Main Scenario/Spawn of Malice

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Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency
Unable to ignore the situation for the time being, I hurriedly got off the train and rushed to Dr. Gloria.
A soldier panicked and saluted me after he noticed my presence and my identity, I told him that I would take care of the situation, and then I faced Dr Gloria.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
I observed Dr. Gloria again from up close, who was fidgeting awkwardly for some reason.
I only saw her from a distance and was unable to see her in the infirmary yesterday - so this is the first time I've been able to get up close and personal with her.
From up close, she is exceptionally small. She looks like a girl that I could wrap my hands around. It is hard to believe that she is Whisper's and Bright's leader - the strongmen who had a big stand-off with some of Eisengrad's elite last night.
If Dr. Gloria were to be seen with those strange people, she would only be assumed as a poor girl who has been kidnapped by the ruffians.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"You were thinking of something rude, aren't you, Big Brot... Conductor?"
Dr. Gloria for some reason kept nearly calling me 'big brother'? Of course, she is not my sister - the only family member I have left is my mother, who is now missing.
After my mother disappeared, I don't think my mother have met another partner and gave birth to a child that I don't know anything of... The age doesn't make sense, given the time of her mother's disappearance, and Dr. Gloria is likely old enough to understand things, despite her young appearance.
It's too much of a mystery. After all, she is still the crime boss of a dubious criminal group that has had some past conflict with the Special Steel Squad, and I am not sure how I should address her, being wary of her.
But as I stared in silence, Dr. Gloria suddenly bowed sharply, causing her very long hair to swing and fly.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"--I'm so sorry!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Um, well, about that.... I'm sure my guys gave you all a lot of trouble yesterday, didn't they? I always tell them to avoid being violent as much as possible and to get along with everyone."
So you are referring to the attack last night. By the way, I don't see Whisper and Bright, they seem to be part of the Doggan Gang - Are they not with you?
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Bright would stand out too much walking on the streets, and Whisper is a wanted fugitive... I can't bring them into a crowd like this, even though I wanted to enjoy the festivities with them if possible."
While answering my question honestly, Dr. Gloria looked upwards into my eyes.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"More than that. Um, I understand that I'm not in a position to ask you to do this, but, Big Brot~... Conductor, if you don't mind, could you show me the interior of the Train?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I'm very interested. I the Doctor is also an inventor, an engineer. I've always wanted to take a proper look at the Mist Train, which is the most pinnacle piece of technology in the world."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"However. This Trains is top secret for the Allied Forces', and thus is usually heavily guarded and inaccessible... Now is the only chance for anyone to get a glimpse of it, as part of the 'Triumphal Return' is being opened to the public."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"So please, Conductor. Doctor is very attached to this train. I don't care if I can't inspect it, I just want to see the interior - no, even just to be able to step inside the train with both my feet would be a real pleasure."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I sincerely apologise for what my guys did last night. As the leader of the Doggan Gang, I'll take as much responsibility as I can."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Oh... but please don't blame those kids. They're all just worried about Doctor, they're good kids, even though they're easily misunderstood, and they'll always protect Doctor in the kindest way."
Dr. Gloria insisted desperately, bowing her head repeatedly. While I'm not wise enough to be able to discern another person's true intentions or personality at a glance, that's not possible, but I'm not sure, somehow I don't feel like she was telling a lie.
I felt somewhat guilty to refuse her request, as she earnestly and genuinely appealed to me tearily. So, even though I think I'm being naive, I decide to do her a favour on one condition.
Dr. Gloria--
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Ah, yes! Nyuhuhu, I've been called by name...♪"
I told her what I wanted to say to Dr. Gloria, who for some reason reacted happily and positively.
You may look around at the carriages and other vehicles that will be open to the public. However, I will accompany you while I monitor you, and if you make any suspicious activities, I will arrest you on the spot.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Yes, that's fine. I'm fine with that, because Doctor's in a position where I can't complain even if I'm arrested without question... Nyahaha, I knew you were as kind, just as I had heard♪"
'Just as I had heard', that's a very strange thing to say. Who exactly did you hear about me from?
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...Of course, from you and my missing Mommy."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Doctor has heard about you many times from our beloved Mommy. She says you're very talented, but she's worried that you're a bit too kind to everyone - or so she said."
Mommy? The missing inventor of the Mist Train - my mother who left everything to me and disappeared? Did Dr. Gloria met her somewhere?
Confused with overflowing questions, I tried to ask Dr. Gloria for more information - and that was the moment when strange noises and screams were heard from the train.
Was that Paddington? I was so startled that I've forgotten everything that's been going on in my head - I rushed into the train!
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Oh.... Please wait, Big Brothe--"
Unable to respond to Dr. Gloria's furtive pursuit, I rushed into the train, now a whirlwind of mystery and strangeness.
Story Paddington.png
"Ah, awa, awa...!"
Paddington is frightened, falling on her butt on the floor of the train. Paddington was also supposed to be cleaning the train - I found her just as I leapt inside the train, rushed over to her and held her by the shoulders.
What's wrong, Paddington? Are you alright, what happened?
Story Paddington.png
"Ah, awawa... Conductor, it's too dangerous! Please run away! I can't believe it, M - Monsters!?"
The shivering woman pointed to the inside of the luggage compartment, where reddish-black mucus is overflowing from the inside of the luggage compartment. From amongst the number of luggage, at the same time... there was a feeling that something strange was stirring in the back of it.
A strange stench is in the air, and dense magical power is rushing towards us like a torrent. Paddington, who has a strong sensitivity to magic, would feel nauseous just from being exposed to this.
While I felt sick as well, I also witnessed something even more unusual. From inside the luggage compartment, one thing slides down one after another. They are all horrifying caterpillar-like creatures the size of toddlers.
Story Monster.png
"Grrgh, grrrgh! Purrgh, pughr, purggh!"
Story Paddington.png
"Ha, hawawa! Please save me, have mercy...!?"
Paddington, a non-combatant, screamed, but still maintaining the same position on the floor she crawled towards me, with her arms outstretched - She intended to use herself as a shield for me, the Conductor.
Feeling her loyalty as a non-combatant, I pulled out my gun and pointed at the monsters. While I, the Conductor, is also a non-combatant, at the very least I am trained to defend myself.
At the very least, I can stall for time until all the other Train Knights rush to the scene... I made my split-second decision and put my finger on the trigger.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Out of the way, Big Brother!"
Immediately, Dr. Gloria stood in front of me with surprisingly agile movements. At the same time, she reaches into her lab coat she is wearing and pulled out - something that looked like a colourful toy.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"EAH-! A new gadget I invented this morning while eating a doughnut! The 'Mr. Rolly-Polly Ring'...!"
Shouting enigmatically, Dr. Gloria threw the ring in her hand childishly. The ring wriggled through the air and struck one of the caterpillars.
Immediately afterwards - the loop transformed into a magical halo, binding the caterpillar's entire body in a tight knot. The caterpillar seemed to be unable to move and writhed in agony.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"EAH, EAH! I won't forgive anyone that defiles or destroys the fruits of my Mommy's dream - the Mist Train!"
Dr. Gloria throws more the same rings repeatedly, all of which entangle and bind the other caterpillars. Curiously, even the rings that were thrown in completely wrong directions all seemed to move on their own and bind the nearest caterpillar.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"And there's more! Three days ago, the potted flowers I was growing wilted, so I invented this new gadget out of pity! The 'Go Back Before You Regret It Machine'...!"
After yet another peculiar statement, Dr. Gloria pulled something out of her lab coat again. It is a pink box with a crooked antennae and, for some reason, a very poorly drawn doodle of a clock.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Nyuhuhu, go back, go back! that's how it is, no!"
Saying this like a squealing little critter, Dr. Gloria slowly walked in a circle - pushing said mysterious box against the restrained caterpillar. Immediately afterwards, the caterpillar shrivelled up and turned into a tiny egg-like thing.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Eheh. If I rewind time, it will return to back before it hatched, an egg♪"
Time, rewind...? That should be impossible, no matter what kind of advanced magic you use, how? I felt a strange chill towards this little girl whom I was earlier on beginning to feel a sense of familiarity - I distanced myself from Dr. Gloria.
Dr. Gloria noticed my unconscious movement and frowned a little sadly.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...It's okay. Doctor won't harm Big Brother."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"You're a despicable Big Brother who took away everything Doctor wanted from her, but... We are each other's only family member left in in this world now."
What is she even talking about...? It's been like that ever since I got involved with her and the Doggan Gang, but I cannot wrap my head on any of it - I can only be perplexed.
Story Putra.png
"Paddington~! Are you okay? We've defeated all the monsters in the compartment over here, and we're here to help you! Eh, in times like this - I'm always the first one to arrive♪"
Story Vivienne.png
"Too bad, it's a tie for first place, Putra! The Gendarmerie is all about immediacy, so... huh?"
Simultaneously, both doors at the front and rear of this compartment opened and Putra and Vivienne stared with their wide eyes at us as they step in. Apparently, the same monsters appeared in the other vehicle, and after fighting them off, they came to our rescue, but -
Story Queensway.png
"Sir Conductor, Miss Paddington! Are you two safe!?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh~ Looks like it's all over, huh?"
The physically strong Queensway rushed towards here from outside the train carrying Yoshino on her back - but she came to a sudden halt as she tilted her head confusedly.
Story Yoshino.png
"Wa-ttoto... and Queensway, you're a ranbou driver."
Story Queensway.png
"If you're going to complain, then please get down and run yourself, Miss Yoshino... But I'm relieved, no monsters appeared in this vehicle."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa... No, well, I mean, the monsters did actually appear here, though, uh?"
Paddington's eyes look terribly startled and flabbergasted, she could understand and explain the situation just as well as I did, which is not at all. For a moment, we are all face to face in absolute bewilderment.
'Aaaah~ erhem. Emergency broadcast, emergency broadcast'.
Fussen's stout voice broke through the somewhat uncomfortable standstill.
'Attention, all members of the beloved Eisengrad Central Army and Special Steel Squad, the current task is to defend the capital. After securing your designated stations, those who can afford to do so should assemble on the eastern side of the capital - outside the boundary.'
'This information is directly from the PR department, and it is thus legitimate, but it seems that a super giant caterpillar-like monster is approaching. I too do not want these insects to interrupt our merry festivities, so all those with free time on their hands should join forces to intercept them.'
Story Paddington.png
"Caterpillar...? Is it the same kind of monster that appeared in the Train?"
'The masses who are not tasked with combat can continue to resume enjoying the festivities. There is no need for an evacuation - let this be a good demonstration, witness the strength of our Special Steel Squad from up close♪'
Fussen's voice trailed off, having said all she needed to say. She may not have been able to give specific details in said broadcast that echoed throughout the capital, but we knew exactly what we had to do.
Attention, everyone of the Special Steel Squad. Apparently there is a state of emergency. Paddington will stay on the train and cooperate with the Eisengrad Army to make sure it's safe, while the rest of you will stay with Conductor and --
After saying all that, I suddenly realised. Before I knew it, the mysterious girl who should have been nearby - Dr. Gloria had disappeared.
Story Whisper.png
"Gooosh~! I told you not to move around on your own, didn't I, Dr. Glorin? The army is on to us because of our antics yesterday - if they find us, they'll catch us, won't they?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Ah, it was just you who went berserk, Whisper? And if you get caught, you deserve it because you misbehaved, and Doctor is merely happy to be able to see the train--"
I appeared to see Whisper carrying away Dr. Gloria on her shoulder, the two arguing audibly about something.
She must have approached and retrieved Dr. Gloria at some point and left. Doing all this in a place where all the main members of the Special Steel Squad are gathered without being noticed by anyone - Whisper is a tricky character after all.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Also, stop calling me 'Dr. Glorin' or any other strange names! I want you to call me 'Boss' properly!" Doctor is the leader of the Doggan Gang you know~ I'm a big deal, you know~?"
Story Whisper.png
"Yes, yes, big deal. Well, as long as we live, we'll have many more chances to see the Train in the future - so let's give up this time and get the Hell out of here."
Story Bright.png
"Master! Master, are you safe!? Your faithful servant, Bright, has come for you!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"YAAAAAAAHHH! Please don't land with your jets on full brast, cough, thwere's too much durst-- cough cough!"
Story Bright.png
"Ah, what's wrong, Master!? You're coughing this hard - I know it, you've been poisoned by the enemy, haven't you? Those sneaks, they'll never get away with this, I won't forgive theeeem!"
Story Whisper.png
"No, no, this is all your fault dumbass!"
Story Bright.png
"Hmph, don't blame others! Only those who have never sinned can cast the first stone at me - WOAH!? Why, why are you beating me, Master!?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Stupid, stupid, Bright is stupid! Don't get angry in a street like this, whenever you get angry the temperature spikes and the heat wave is so intense it's like a bomb has exploded -"
While she was being carried away and making a lot of noise, Dr. Gloria looked at me for a moment -
We had eye-to-eye contact. I still don't know anything about her, but still, something still felt nostalgic to me... I think I've seen eyes like that somewhere, a long time ago.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria laughed innocently, calling me like we're family.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Apparently there's a crisis coming up, and you don't seem to be in the mood for it, so I'm giving up this time! You'll definitely have to show me around the train one day!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"I'm looking forward to that day! A deal's a deal, you made the promise!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"If you lie, you'll drink a thousand needles! Pinky promise! NYAHAHAHAHAH☆"
With a childish, but still nostalgic pinky promise gesture, she mysteriously disappeared into the crowded festival mob.
Chapter 6.png
6-1 Intruders Early in the Morning
6-2 The Name's Doggan Gang!
6-3 Covering Fire
6-4 Aristocrat and Soldier
6-5 Special Steel Squad in Jeopardy
6-6 The Faceless Woman
6-7 The Steel Giant
6-8 Genius Little Inventor
6-9 Spawn of Malice
6-10 Heresy and Decency