Main Scenario/Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy

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Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency
Story Karlsruhe.png
"In short, the Triumphal Ceremony is --"
Once again, I asked Karlsruhe to explain the mission to me. The earlier alarm is worrying, but she assures me that it's 'no problem'.
I can't do anything by rushing to the scene of the alarm as the Conductor anyway, and I should just be doing my job now. In other words, understand the situation, make the right decision and act accordingly.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"To put it bluntly, it's a publicity stunt. The Triumphal Ceremony is a fun way of showing to the Eisengradian government and her people ーー This show is a fun way of explaining 'What is the SSSーー?'."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"The train is to run on the tracks connected to the heart of the Eisengradian capital and stop in the middle of the square... So long as it does not violate military secrets, the Train will also be open to the public, and government officials, journalists and members of the public selected by lottery will be invited to look around the train."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"At the same time, we'll have the Train Knights dressed up prettily to show these 'guests' around... It's more like a performance ーー Like gladiators, you could even have them take out some weak monsters at random."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"While revealing the inside of the mystery-filled train, to a certain extent... To show what the SSS usually does. To the world, that is, to the general public and to the Eisengradian government."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Not only that, we will also organise a spectacular festival in the capital, so that the public can enjoy themselves to the fullest. The people of Eisengrad are generally very respectful and honest, but they only tend to put their hair down during festivals..."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"I'm sure that the Triumphal Ceremony will be a lot of fun and a hot topic of conversation, and the SSS will be positively accepted by everyone."
- That's what a Triumphal Ceremony is? It's a festival sideshow, if I would call it that.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. Of course it's no mere sideshow, it's a very politically motivated ceremony. Otherwise, I wouldn't have invited all you busy people all the way to this cold country."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"I'll tell the truth. Recently, there have been whispers of disturbing topics in the Eisengrad government - no, rather within the military. The Triumphal Ceremony is an operation to destroy such whispers, or rather the topic."
......What is this 'disturbing topic'?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"'Is Eisengrad's involvement with the Special Steel Squad really necessary?'"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"As you know. We in 'Eisengrad, the Country of Snow and Steel' have had an unusually high incidence of Phantom Mist since ancient times... In order to cope with them and to defend our land, we have developed our army and have become the country with the most powerful military in the world."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"But military spending has always put pressure on our finances, so to be frank, we are poor..."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"It is known that Eisengrad has a lack of resources other than minerals, especially in winter, when most of the country is covered with ice and snow - and the environment is harsher than in other countries."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Therefore, there is an opinion within the Eisengrad government to reduce, or even to stop its funding altogether to this allied force of five nations, the SSS."
Eisengrad is seceding from the Allied Forces...?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Of course, that's the worst case scenario, ja? But those opinions exist, and they are getting louder. We can't ignore it - that's why this is the 'Triumphal Ceremony'."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Unfortunately, the masses can't see the big picture. Therefore, they cannot understand the noble aim of the Allied Forces and the SSS - To fundamentally pacify the world by removing the Phantom Mist, for example."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Now our fields and/or our families are threatened by Phantom Mist... Yet it is not the SSS, the heroes who will save the world, but our own soldiers who are sent from the neighbouring Eisengrad base to solve such problems."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Then the people would like to dedicate their bloody taxes to the government, not to the SSS, who are active somewhere far away - but instead to the Eisengradian military."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Meaning, the masses tend to think that investments to the SSS have nothing to do with their own lives and are a waste of money."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"There is widespread discontent among the general public without thinking about the whole status quo, and such discourse is used by military bigwigs who want to line their own pockets. The military always had a strong voice in the Eisengrad, so when they also have public opinion on their side, they can't be touched."
Do you think this 'worst case scenario' is a realistic possibility?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Of course, we are using our powers of persuasion to prevent that from happening. However, it's impossible for me to move the status quo on my own, so I'm hoping that... everyone of you will help me."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"While holding the Triumphal Ceremony with great pomp and pageantry - I request you all to resolve all current anomalies caused by the Phantom Mist that are now occurring in various parts of Eisengrad."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Of course, to your extent possible... You will prove before the eyes of the masses that the SSS is no mere 'false image of a hero' who seems to be somewhere far away, but a useful and supportive presence in their real life."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"We will also stage it in such a way that public opinion will be tilted towards us in the meantime. We've already laid the foundations, we've made the arrangements - now we just have to execute it with your help."
I would instead have asked you for that on everyone's behalf. If the military powerhouse Eisengrad, or even any of the five countries, were to secede from the alliance, the SSS could fall apart. This is no exaggeration, it is a crisis for the very existence of the SSS.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. The seeds of disaster should be quickly nipped in the bud. Thank goodness Your Excellency the Conductor is an intelligent and well-spoken man♪"
Speaking of disasters... I'm wondering about that mysterious Doggan Gang and that other train they were controlling.
What was that all about? That other train is an impossible entity, and I'm not sure what kind of damage it could cause if left unchecked...
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Oh, don't worry about that thing. A report has just come in, and it seems that the Doggan Gang is completely inconsequential."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"They described themselves as a full-fledged, evil global organization... But they seem to be just a small band of thieves who are just running around committing petty crimes here and there."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"In any case, they are wanted worldwide, but they are also of low importance... Apparently, the Doggan Gang is not considered dangerous, but only because one of their members is a wanted fugitive. In reality, it's probably like a gang of fools made up of a small number of young people."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Compared to a powerful enemy that has clashed directly with the SSS many times - this criminal gang can't even be compared to the Resistance. They can easily be dealt with by sending in ordinary soldiers from a base nearby, without SSS assistance."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"In fact, that other train that's peculiar... We have inspected it, and it seems to have been a papier-mâché, just a long monster covered with wood or something like that."
A papier-mâché...?
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. Our key men have examined the scene and there is no doubt about it. That's no Mist Train - it's not even a vehicle, it's just a papier-mâché box over a monster."
By the way, when we saw that 'other train', I think I recall Yoshino saying that the sound was different? It is true that there was no rattling sounds, which is peculiar, as that's caused by the train wheels grinding on the tracks.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmhm. Perhaps they were planning to impersonate the SSS, which is becoming more and more famous in the public eye, and exploit the Mist Train's reputation - to scare the ignorant public into giving them a small fortune?"
It didn't look like they're doing that either... The boss of the Doggan Gang, was a child who called herself Dr. Gloria, had something to do with it, and she said something to us.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Hmmm...? If you really are curious, do you want to interrogate her? We recovered a child who had fainted from near the wreckage of that destroyed other train--"
Story Karlsruhe.png
"You say that child is Dr. Gloria, isn't it?"
So Dr. Gloria is safe... She fell off the train.
Story Karlsruhe.png
"Yes. She seems to be quite fortunate. We did a physical examination and found her to be just a harmless child - so we've put her in the infirmary with a soldier on guard duty, under simple restraints."
Story Karlsruhe.png
"If you have time, you can go and check on her. If the girl is awake, she might be able to talk... assuming she is willing to have a conversation with us."
Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency