Event Scenario/True Love

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Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
Ω God screamed while under the onslaught of us, the Special Steel Squad. It is unable to fight back properly, as its entire body is bound by Sentosa's sorceries and Khajuraho's training devices.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ha ha ha! How is it? Frustrated? Didn't you said you were a God or something just now? But look - we're pinning and grinding your head down on the ground!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Don't tell me, is this is what you wanted? Is this how you wanted to succumb? Tell me honestly, is this what you wanted...!?"
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
'NOOOOO--! I wanted to rewrite this world with mine ideals! I wanted to give hope to the undeserving...!"
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmph, laughable! No matter what noble purpose you have in mind, that is never a reason to distort and hurt the hearts of innocent people!"
Story Sentosa.png
"Such things are never justice!"
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
"Gh, guuguhguuuh...!?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Most importantly! How dare you humiliate Yours Truly in public! You will regret your crime of humiliating Yours Truly, in the depths of hell--!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ahaha. You pretended to sound cool, but turns out it's totally personal~♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"So what's wrong with that!? Yours Truly's life belongs to mine and mine alone! what Yours Truly thinks is justice!"
Story Jeran.png
"Sentosa, you sound exactly like what the Ω God is saying dah...?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Yours Truly is okay! Because Yours Truly is Yours Truly!"
Story Jeran.png
"Really? Not so sure though~? But it's good to finally you are back to the Sentosa that Jeran loves so much dah~♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"L-l-l-love!? Oh God... you kid ah!"
Jeran made a racket while ranning in all directions, and swung her axe. The Ω God, bound all over its body, is unable to resist and is chopped to pieces.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Get lost, tiger."
Calling out indifferently, Asahikawa took aim at the enemy with her gun.
Story Asahikawa.png
"I'll take the best part, the finale. Because I'm the best and the most kawaii."
Story Sentosa.png
"Nah? You're stealing glory? Yours Truly won't allow it!!"
Story Jeran.png
"That's why Sentosa is saying the same thing as Asahikawa~? So why can't Asahikawa and Ω God do it, but only Sentosa can?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"My Ranran, you'll understand when you grow up. So, get in the bushes there right away so you can climb up the stairs to adulthood♪"
Story Jeran.png
"Grruugh? If we go in the bushes, we'll be adults? What do you mean?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Wooi~ Don't try to be a lewd wiseass at every opportunity! We're in the middle of a battle, can you focus on what we're doing!?"
Sentosa's face turned a bright red as she shouted at her, but her advice came a little too late.
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
Ω God, sinking in a sea of its own bodily fluids, used its last ounce of energy - it released a tentacle with a spiked tip and aimed straight at my chest.
Story Jeran.png
"...!? DUCKY~, LOOK OUT!"
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
'It's thy fault! Because of heterosexuals like thy, people art blind to true love and their hearts art deceived! Thy fools, bound by thy animalistic reproductive instincts...!"
Story Asahikawa.png
Closest to me was Asahikawa, who lost her composure and is in a panic. She even dropped the gun she was holding, dropped all of her usual formality - and she pushed me away.
Story Asahikawa.png
"--UGgaUH, uGGAhuGH!?"
The tentacle pierced deeply into Asahikawa's abdomen.
Story Jeran.png
Fresh blood gushed out. Skewered by the huge tentacle, Asahikawa's petite body twitched uncontrollably. She was so narcissistic, always putting herself above everyone else - And yet she had thrown herself on the line to protect me?
Story Jeran.png
Jeran's eyes burned in intense rage, and the team concentrated their attacks at Ω God for its last desperate attempt.
Story Ω God.png
Ω God
With a final cry of death, the Ω God dissipated with the Phantom Mist drifting around it.
Story Khajuraho.png
"A-are you alright? Asahi!?"
Story Sentosa.png
"You need help! With Yours Truly's sorcery...!"
Story Jeran.png
"Aaaah, Asahikawa~! Please don't die dah~!"
No longer looking at the defeated Ω God, everyone rushed towards her. Asahikawa looked at us, her face stained with her own blood alongside a strange expression, as if she's somewhat unamused.
Story Asahikawa.png
"What's with you girls...? Dumbasses... Whatever, it's only natural that you're worried about most kawaii me..."
Story Sentosa.png
"Stop talking! You need to rest! Gauugh~!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Shut up... I'm fine, so don't make a fuss..."
After waving her hands to signal them gone, Asahikawa hugged me. I gave her an Iron Injection by hugging her tightly so that her wounds would heal.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Sigh~... Th-this, this is what I wanted..."
Story Asahikawa.png
"By getting hurt on purpose, I finally monopolise all the love from Papa. This is the great Ice Queen's, Asahikawa-sama's, perfect plan..."
As Sentosa said, don't talk. You're in a terrible condition. I don't blame you, but why did you do such a reckless thing?
Story Asahikawa.png
"Because, It's our job to protect Conductor, isn't it? That's what Papa always tell us, that we should do our best at work..."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Besides... Mama's gone, she's been sleeping at the bottom of the ice... So I didn't want Papa to leave me too, I don't want to be alone anymore..."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hey Papa, does it bother you for me to feel that way...? Would you hate it? Someone that loves you like a family, but is not even related to you...?"
You neither bother me, nor make me hate you. We care about you too, and would miss you if you died or disappeared. Please know that.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Mm.... Come to think of it, that's right..."
Story Asahikawa.png
"I'm not alone anymore."
Looking at everyone else making noises around her, Asahikawa smiled innocently. Then, she brushed away the fading remnants of the Ω God - the Phantom Mist with her fingertips.
Story Asahikawa.png
"At the moment it stabbed me in the stomach, I could feel it, Ω God's feelings."
Story Asahikawa.png
"That dumbass was, you know, a freak that was a coagulation of the hatred, sorrow, and despair of those who were unloved from birth till death."
Story Khajuraho.png
"So those negative feelings mixed with the Phantom Mist and became a monster. I hear this story all the time. There was a similar incident in my hometown's temple."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Originally, our temple was too strict, but because of that, people's suppressed sexual desires got mixed up with the Phantom Mist... It became a different world where sexual desire is everything."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Even after the Phantom Mist was dispelled, the distorted values didn't change, and I'm still living as an erotic priestess in an erotic temple."
Story Sentosa.png
"Never knew Khajuraho has such a past..."
Story Jeran.png
"Eeeeh, thought you were just a naturally naughty person dah~."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Haha, all beasts are born sexually active. That's why they reproduce, have children and still continue the species, right?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"I don't pretend not to see such truths, I just accept them honestly."
Interesting story, though. Why did the resentment of the unloved turned into a monster that forces others to love the same sex - the Ω God? Did they turn to homosexuality because they couldn't find love with the opposite sex?
Story Asahikawa.png
"Nah. I think that the core of the Ω God was a person who could not love or be loved by the opposite sex because of the sex she was born with. Her body is a girl, but the person she loves is also a girl--"
Story Asahikawa.png
"And everyone else constantly berates and denies her - That such feelings were strange, insane and that she was wrong."
From a distance, Asahikawa looked at the where the Ω God has disappeared pitifully. There lies a demihuman with a sheep's head - In other words, a demiwoman?
Story Werewolf.png
Pochy rushed out, he had been frightened and silent all this time. He then knelt down beside the demiwoman, who was apparently still alive, and hugged her enthusiastically.
Story Werewolf.png
'She is my lover who was kidnapped.'
Story Asahikawa.png
"Ah, I totally forgot about that."
Khajuraho sighed, laughing at Asahikawa's sarcasm.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Speaking of which, I noticed something strange too. Thanks to Ω God's powers, everyone should only be able to love the same sex, so why is little Pochy's lover a normal girl?"
Story Werewolf.png
'I was engaged to her before our country was transformed by Ω God. It was an engagement forced on me by my parents, but I truly loved her."
Story Werewolf.png
'But she was a person who could not love the opposite sex. How could I love her so openly, without even considering her feelings--?'
Story Khajuraho.png
"I see. So she was so disgusted by Pochy's courtship that after she became Ω God, she began to reject the opposite sex?"
Story Sentosa.png
"But this still doesn't make much sense. After becoming Ω God, didn't Pochy and his girlfriend tried to elope?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmm~ Didn't Ω God hid its body halves in both Sheep City and Wolf City? I guess that's how it was able to split its own body and move each of them."
Story Khajuraho.png
"With such an ability, it is able to move its flesh, made to look just like before it became a monster, and it tried to run away with little Pochy at his invitation."
Story Jeran.png
"Why though? So confusing dah~!? Isn't Ω God supposed to hate the opposite sex and men?"
Story Asahikawa.png
"I think I can sort of understand it."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Maybe she was taking chances. Even if it's someone of the opposite sex that she hates, she thought that this person might give her true love."
Story Asahikawa.png
"With that expectation, she took the hand of the person who said he loved her and tried to leave for somewhere far away. To some faraway utopia where she might be able to live happily."
Story Asahikawa.png
"I took my Papa's hand with the same feeling, so I understand."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Please love me properly, Papa. Take my hand and hold it tight, and don't let go just because you were attacked by bad guys, like what Pochy did."
Story Werewolf.png
'-I'll never let go of her hand again either.'
Pochy declared with sincerity, not caring that he was being told terrible things.
Story Werewolf.png
'Actually, I too was attracted to the same sex just now, thanks to Ω God. At that time, I can't help but love you, Conductor.'
So that's why I've felt you were looking at me strangely a few times, Pochy.
Story Asahikawa.png
"I won't let you have my Papa."
Story Jeran.png
"T-that's right~! Ducky~, is Jeran and friends' Ducky dah~!"
Pochy gently hugged his girlfriend, she's still unconscious, while happily looking at Jeran and the girls who are hugging me for some reason.
Story Werewolf.png
'Of course he's yours. The only person I love is her.'
Story Werewolf.png
'And now that I have temporarily experienced the feelings of homosexual love, I think I can love her more correctly than before. This time I want to see and understand her feelings properly.'
Story Werewolf.png
'She doesn't seem to be heterosexual, so this love may never be reciprocated...'
Story Werewolf.png
'But I will try. I will even consider changing my sex and become the same sex as her, I don't mind.'
Story Khajuraho.png
'Aha, so no one has any complaints then? Good for you, lil' Sento, seems like your favourite love story will have a happy ending after all♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"Yeah, although it is very different from what Yours Truly imagined."
Story Sentosa.png
"But still. Yes, surely this is also love."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmhmm♪ We came here to promote Valentine's Day and the culture of love, but we've learned the opposite it seems?"
Story Jeran.png
"Ahaha! That's why SSS missions are so much fun dah~!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hmph... I don't even think there's any fun to be had."
Looking up at her comrades, still by her side, Asahikawa shrunked a bit. She was like of a small animal feeding from the hand of another for the first time in its life.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Meh, I don't feel so bad though."
She said this, smiling. The demihumans who have come to their senses are running around in front of Asahikawa's eyes. They were joyfully reuniting here and there with loved ones they had been separated from - Family members, lovers, and friends of the opposite sex.
Story Asahikawa.png
"I like it... I miss my Mama, and the people I love too."
Hearing what Asahikawa said, we all objected to why she's not happy with us.
Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love