Event Scenario/To the Front Lines

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Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"
The Special Steel Squad was ordered into an operation as one of the forward bases in Verforet had been engulfed by a localised Mist and contact had been lost.
Our main task is to provide military supplies to the forward base and to investigate the situation. We will be holding our positions at the forward base until the supply lines are restored and the battlefield situation is reestablished.
Story Paddington.png
"We have arrived at our first objective. We'll be on foot from here."
Story Orleans.png
"Are the troops at the forward base safe? I'm not sure if they have enough medical supplies and food."
Story Vivienne.png
"Not like we're going to a party. If this isn't enough, we'll have to open up our own supply lines."
Vivienne is probably right. First we have to get to the forward base and check on their status.
As I was checking the route to our objective on the map, a high-pitched laugh echoed somewhere.
"Hmhmhmhmm! I am the protector of the Verforet Forest!"
Voices are heard but not seen. Orleans looked around.
Story Vivienne.png
"Relax, this is like her usual routine. She said she has to do this daily or she won't be in her zone."
Story Vivienne.png
"Come now, come on out! We're departing!"
Story Rouen.png
"This mission is perfect for what I'm here for! Now that I'm present, let us set off on a big ship and... Wait DAME ORLÉANS!?"
Story Orleans.png
"Hello, Mademoiselle Rouen. I'm looking forward to working with you today."
Rouen appears like the wind wherever she was hiding. Her eyes widened upon the sight of Orleans.
Story Rouen.png
"Wait, I didn't hear that Dame Orléans is coming with us! Wh-What am I going to do!? I slept late, my hair's messy and I should have dressed better!"
Rouen frantically straightened her hair and tugged at the hems of her outfit.
Story Vivienne.png
"I know how you feel, but you have no choice on the outfit you're wearing. You can't just wear a dress to work."
Story Vivienne.png
"Well, I could at least do your hair for you. Hey, come here. I'll make you look pretty..."
Story Rouen.png
"Argh, ugh... AAAAH!"
Story Orleans.png
"Heheh, it's very nice to have a forest guard with me. I don't think I'll lost my way with you around."
Story Rouen.png
"Yes, you can count on me to guide you through the forest! I will protect you, Dame Orléans, even at the cost of my life!"
Story Orleans.png
"You don't have to go that far. I can at least protect myself. But you have to take care of yourself too."
Story Rouen.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Well, I don't think we'll get lost. This forest is like a garden to me and Rouen."
Story Orleans.png
"You can never be too careful, even in familiar territory. There is a very thick Mist ahead. Let's be very careful and expect all possibilities."
Orleans then peered deep into the forest.
We're all set. Let us begin operations.
Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"