Event Scenario/The Last Member

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Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"
After handling several battles with Mist Monsters, we continue through the dimly lit forest.
Story Paddington.png
"I can't expect any less from the Verforet Gendarmerie. You are accustomed to... pant... accustomed to operating inside the forest...!"
Story Paddington.png
"HAWAWA! Why is there a tree branch on my faceeeeee!?"
Story Orleans.png
"Mademoiselle Paddington! Are you alright?"
Story Paddington.png
"I-I'm fine? It's just that my legs now feel like a newborn fawn's..."
She's very worn out. Verforench Train Knights are used to travelling within the forest. Paddington will have a hard time keeping up with Orleans's group.
Story Vivienne.png
"We might be moving a bit too fast."
Story Paddington.png
"Apologies, I'm dragging you all down..."
Story Orleans.png
"Non, we should have been a bit more considerate of you, Paddington."
Story Paddington.png
"It-it's okay, this much... pant, pant. Even the Divine Children of St. Iris have trained well and... I-I'm going to have a drink of water..."
Paddington caught up with us, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and reached into her backpack for her canteen when--
Story Paddington.png
--she dropped her canteen. She also scattered all the contents of her backpack on the ground. Vivienne saw this, shrugged and helped tidy up the scattered belongings.
Story Paddington.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Looks like it. Here, let me close up your bag properly..."
Story Paddington.png
"Thank you, Vivienne. I spilled all the contents of my canteen though..."
Story Orleans.png
"I have some water. Here, I'll share mine with you."
Orleans said as she handed her canteen to Paddington.
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, you are like a goddess, Miss Orleans."
Story Orleans.png
"We are friends together on our journey. It's only natural that we help each other."
Story Orleans.png
"Shall we rest somewhat? I think it's a good time for a short break."
Story Vivienne.png
"Let's do that. You must be tired by now too, Conductor. Here, eat this if you like♪"
It's much easier when we're with people who are accustomed to travelling within the forests. Even the timing of our breaks was perfect. We ate the berries Vivienne picked for us along the way while checking our mission itineraries.
Story Vivienne.png
"So far so good. I heard the Mist was thick, but this is not too bad."
Story Orleans.png
"It's thanks to Vivienne and Rouen knowing this forest very well. You've avoided places with thick Mist, haven't you? That's very appreciated."
Story Rouen.png
"We can't put Dame Orléans in danger, but of course."
Rouen's voice was heard overhead just as we were wondering when she will return. She used her nimbleness to dart from branch to branch among the trees.
Story Rouen.png
"I owe my life to Dame Orléans, after all."
Story Orleans.png
"As I said before, you shouldn't worry about that if that's what you're talking about. I only did what I should be doing. Anyone else in my shoes would have done the same."
Story Rouen.png
"That may be so. But it was you who has saved me, nobody else but Dame Orléans."
Story Orleans.png
"Your feelings are well understood. Don't get too far ahead of yourself. Don't be reckless."
Story Rouen.png
"It-it's okay, my Sacred Holy Power doubles whenever I'm with you, Dame Orléans! I'll go and scout around more then!"
Rouen disappears overhead once again.
Story Vivienne.png
"Rouen is so excited. That girl really idolizes you."
Story Orleans.png
"I haven't done enough to be respected, even when I saved Rouen, I ran off from a strong enemy..."
Story Paddington.png
"But you were there and saved Rouen, didn't you? I think that's amazing."
Story Vivienne.png
"Exactly. People often say it's natural to help, but it's hard to put all that into action. What you did is not something that anyone could easily do."
Story Orleans.png
"Is that... so?"
Story Vivienne.png
"It was your power that saved Rouen, and to meet the 'Saint of the Mist' - La Pucelle. It was fate as you would have said, Orleans. And there are those who perished before they could even fulfil their fate."
Story Vivienne.png
"Therefore, Orleans, I think you should be more proud of what you did."
Story Vivienne.png
"You should have your chest held up high. You've got so much style, it would be a waste if you just slouch like that."
Orleans bursts into tears upon hearing Vivienne's words.
Story Orleans.png
"Pfft... Hahaha! Thank you, Vivienne. You're very kind."
Story Vivienne.png
"I'm not being nice. I'm just saying what's in my mind. Now, break's over! Let's move on!"
We stood up and started walking towards the forward base again.
Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"