to be agents of the Resistance have been spotted amidst the hustle and bustle of the festival."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The man I talked to just now, did you know that he blamed the Resistance for any of his past wrongdoing...? It appears that he has committed various criminal acts in the past under the name of the Resistance."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Mhmhm. Once I think about it from the Resistance's point of view, there is no way we can leave such an eyesore alive, ja?♪"
Eisengradian Officer
Just behind the smiling Karlsruhe, the man who had been running suddenly collapsed. A huge bullet hole has appeared in his abdomen.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Dearie me, how terrible. He was dexterously shot in the side just before damaging his internal organs too much, ja? That shot would make him die quite slowly and painfully, you know?"
Karlsruhe commented amusingly, and quickly located the sniper's position from the angle of fire - She looked up in an unexpected direction.
Story Bestyakh.png
From the top of a steel tower far away, difficult to see - Bestyakh stood silently beside the sniper, looking down upon the dying man, her eyes as cold as the tundra.
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Sa-Save... Save me, Karlsruhe, don't want to die, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Mhmhm! It's a joyful festival today, there's so much activity everywhere, it's so loud that I couldn't hear a thing, ja?♪"
Story Man1.png
Eisengradian Officer
"Karls, Ruhe, you hag, rotten... OUTCAST BITCH!"
Neatly ignoring the man's voice, Karlsruhe walked briskly like a princess who's about to go to a ball. She took the hand of the stunned Leipzig, concerned about the man who collapsed in the shade, and led her forcibly into the streets where people are passing by.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. This reality is no fairytale, so not all good, self-serving people exist."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"That's why we use our heads, we use our schemes, we control and manipulate everything. Everyone does it - I'm just a little bit more aware of 'it'."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The Phantom Mist makes the world, and all life, go crazy. Only the SSS can fight against it... Without them, there is no hope for our future."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The military insiders that were jeopardizing the survival of this SSS have been dealt with in this case and will be eliminated by further purges... This will, well, keep the domestic opposition at bay for a while."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Mhmhm. For the greater good, and for my personal well-being - I still need the SSS to be the heroes that everyone loves♪"
The huge monster that was about to invade Eisengrad from the outside was successfully repelled by the weapons of the Eisengrad Central Army, which seemed to have been prepared for this purpose, and by the Special Steel Squad.
Afterwards, the Triumphal Return Ceremony concluded without further incidents, and on the morning of the next day after a long night - we of the Special Steel Squad boarded the train that had been cleaned of insect eggs and the like.
Story Putra.png
"C-C-C-Ccold, it's so cold! P-please no more of E-Eisengrad, t-there's nothing but s-snow!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"We have borscht, too."
Yakutsk smiled as she carried a deep iron pot of steaming soup in her mitts. She is in charge of cooking for our mission today.
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's piping hot, so you have to wait a bit before you drink it. This will warm you up, Putra."
Story Putra.png
"O-Oh, Y-Yakky is way too kind.... W-What's w-wrong? Are you feeling s-sick?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's doubly rude, ya know, also who're ya to call me 'Yakky'?"
Yakutsk poked Putra with a ladle and sighed. Perhaps she is lonely, so her attitude is more feeble than usual. She is sad because Murmansk and her other friends, who have become good friends with her, have got off the train to take care of various personal matters now that they are back in their hometown.
Story Yakutsk.png
"I-I'm not lonely. I don't mind being alone. Murmansk and the rest are part of the SSS, so I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for us to be together again in the future - on missions and stuff."
Story Putra.png
"You're not alone, Yakky! Here's your bestest best friend Putra, who loves you, so cheer up!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I already told you to stop calling me Yakky! And you're not my best friend!"
Story Queensway.png
"Hmhmm. It seems that even though she's not your best friend, you still think of her as your friend. Look at that, Miss Putra, she's casually put your favourite food inside your own borscht."
Story Putra.png
"What? Woah, it's true! It's full of seafood! I've never had borscht before, so I was wondering if this is how it's supposed to be!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Huff huff. Hawt, but so delicious...♪"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. It warms me up from the inside out, and it's good to enjoy cuisine from all over the world, which is one of the best things about the SSS...♪"
We all had a perfect time to have friendly meal together and tell each other about our future plans.
Both the festival in the Eisengrad capital and the Triumphal Return Ceremony, held simultaneously, will last for another week or so.
During that time, and for a certain period afterwards, we will go around solving the incidents caused by the Phantom Mist that are occurring frequently in various parts of the country in order to make the public's opinions of the Special Steel Squad even more favourable.
Story Yakutsk.png
"So, it's like a mission as usual. From a historical point of view though, Eisengrad is a rarity."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Even though Eisengrad is part of the Allied Forces, it's unprecedented for our country to let outside forces move around the country as they please. Is this another effect of the Triumphal Return Ceremony?"
Story Putra.png
"Eisengrad sounds very insulated, isn't it? Just like a certain someone else."
Story Paddington.png
"Hmmhmm. That explains why there are a lot of blanks in the domestic route maps and so on, so I'd like to take this opportunity to fill them in as I go along. Of course, like the SSS, our priority is to help people in need."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes. If we continue to accumulate deeds like that, I am sure that even those who dislike us or are alienated from us at the moment - will come to understand and support the SSS."
Story Queensway.png
"Our path will continue onwards. A clean, polished, steel railway blessed by the people who love us."
Story Vivienne.png
"Everyone~! Terrible terrible terrible!"
Just as Queensway had a good moment to wrap up the conversation, Vivienne jumped in, as if she had timed it perfectly.
Vivienne was on guard duty, using her experience and skills as a Gendarmerie officer to detect anything that might be going on. She was on the roof of the train under a cold wind, with as unobstructed a view as possible.
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh, how terrible, this is uncalled for! You should have called me if breakfast is ready~! It's freezing cold outside the Train, even my tears are frozen, I needed something warm!"
Story Putra.png
"Ok ok ok, you want warmth? Then head on over to Flamarine, Putra, here she cooomes☆"
Yakutsk shrugged as she looked dismally at Putra who went to hug Vivienne.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Borscht, we have lots of borscht, help yourself... But more importantly, Vivienne, what exactly is going on?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh, oui! Look out the window, look out there! I think everyone can see it from this distance!"
As prompted, we looked over the direction indicated - and all exclaimed our shock at the same time.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
A familiar, stifled laugh. Just hearing it is somewhat disarming - but out the window, we see 'the Other Train' running at the same speed as us.
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, another train!? Oh, is this another one of those cardboards...?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Hm, hmm? But this time it sounds like it's got wheels and stuff...?"
Beside her was Yoshino, whose beast ears are twitching, I - on behalf of the Special Steel Squad - opened the compartment window and called out to her.
Dr. Gloria, what can I do for you? We did agree on an 'appointment' earlier, so maybe you've come to visit me so I can give you a quick tour of the train?
Story Queensway.png
"Sir Conductor, since when did you become friends with that girl too? In case you've forgotten, this Train is off-limits to outsiders - the Triumphal Return Ceremony is the only exception given, you know?"
Queensway said this, a bit sulkily for some reason. Of course, I'm aware of that - and apparently Dr Gloria was not here to visit the train.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Nyuhuhu♪ I'd like to see the inside of the train if I could! Yesterday, I was able to take a good look at the exterior walls and the wheels - and I was even able to ride on it for a very short time!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I, the Doctor is smart enough to reproduce some of these things myself! Feast your eyes at our improved pseudo-train - 'Doggan Train Mark Two'!"
Whether because she doesn't want to fall off the roof again or because it's cold, Dr. Gloria is being very overbearing inside the train this time. The fact that she could get inside the train car means that, in fact, this is no mere cardboard box over a monster - it's no sham.
Did she really figured out the structure of the Mist Train itself so perfectly that she assembled it and put it into motion?
If so, she is a genius inventor unrivalled anywhere in the world - perhaps even surpassing my own mother, the inventor of the Mist Train.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"At the same time! I just wanted to say hello to you, which I didn't get to do properly the day before yesterday, because I fell off! No, I'm here to declare war on you all, the SSS!"
Dr. Gloria shouted triumphantly with her chest out, as we stared in disbelief.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"The Mist Train is the only one of its kind! It is Mommy's masterpiece!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"If I can produce a train that equals or even surpasses it in performance - Mommy will surely respond! As a fellow inventor and scientist, I absolutely, absolutely, ABSOLUTELY cannot ignore...!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"That is why! I, the Doctor, and Dr. Gloria's Doggan Gang, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will beat you!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Big Broth - The Conductor of the SSS, we will beat you! I'll get back everything you took away from me, the Doctor wanted, and I'll laugh at you!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I'm sure my laughter will reach my Mommy! Even if she doesn't come to see me, even if we can't speak to each other, she'll know that Doctor is happy and smiling!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"That's all it takes to satisfy Doctor! I'll remind our Mommy, who disappeared on her own, who forgot about Doctor - Doctor will remind her of my existence, and I'll engrave it on her!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"This train is my very blade of revenge! Isn't it terrifying? I'm even scared myself, nyuhuhuhu♪ Because she didn't love me, Doctor has become a very bad girl -"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Nyah- W-Wh-What's wrong? What is it, don't shout so loud all of a sudden, Big Brother...?"
Dr. Gloria, behind you, behind you! Look behind your train, it's on fire!
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Behind me...?"
Curiously, but honestly, she opened the window of her train, leaned forward, and looked behind - Dr. Gloria turned pale.
Just as I pointed out - there was a huge fire in some of the cars connected to the engine section of that other train.
Dense black smoke is rising, and in addition, there are beginnings of a series of repeated minor explosions. It's obviously strange - what's going on? We didn't launch any attacks, but the 'other train' is burning and crumbling, and it's falling apart.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"A-AH! NOOO! What's going on, I've created a mechanism to utilize the mysterious excess energy from Bright-"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Huh, why? This shouldn't have happened? Where did I mess up my calculations?"
Muttering and snapping her fingers, Dr. Gloria started to make difficult calculations that's incomprehensible to me. But there's no time for that.
Get out of there, Dr. Gloria! I don't know how you designed that train to work - but if the engine catches fire, it's going to detonate into smithereens!
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Eh? Eeeeeh? But, whyyyyy - Doctor was going to win against my Big Brother too!"
Dr. Gloria had tears in her eyes, but before she can take any action - the worst outcome came true, and in no time at all the engine compartment is on fire and the other train exploded!
Story Putra.png
It was such a catastrophic accident that even the always innocent and cheerful Putra was speechless. The other train is engulfed in flames, shattered into pieces that scattered all over the tracks and the ground.
Story Yakutsk.png
"L-Let's stop the train here too, Conductor?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"The Doggan Gang or whatever they're called may be the bad guys - but that Dr. Gloria girl doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong at the moment. It's a bit sad to leave her to die."
Story Paddington.png
"Yes, let's rescue her! I've memorised every bit of the emergency manual in case of a train accident because I felt the need to do so after the incident at the Old Spider Castle!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Non... I actually think she doesn't need to be rescued?"
Vivienne's good eyesight seemed to have spotted something inside the rising black smoke - she worriedly pointed to the wreckage of that other train. At the same time, silhouettes crawled up from the piles of debris.
Story Whisper.png
"Cough cough - That was a total surprise! I thought I was going to die!"
Whisper emerged, her honey-tanned skin even darker with soot. Dr Gloria is safe within her arms, her eyes white from shock.
Story Bright.png
"Hngaaaaaah! I feel so much better now that I've released my pent up energy!"
More debris was blown away and Bright also appeared. They may be a bunch of jokers, but they are certainly capable - both Bright and Whisper are, by the looks of it, mostly unharmed.
Story Whisper.png
"Hey you ass, what are you trying to do to clear your energy, you clunking junk! So you're saying it wouldn't have exploded if you'd just stayed pent up?"
Story Bright.png
"Hgnaaaaah!? But explosions are one of my basic bodily functions, isn't it too harsh to ask me to deal with it! Master would think so, too... wait why is she sleeping?"
Story Whisper.png
"No, no, she fainted because of your explosions! It's almost always your fault, every, single, time!"
Story Bright.png
"What the Hell? Don't you blame others, scratch that, you can blame others, but don't blame golems!"
Story Whisper.png
"I've always wanted to tell straight to your face so many times, you're not a golem, you're a robot!"
Story Bright.png
"Don't you dare call me a robot, you bastard!"
For some reason, Bright's whole body burned hot and he went berserk, and Whisper dodged all the mysterious bombardments of energy he emitted.
As we left the two alone, who seem to be on questionably good terms, Dr. Gloria is still fainted and did not wake up.
Story Yakutsk.png
"W-what are those guys? I'm clueless - just watching them alone is soooo tiring!"
Story Queensway.png
"Eheheh. I think it's even more tiring if we're dealing with them... It looks like everything is okay though, and if we are late getting to our destination again, it will affect the reputation of the SSS - Shall we move on?"
Yes... that's right. Mist Train, all aboard.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria ranted after she finally woke up - as the Conductor of the Mist Train, the only hope to save the world, is busy.
Perhaps Dr. Gloria is really my own sister. But the world still has the disaster of the Phantom Mist, and the Special Steel Squad has a mountain of tasks to fulfil.
The peace that everyone has been waiting for is still far away - Conversations with my family and everything else can unfortunately only be put on the back burner.
Chapter 7.png
7-1 Ruins of Steel
7-2 The Greatest Archaeological Duo
7-3 Ouvrage Schoenenbourg
7-4 Narrow and Dark Underground Passage
7-5 Things Seen From the Pillbox
7-6 Karl and Emil
7-7 Search for the Power Source
7-8 Minecart Terminal
7-9 Defender of Maginot
7-10 Éclair