Main Scenario/Princess of Thunder

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Chapter 27.png
27-1 Song of Doom
27-2 Joint Operations
27-3 A Strong Tribe?
27-4 Intuition of the Shana Tribe
27-5 Ruins of Thunder
27-6 Mysterious Sealed Wall
27-7 Part of the Railway
27-8 A Small Handprint
27-9 Princess of Thunder
27-10 Mission Accomplished
Story Versailles.png
"We went in, but we ended up in a completely different hall to the one we saw earlier."
Story Brittany.png
"It's nothing to be panicking about. It's certainly not that hall, but it's not the same as the room you're all locked in."
Story Brittany.png
"Look. There's an obvious mechanism."
Story Versailles.png
"That's an... altar. It looks a lot like the altar we use in our ceremonies."
Story Brittany.png
"Do shana use altars like that in their villages?'
Story Versailles.png
"Yes. Our altar in the shana village is shaped like that, and the altar in the Ruins of Thunder is similar.
Story Brittany.png
"This is surprising."
Story Versailles.png
"Is it? This is almost certainly the Ruins of Thunder, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were similar altars here."
Story Brittany.png
"That's not what I'm surprised about."
Story Brittany.png
"That altar looks exactly like the one in the carrière of Brocéliande. There are several altars shaped like that in the megalithic complexes in the northwest."
Story Brittany.png
"This means that there are similar altars in the two worlds, Iris Metro and Iris Cloud. And that those altars are closely associated with the shana."
Story Versailles.png
"I don't think it's impossible, though. The two worlds, Iris Cloud and Iris Metro, are very similar. The cultures of the countries don't differ too much, do they?"
Story Brittany.png
"Mademoiselle Versailles, did you forget? On our world, the shana are 'rare' - there are no shana villages on Iris Cloud."
Story Versailles.png
"Speaking of which!"
Story Brittany.png
"Isn't it strange? Why are there places and altars similar to the Ruins of Thunder if the shana themselves are so rare?"
Story Versailles.png
"But most of the shana in Iris Cloud live to the west of Brocéliande, don't they? Perhaps there used to be a shana settlement on the west side of Brocéliande?"
Story Brittany.png
"Non, there are no records of any shana settlements in Brocéliande's long history."
Story Brittany.png
"Brocéliande has been made up of several settlements, mainly of elves, since ancient times. The family that brought me up is of ancestral forest rangers. All of them are elves. None of my relatives are shana."
Story Brittany.png
"Of course, if a shana of Iris Cloud bears a child, that child is born and raised in Iris Cloud, but there are many in Brocéliande who do not fit that criteria."
Story Versailles.png
"So they were children who came out of nowhere..."
Story Brittany.png
"Oui. It's also 'with thunder'."
Story Brittany.png
"I am a shana found in Brocéliande, and there are many shana in Iris Cloud who are in a similar situation to me. Most of them appear with the lightning, as babies."
Story Versailles.png
"Do only babies appear with the lightning? Do any of them appear as older children or adults, even if rarely?"
Story Brittany.png
"Such cases are rare. They all appear with no memory of what they were like before they were struck by lightning."
Story Brittany.png
"You start a new life without knowing your name or what your parents and siblings look like. This is the shana people of Iris Cloud."
Story Brittany.png
"That's why I am surprised. This investigation has made it almost certain that the Brocéliande megalithic complex is related to the shana tribe."
Story Versailles.png
Story Versailles.png
"Some children of the shana tribe of M. Verforet disappear with the lightning. The more magical the child is, the more often it is chosen by that lightning, so my clan has many parents who lose their unborn children."
Story Versailles.png
"I was also told that I had an older sister who was close to my age. But she was 'chosen' during the first ritual."
Story Versailles.png
"She must have been a very good sister. Maybe the reason I wasn't blessed with the unique magical powers of the shana is because my sister took most of that power with her."
Story Versailles.png
Story Versailles.png
"Iris Cloud's shana must have originally been the shana people who lived in Metro?"
Story Brittany.png
"I had that idea too, but when Versailles mentioned it earlier I hesitated if that was the case."
Story Brittany.png
"So maybe somewhere in these ruins, there is someone who knows me?"
Story Versailles.png
"Would you like to see your ancestors or relatives?"
Story Brittany.png
"I am interested. But I don't have a strong desire to 'meet' them. I have parents and my lovely soeur, Rennes."
Story Versailles.png
"I would like to meet them."
Story Versailles.png
"The person I want to see the most is my own soeur, but many other relatives have left the Ruins of Thunder besides her. I would like to know if those people are still living happily."
Story Versailles.png
"I hope they are not lonely and alone. I hope they are not struggling because of their small stature or lack of arm strength. ...I can't help thinking that about my compatriots who are no longer with me."
Story Versailles.png
"But this time I see hope. The Chosen Child of Thunderclouds are sent to Iris Cloud. There, wonderful 'families' like Brittany's are waiting for them. They live proudly, loved by elves and humans alike."
Story Versailles.png
"If that were true, the shana in Metro would be a little relieved."
Story Brittany.png
"Mademoiselle Versailles. If we get out of here safely, please take me to visit the shana village. We will tell the villagers about Iris Cloud."
Story Versailles.png
"Of course, of course. I am sure they will be delighted."
"O' brethren of the Shana. Chosen children of the sigil."
"Bring the Princess of Thunder back to the Celestial Sphere. The incomplete Steel Railway does not lead to the Giant Tree. Split the Darkness with the End of Light, and guide the Thunderclouds with your righteous power."
Story Versailles.png
"What was that voice?"
Story Brittany.png
"It came from behind the altar. It is a message addressed to us. It clearly said 'brethren of the shana'."
Story Brittany.png
"But I'm not sure about the 'sigil'. Mademoiselle Vivienne mentioned something like that earlier..."
Story Versailles.png
"I think the sigil is probably this."
Story Brittany.png
"Versailles, what is that mark on your chest?"
Story Versailles.png
"It is a mark that has been handed down in old families. It appears when you are struck by lightning or when you invoke strong magic. I can't use magic that strong, so I've only seen it when I've been struck by lightning..."
Story Versailles.png
"The shape of the mark changes depending on the bloodline. This mark on my chest belongs to the chieftain's family. It is one of the oldest marks of the shana, dating back to ancient times."
Story Brittany.png
"So this is the key to unlocking the secrets of the ruins. It was not just any Shana, it means a lot that you are here, Mademoiselle Versailles."
Story Versailles.png
"I'm happy. So there is something I can do too, as the daughter of the chieftain..."
Story Versailles.png
"Even if I can't use magic well, even if I have a sword in my hand instead of a wand or a book, I still have meaning in this world as a shana."
Story Versailles.png
"...Knight Commander Euston is right."
Story Brittany.png
"It's a tremendous magical reaction, almost like when lightning strikes the carrière."
Story Versailles.png
"Miss Brittany, brace for impact. We might be 'sent somewhere' from here, roughly."
Story Brittany.png
"I will accompany you. My fellow brethren."
Story Finchley.png
"What is it? An earthquake?"
Story Euston.png
Story Euston.png
"Well done. That's Versailles after all."
Story Queensway.png
"Instructor Finchley! The wall blocking our retreat has vanished! We can get back to the Mist Train now!"
Story Finchley.png
"Good. Now we just have to wait for those two to return."
Story Euston.png
"Instead of waiting here, why don't we wait on the train? We must protect the train and the Conductor, not them."
Story Finchley.png
"No, we're still safe. There's neither Mist, nor unstable magic."
Story Euston.png
"But there is not a single shana here anymore. If there is a mechanism in place to exclude outsider races as soon as power returns to the ruins..."
Story Finchley.png
"Even though we have a railway to run the train?"
Story Finchley.png
"Are these ruins built by the shana, or perhaps it was for the shana? If so, there should be no contraptions that could harm elves or humans."
Story Euston.png
"That, makes sense..."
Story Finchley.png
"It's the train and Conductor who should be protected. You are certainly right. We must always keep that in mind."
- but now is not the time to make that choice.
We are the SSS. We are a force that exists to clear the Mist. To clear the Mist, we are always put in difficult situations. The criteria for decision-making are different from those of a normal unit.
That's what you've wanted to say, isn't it, Finchley?
Story Finchley.png
"Perfect. You're certainly THE commander of the SSS."
Story Finchley.png
"We are in no danger. There is no sign of the ruins collapsing. Then we should stay and do our duty as a unit. We have to find out what is happening to these ruins and make sure that the people of Metro are not harmed. That is the job of the SSS."
Story Finchley.png
"You haven't forgotten that either. That's why you're concerned about 'how far' Versailles and Brittany have gone. You're trying to figure out when to change your strategy. Am I wrong?"
Story Euston.png
"I'm surprised. You can read people's minds?"
Story Finchley.png
"No, I can't do that. There's a good reason you were elected Knight Commander at such a young age. That's what I thought, Knight Commander Euston."
Story Euston.png
"Too flattering. Euston as before."
Story Finchley.png
"I trust you, Euston. So you can trust me too."
Story Euston.png
"What are you talking about? I have believed in you from the very beginning."
Story Euston.png
"Let's position Queensway and Yoshino as rear guard... Conductor will be at the center of the two groups. If there is any trouble that might affect the withdrawal, the whole group will turn back."
Story Euston.png
"How's this?"
Story Finchley.png
"Yes, that will do."
"Tch, the lights have gone out again."
"It's completely dark."
Story Vivienne.png
"Bring the Princess of Thunder back to the Celestial Sphere. The incomplete Steel Railway does not lead to the Giant Tree."
Story Vivienne.png
"Split the Darkness with the End of Light, and guide the Thunderclouds with your righteous power."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
"I heard that..."
"Is Vivienne saying that just now? Is that what someone is telling you?"
"Yes, it was a woman's voice. Brittany and Versailles are nearby."
Story Vivienne.png
"Versailles has used her power. All that's left is for me to release the power of the ruins..."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
"But first I must return the Princess of Thunder to the celestial sphere."
Vivienne is muttering to the wall. Putra, likely next to her, seems to be able to hear her, and unlike before, they are having a proper conversation.
--Bring the 'Princess of Thunder' back to the celestial sphere.
Before I could ask her what she meant by that, Vivienne had created black lightning with her hands.
"Vivienne, what are you..."
"Very powerful magic, just like the one felt in Brocéliande."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'll be going to the two. I will use my powers, so gather around me."
"It's too dangerous. We don't know what will happen."
Story Vivienne.png
"It's okay. Don't be afraid. I know. I know that this magic is meant to be used in these ruins."
"Magic for use in the Ruins of Thunder. Is there even such a thing..."
"Trust Vivienne, It's going to be alright. We'll be fine."
Putra said that, and the Train Knights walk over to Vivienne. The cautious Euston did the same and moved closer to the wall with Finchley.
Story Vivienne.png
"There is no doubt. The Princess of Thunder is in the Celestial Chamber..."
Story Vivienne.png
"We're going to teleport. Prepare for a bang."
Story Versailles.png
Story Brittany.png
"What a surprise. The SSS has appeared with the thunder..."
Story Vivienne.png
It worked. I went where I thought I was going."
Story Putra.png
"That's amazing, Vivienne! how did you do that!?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yuuzen's Gates aren't a sight to behold either. This is even cooler than her Gate with the lightning strikes."
Story Versailles.png
"But more importantly, everyone, please be careful. The celestial sphere has now regained its full power through magic."
Story Putra.png
"By celestial sphere, you mean that little sphere, right?"
In the centre of the hall called the Celestial Sphere Chamber, was a sphere on its ceiling that resembled Metro celestial spheres.
But it does not seem to be a mere object of worship. Lightning flashed around the small celestial sphere and thunderclouds clung to it.
Story Euston.png
"Those are not thunderclouds. But Phantom Mist. If left unchecked, these ruins will be shrouded in a thick Mist."
Story Brittany.png
"Something has been unsealed here. Perhaps something that was sealed up in that celestial sphere has come out."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's the Princess of Thunder. I wonder if she is the one who has caused the power of these ruins to run out of control."
--Leave. I will do my duty here.
Story Vivienne.png
"Excellente. Looks like she came from the other side."
Story Finchley.png
"What are you talking about? She's the enemy. The enemy is a monster. She is no princess."
--The master of the end of light.
--The Dark Blood who has trapped me in the light.
--Why do you stand in my way?
Story Brittany.png
"Her voice is different from the one we just heard."
Story Versailles.png
"I don't think she's the one guarding the ruins. Even if she were, we have no choice but to defeat her when she turned into a monster.
--What did you just say, my brethren?
Story Versailles.png
Story Princess of Thunder.png
Princess of Thunder
"You will recognise me when you see me. I am the protector of the Celestial Chamber. I am a warrior of the shana."
Story Versailles.png
"No way... she really is a shana, Miss Brittany."
Story Brittany.png
"Calm down, please. If this is the Ruins of Thunder, it's not surprising that there are demonised shana warriors here. It's tough, but we have to fight."
Story Euston.png
"Versailles, fight with all your might. It's time to show what you've trained for!"
The enemy appeared in the Celestial Chamber. The figure was a shana warrior turned monster.
Chapter 27.png
27-1 Song of Doom
27-2 Joint Operations
27-3 A Strong Tribe?
27-4 Intuition of the Shana Tribe
27-5 Ruins of Thunder
27-6 Mysterious Sealed Wall
27-7 Part of the Railway
27-8 A Small Handprint
27-9 Princess of Thunder
27-10 Mission Accomplished