Event Scenario/"The Saint of the Mist"

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Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"
After defeating the Mist Monster, the Mist cleared away in a flash. The dark forest was bathed in sunlight through the trees, and birdsong echoes through the air.
Story Orleans.png
"Seems like this was the cause after all."
The mist stone held by the statue-like thing was broken in two, and the shrine was slowly disappearing.
Did the Mist really call it, or did it call the Mist? It doesn't matter now.
Story Rouen.png
"I knew it would disappear. If it had properly repented, I would have considered adding it to my World Mysteries collection."
Story Vivienne.png
"That disgusting face doesn't show any remorse. Besides, it would be very inconvenient for anyone to go shopping with that thing around without getting lost."
Story Rouen.png
"I supppose. I had a gut feeling about that. I guess I'll just give up then."
While Rouen was lost in thought, it disappeared as particles of light.
Story Orleans.png
"This is for the best. Go back to your world. Don't come back here lost again."
Orleans uttered a prayer.
From across the forest, a multitude of voices could be heard. They were soldiers who had been rescued from the forward base. They took Orleans' hand and called her Dame Saint of the Mist.
Story Orleans.png
"No need to you call me that any- no, you're right. I called myself Saint of the Mist, even though it was to save you all, and La Pucelle told me it was fine."
The soldiers nodded repeatedly.
La Pucelle's voice no longer echoed outside you, Orleans. But so long as you carry that voice, then Orleans is the Saint of the Mist to those who hear it.
Story Orleans.png
"When I met La Pucelle in those ruins, she told me the same thing. She said that I would be the Saint of the Mist."
Story Orleans.png
"I just wasn't confident. I wasn't sure if I could call myself the Saint of the Mist."
Story Orleans.png
"But I'm over it now. I thought that if I could save someone by being a Saint of the Mist -- then so be it."
Story Orleans.png
"I thought that I should be worthy of the name Saint of the Mist now that people have called me that."
Story Orleans.png
"If that's the case, then maybe it's me who's been saved, saved by La Pucelle, saved by Monsieur Conductor, I've been saved all the time."
If you feel that way, then save someone else for the number of times you were saved. Like this time.
Story Orleans.png
"True, that's true. We certainly saved those people."
Orleans looked lovingly at the soldiers as they hugged each other and rejoiced. Once their recover from their injuries, they will return to the front line. Fight to live, those words of the Saint of the Mist etched in their hearts.
Story Orleans.png
"Only now I understand. This is how La Pucelle's wish will be spread around the world."
Story Vivienne.png
"Oh? Are you in a bit of a good mood? Am I intruding anything? It's okay, you don't have to answer. I know I'm in your way just from asking."
Story Orleans.png
"Gosh, Mademoiselle Vivienne. You're not in the way of me and Monsieur Conductor."
Story Vivienne.png
"Really? Putting aside whether it actually happened or not, at least you expected it, didn't you? Go ahead, say it. I'll keep it a secret♪ "
Story Orleans.png
"...I'd like it if there was at least a little bit of... Wait no...! What are you trying to make me say? Gosh."
Story Orleans.png
"So, what happened?"
Story Rouen.png
"I know where we are now! It's not far from where the Mist Train is parked!"
Story Vivienne.png
"I wonder if that's true, because Rouen's 'not too far' is pretty, pretty far."
Story Rouen.png
"But this time it's true! It's the result of my Sacred Holy Locator! You gotta believe me!"
Story Vivienne.png
"You heard her. Dame Saint of the Mist."
Story Orleans.png
Orleans gave a small cough and then puffed out her chest.
Story Orleans.png
"In the name of the Saint of the Mist, I guarantee everyone's safety! All of you, please follow me!"
The wounded soldiers roared and began to walk in formation. The triumphant footsteps of The Saint of the Mist echoed through the forest of Verforet. Noble and proud, she gave courage to those who walked with them. Just like the words of La Pucelle, the Saint of the Mist...
Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"