Event Scenario/Labyrinth Forest

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Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"
After several skirmishes with Mist Monsters, we were able to get around the rescue point and save the soldiers.
Story Orleans.png
"It was really good. Now we just have to go to the Mist Train."
Story Rouen.png
"There's no Mist ahead. It's not far to the Mist Train."
Story Vivienne.png
"Rouen, you need to take a break too, it's nice that you're all fired up because you're with Orleans, but you're still moving while we're resting."
Story Rouen.png
"Not an issue! After all, I have the blessing of the Holy Angel Saint-Sever."
Story Vivienne.png
"I guess there's no point in convincing you. I know how you feel. You want to impress someone you like, right? I'll leave you to it for today."
Rouen nodded and gave a thump to her chest to show that she was in charge.
Story Rouen.png
"Well, I'm off to do some recon."
Rouen disappeared.
Story Vivienne.png
"But if you get tired, just tell me. I can always replace you as a scout."
"Thanks... I'll ask if I need you."
Story Vivienne.png
"Right, break's over! Let's get the heck out of here."
Vivienne signalled for everyone to stand up. We regrouped and started walking to where the Mist Train was waiting.
Paddington was the first to notice something unusual.
Story Paddington.png
"Um, didn't we already pass by here earlier? This place looks familiar."
Story Vivienne.png
"I've marked the trees where Rouen and I passed. I think I'd recognise it if we passed the same place."
As she said this, Vivienne carved a mark on the trunk of a nearby tree with a small knife in her hand. We have seen Vivienne and Rouen doing the same thing several times before. Well, at least this way we don't have to worry about going round in circles in the same place.
Story Vivienne.png
"We've checked the map. Checked the direction too. See, if we keep going straight, isn't that our goal?"
Story Paddington.png
"But we went through the same place. I'm sure of it."
Story Orleans.png
"What do you think, Monsieur Conductor?"
I have complete faith in Paddington's memory. However, the markers on the tree are very convincing. If we've come to the same place, we're bound to see the markers. Shouldn't there be a marker there if we're going in circles?
Story Paddington.png
"Makes sense, but... this is the same place."
Story Orleans.png
"For now, let's just keep going straight. We may find out later."
Paddington looks quite unconvinced, but Orleans admonishes her and she has no choice but to stay silent.
Again we started walking towards the finish line, which was supposed to be just ahead of us.
Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"