Event Scenario/Hospitalities of the Sheep

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Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love
After that... We planned a strategy and first raided the women's half of the small demihuman nation - the 'Sheep City'. This is the area where the demihuman women, the 'weresheep', live.
We thought it was necessary to investigate first in order to locate where Pochy's girlfriend is imprisoned, and to solve the anomalies that are occurring in this small nation.
As the men side of the territory - the 'Wolf City' was patrolled at all times, it was unlikely that we would be able to approach it, we decided to investigate the women side of the territory - the Sheep City first.
Story Sentosa.png
"Ladieeees~! May I have your attention, please!?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Please give a round of applause! The great Ice Queen, Her Imperial Highness, Lady Asahikawa!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Yay~ yay~, Peace~ peace~."
Asahikawa is on top of a palanquin carried by a large number of penguins, which she has by her side at all times, and is showing her affections to the inhabitants of Sheep City.
Story Asahikawa.png
"No need to be shy, no need to be shy."
Seeing Asahikawa, the inhabitants of Sheep City - sheep-headed demihumans shrilled lovingly. Everyone welcomed her with resounding applause.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Mufun. To put it mildly, I feel extremely good right now."
Story Sentosa.png
"For sure... You, why are you so popular?"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Because I'm kawaii, of course."
While appearances can be deceiving, Asahikawa is apparently a celebrity in M. Nishiki.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Yeah. I rule the only safe town in the Phantom Mist regions of northern M. Nishiki, outside of human society. Ever since my Mama's generation."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Famous as a great queen who successfully governs the harsh, extremely cold lands. She is the star of hope for those who wander in the Phantom Mist, and is legendary."
Story Asahikawa.png
"And I'm supremely kawaii. How can I not be popular?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmmmm. So to put it simply, these exaggerated rumours are spread, and you are loved as an idol."
Story Asahikawa.png
"'Exaggerated rumours' are not true. In fact, I am the great and powerful Ice Queen."
Story Sentosa.png
"Queen heh, you don't look like one."
Sentosa, self-proclaimed 'King of All Beasts', was somewhat unimpressed. I guess she thought it was convenient - saying this while she ruffled her hair, without pursuing the matter further.
Story Sentosa.png
"My best regards. It's not easy to sneak into the city, and it would be a blessing from the skies if we could enter through the front gate."
Yes, I was skeptical when Asahikawa started saying she had a secret plan to get into the city. I'm glad I believed her.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Fufun. You've benefited from listening to me, and you should follow my opinions from now on, no questions asked."
Story Sentosa.png
"That's not the way it works either. It's possible that this time it was just mere luck."
Story Khajuraho.png
"What what? Are we talking about male cock?"
Story Sentosa.png
"N-No! Please don't talk about that kind of thing, hamsap, and apparently men-related topics are forbidden in Sheep City!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Yeah. Even when I look at the products on display in the shops, I get the impression that masculinity has been eliminated to the point of being unappealing."
Story Jeran.png
"Garrrgh! All the people walking around me are women too dah~!"
"I followed Asahikawa's grand procession(?), and observed the surroundings while walking along with them. The city as a whole has a cute atmosphere and the people walking around are stylishly dressed.
Story Werewolf.png
'The atmosphere is very different from the men's side of the city.'
Story Jeran.png
"Is that so? What is Wolf City like on the men's side~?"
Story Werewolf.png
'Well, the city is built more for sturdiness and functionality than for good looks. On top of that, the inhabitants often get violent and don't clean up, so it's kind of dirty.'
Story Sentosa.png
"Uurgh~ Yours Truly don't really want to go in there."
Story Sentosa.png
"This women side of the territory, Sheep City, seems to be rather easy to live in, though. Overall, it's full of things that girls like♪"
So, on the contrary, we don't feel at home.
Story Werewolf.png
'Yeah. It's much harder now because I, like the other residents, get uncomfortable by feminine things."
Story Jeran.png
'Ahaha! Nothing here's too uncomfortable dah~! Ducky and Pochi, you two look good dressed as girls dah~!"
Yes - we dress up in women's clothes to avoid suspicion in the women-only area of Sheep City. We even had special make-up done by Khajuraho, who is good at that kind of thing, so it would be very hard for anyone to know that we are men.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Mhm. Don't worry, I'm a professional. I made you two look so perfect as women that an amateur would never be able to notice."
Story Khajuraho.png
"In fact, if you want a full conversion, I can even make your hearts fully feminine too...♪"
I'll pass. At the very least, as long as it doesn't interfere with the investigation or anything, that's fine.
Story Werewolf.png
'Yeah. Just dressing up as a woman gives me the creeps, so I'm not going any further.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"What do you mean by the creeps?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Hold it! Mr. Pochy is a client we should be protecting, and he has a lover who loves him! You can't sexually harass him!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"No, I just had a normal question. Why did you think it was sexual harassment, little Sento? Hey, isn't it because you're always thinking about sex?"
Story Sentosa.png
"N-no! Yours Truly's mind is perfectly healthy! Gauugh~!"
Story Jeran.png
"What was your question, Khajuraho?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Oh, yeah... I don't know why the inhabitants of this small nation have suddenly become so averse to the opposite sex."
Story Khajuraho.png
"I just wondered what the cause of that was."
Story Jeran.png
"Causes? As said before, the cause of such things is usually Phantom Mist dah~!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Mhm. Maybe the Phantom Mist is generating some kind of curse. If there is such a thing like a 'curse of aversion to the opposite sex', we can find out the source of it--"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hmm. And if that 'source of the curse' is destroyed, the anomaly may be solved."
Story Jeran.png
"That's right~! So you're saying that we should look for the place where the creeps are stronger? That's where the source of the Phantom Mist should be!"
Story Jeran.png
"Where where? What about here? Does it creep you out?"
Story Werewolf.png
'Ggh... So-Sorry, it's hard to tell with just senses.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"Well, we just have to be patient and look for it. As long as Asahi is around, the residents of Sheep City are friendly towards us, and it doesn't seem like we'll be attacked or anything."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Erhem. Be thankful to me, and worship me."
Story Jeran.png
"Yes! You are great~, Asahikawa! Good good good♪"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Don't stroke me. Fool. I don't know you."
Story Sentosa.png
"...Hmm. While we're investigating, we might as well proceed with our original mission, too."
Story Jeran.png
"Our original mission? What was it again?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Can you please not forget so quick... We are here to spread the culture of Valentine's Day in this small country."
Story Sentosa.png
"Now that we're in the spotlight, maybe we should explain and promote Valentine's Day in a big way. No, we should definitely do that."
Story Jeran.png
"Got it! So this is a win-win. Sentosa is right too~, Good good good♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmm, hmmhmm♪"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Pfft...! You're desperate to do something useful because so far you did bugger all till now."
Story Sentosa.png
"It-it's not like that! Yours Truly is simply suggesting that we should do what needs to be done...!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmhmm♪ I wasn't sure what was going to happen at first, but it looks like we're starting to get a good vibe."
Yeah. Let's keep up the good work, to overcome the difficulties together.
Story Werewolf.png
Suddenly, I felt a gaze and turned around to see Pochy staring at me meaningfully for some reason. I don't know what it is, but his eyes are like those of a hungry beast--
Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love