Event Scenario/Retreat for Tomorrow

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Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"
Story Rouen.png
"Maybe she was right about the statue attracting the Mist after all. The Mist is starting to get thinner."
After a series of battles, it seems that we have finally broken through the siege. What's worrying is that some of the mist monsters we defeated were still carrying those unsettling statues.
Of course, we smashed them whenever we found one. Perhaps that's why the Mist has thinned out.
Story Orleans.png
"This all feels a bit unpleasant after all..."
Story Vivienne.png
"No use thinking about it. We'll just have to destroy them as soon as we find any."
Story Paddington.png
"No one seems to have fallen behind. I think we're safe at this point."
All we have to do is to head straight to where the Mist Train awaited for us. But Orleans objected to that.
Story Orleans.png
"It appears that some of the units have not returned from their patrol. If there is any chance that they are still alive, I would like to save them too..."
There was no reason to deny your suggestion. The morale of the wounded soldiers following us was also at stake. Only their faith in Orleans motivated them.
Besides, everyone felt the same way as Orleans. We want to save everyone who can be saved. However, we can't just go searching in the dark inside this big forest.
Story Paddington.png
"Hmm, the patrol route should be from here and through there, like this. In the light of past Mist outbreak records, the points of distress are limited."
Paddington pointed to a region of the map.
Story Vivienne.png
"How do you even figure out the patrol route? What do you know about past Mist records?"
Story Paddington.png
"When I arrived at the base, I read through all the remaining operational documents."
Story Vivienne.png
"Nice! Great work, Paddington!"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes! More compliments, please!"
Story Orleans.png
"Mademoiselle Paddington. I would like you to review the route again, can you narrow down the points of possible distress?"
Story Paddington.png
"Of course. Let's see, if the dates and times that the people who didn't return went on patrol are as shown here..."
Story Paddington.png
"The only possibilities should be here, here, and here."
Vivienne and Rouen watched with their gaping mouths as Paddington marked the map.
If we just go through this point, then this is not too far a detour. Let's inform the soldiers and we'll rethink our evacuation route.
Story Orleans.png
"Thank you, Paddington. I knew you are truly a beacon of hope to save this world."
Paddington smiled happily at Orleans' praise. The evacuation mission was thus modified to a search and rescue mission.
Saint of the Mist and the Statue From Another World Banner.png
T-1 To the Front Lines
T-2 The Last Member
T-3 Rapid Advance
T-4 At the Fort
T-5 Retreat for Tomorrow
T-6 Miraculous Rescue
T-7 Labyrinth Forest
T-8 The Voice of Guidance
T-9 Otherworldly Idol
T-10 "The Saint of the Mist"