Event Scenario/Ω God's Utopia

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Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love
Story Asahikawa.png
"Ω God, right?"
Story Asahikawa.png
"I don't know who you are, what your ideology is, or what your purpose is in your actions. I don't care, I'm neither interested, nor do I want to understand."
Her gun in hand, countless penguins lined up around Asahikawa. They dexterously manoeuvred heavy weapons with their wings, waiting for their Queen to issue orders.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Who cares, just die because you are in my way. Just die because you are my enemy. Anyone identified as my enemy by the so kawaii me should go to Hell, no questions asked."
Asahikawa raised her hand in the air while reiterating her typical selfish mindset.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Your wishes, your hopes, everything."
Story Asahikawa.png
"-- They'll all be encased in ice."
At that moment, Asahikawa lowered her hand and simultaneously fired her gun wildly. The penguins around her began firing in unison, with the familiar aura of mercenaries who have fought many battles in the past.
Story Asahikawa.png
"I'll freeze you, admire wherever you're worth liking, then shatter you into pieces, and throw them away on my whims."
Story Asahikawa.png
"That's what you want, no? That's what you were born for."
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
The gigantic Ω God screams in agony as it is shot all over its body. While its ability to brainwash people and force them to love each other is troublesome, it itself does not seem to be that tough physically.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hmph. You're fragile and weak, yet you're foolish enough to reveal yourself and propagate your own ideology, utter idiocy."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Small fry should be self-aware that they're small fry and just hide in the dark, like failures you are."
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
Ω God goes berserk, wielding tentacles all over its body. Each time it did this, buildings were smashed to pieces and the inhabitants of Sheep City screamed and fled.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Woah, it's like a catastrophe."
Asahikawa, stop trying to over-agitate the enemy. Also, you can't just start attacking on your own. Allow innocent civilians to properly evacuate first, wait for my instructions and then--
Story Asahikawa.png
"Silence. Nobody gives me orders."
Story Asahikawa.png
"I am the ruler of Doubutsuen, the greatest Ice Queen in the world. I was born to be, and I was wanted to be."
Story Asahikawa.png
Asahikawa yelled furiously and continued to fire bullets wildly. Khajuraho looked at her with amusement and smiled as she whipped away incoming debris.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Haha, great expressions♪ You could make a face like that too huh, when your face was usually so unfathomable that I wouldn't know what you're thinking!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Great, I'm getting aroused myself... I sure want to crack my whip and break everything that girl is trying so hard to protect into a mess♪"
Khajuraho, I don't want to repeat myself again, don't do anything to hurt your own people. If they've given their consent, then it's up to them, and I won't interfere in that case.
Story Khajuraho.png
"...Yeah. I understand. For I'm a pro, I offer services upon demand."
Story Khajuraho.png
"That's what I'm proud of, as a tamer."
Story Khajuraho.png
"I'm sorry, but the quavers that Ω God is emitting from its whole body are making it hard for me to hold back my 'expressions of love'."
Is that why Asahikawa seems to be somewhat upset?
Story Khajuraho.png
"Probably. because of Ω God's influence, everyone's affected. Sooner or later, we might not be able to think about anything else and just follow Ω God's ideology - and be only homosexual."
Story Sentosa.png
"Gaugh~, gaugh~...♪ Jeran, your tail is so cute - can you tangle yours with Yours Truly's? Can we make love, tail to tail?"
Story Jeran.png
"No problem dah~ Sentosa, do what you want! Hyan, so ticklish dah~♪"
Story Khajuraho.png
"...Just like that. I wish I could make love to someone without thinking about it."
If we don't take down Ω God soon, it's going to be a repeat of last year's Valentine's Day. I almost developed gynophobia because of that, and I don't want the same thing to happen again.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ah, something like a love potion was popular last year, wasn't it?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"That's why the girls in the SSS were pushing Bro down and had themselves rub you around - Ah, a pity that I haven't got myself enlisted last year♪"
Khajuraho licked her lips bewitchingly and walked over to me.
Story Khajuraho.png
"That's the thing, we should really defeat Ω God as soon as possible. If only everyone loved each other, it would be an ideal paradise for me too."
Story Khajuraho.png
"But Ω God instils hostility towards the opposite sex along with love for the same sex. You're not influenced by it right now because Asahi and I are protecting Bro with spells and other powers and stuff, but..."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Sooner or later, you will be swallowed up by the worldview that Ω God has built up. Then Bro will start to hate the opposite sex - Us."
Story Khajuraho.png
"That's what Asahi is afraid of. She is a spoilt child who wants to be loved and is extremely averse to losing your favour, Bro."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Of course. It would be bad if all of us if you, our commander, starts to dislike us."
Story Khajuraho.png
"You don't want to talk to someone you don't like and you would not care of their fates. If that happens, the chain of command and everything else will collapse - We will be wiped out for sure."
I don't hate any of you. You're all 'difficult to deal with' in the eyes of the public, but that's precisely what I appreciate and love about all of you.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Thanks. But you should tell that kind of thing to the other kids aside myself."
Story Khajuraho.png
"I am a trained priestess, I can reassure myself. I know how to put myself in a good mood and I can do my job even without love."
Story Khajuraho.png
"However, others aren't like that. They're always insecure and shaky, desperate not to be disliked, and desperate for someone to affirm them."
Story Khajuraho.png
"It's your role to reassure these girls, 'Conductor'."
Khajuraho unusually addressed me with the 'Conductor' title, tiptoed a little and kissed me on the cheek.
Story Khajuraho.png
"That's settled, then. Once again, I've carefully protected you. It should keep you sane for a while, preventing Ω God's quaver effects."
Thank you. And while you're at it, bring Jeran and Sentosa back to their senses. It's going to be difficult for Asahikawa and her penguins to defeat the Ω God in time.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Yeah. Let's have the rampage-loving kids do their best."
Story Khajuraho.png
"'Let's all work together and do our best' is the orders I got from you."
Story Khajuraho.png
"I'll follow your orders, because I'm a member of the SSS too."
Saying this, Khajuraho dashingly held up her whip.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Now, come to your senses! Move on! I'll whip you up if you don't do what I say, come, come, come♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"WAAAAAAAAH!? OW OW OW OW! Stop whipping me! What are you doing all of a sudden, siao ah--!?"
Story Jeran.png
"Wha wha wha what's going on dah~? Why does Khajuraho always do such terrible things dah~!?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Huh, I wonder why? Maybe its because I don't like you girls?"
I already knew that what she said just now was a blatant lie.
Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love