Event Scenario/Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story

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Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love
After that - We sheltered the werewolf who requested our aid and we left the front in a great hurry by Train. We did not want to get into a full-scale hostile confrontation with a potential diplomatic partner.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Maybe that was the right decision. As you've guessed, these guys - werewolves - seem to be the ones we were trying to sell chocolate to."
Story Sentosa.png
"W-We're here to spread the culture of Valentine's Day, you know! That's the whole premise!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hmmm~? But I wonder if it's okay to sell chocolate to dogs, won't they get poisoned and die if they eat it?"
Story Werewolf.png
'We're not dogs, but wolves!'
Story Jeran.png
"Gaaargh, AND JERAN IS A TIGER DAAAH~! And Sentosa is a lion! Asahikawa is a, uh... bird?"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Sorry but do I know you?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"As I recall, Asahi is a penguin~, A poor bird that can't fly...♪"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Huh? But I'm good at swimming, so what?"
Story Jeran.png
"Amaziiing~! Jeran is not good in the water, so I respect you dah~, my mama was a good swimmer though♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"Jeran's mum is a wild tiger, if Yours Truly recalls correctly?"
Story Jeran.png
"Yes she was dah~! My mama was a strong and powerful tiger dah~!"
Story Werewolf.png
The werewolf is puzzled by the girls' off-topic chat, so I decided to ask the werewolf about the details of the situation at first hand.
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmmhmm.... It might be rather rude to call you Mr. Werewolf, may I know your name?"
Story Werewolf.png
Story Jeran.png
"Your name should just be Pochy dah~! Because you're a dog!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"I think Pochy is good too. It sounds cute."
Story Sentosa.png
"No, it's not a good idea! You can't name other people without permission! You, if you don't like it, just say so, because these people don't know the difference between what is right and wrong!"
Story Werewolf.png
'No, it's fine, just call me Pochy--'
According to Pochy (pseudonym), who seems to be of a pushover nature, there is also a small nation of demihumans in this region.
Story Sentosa.png
"From what I've heard, it sounds like a country with a surprisingly long history. This region is too harsh an environment for normal people, so it seems that they were unknown for a long time."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Everyone is sensitive to the cold. I'm fine though."
Or rather, Asahikawa's hometown is also in this region, so I was hoping that you two might interact with each other. If you could ask him for directions, it would be a great help to our mission.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Impossible. For I never left my hometown."
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmm, I was wondering why this unmotivated and uncooperative girl was called for this mission - That was the intention behind the selection."
Story Sentosa.png
"That aside. This demihuman nation of yours, with werewolves like Mr. Pochy -"
Story Sentosa.png
"Seems to be inhabited by demihumans with sheep heads, the so-called weresheep."
Story Werewolf.png
'To be precise, we are biologically of the same species. It's just that men are born looking a lot like wolves and women look a lot like sheep."
Story Khajuraho.png
"So I guess it's like us girls growing bigger chests."
Story Asahikawa.png
"Easy to understand."
Story Sentosa.png
"Khajuraho, you are very vulgar, yet somehow you are smart. Too bad you're so vulgar that you're ruining everything."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmhmph, even so, I was a high priestess in my hometown's temple, you know? Do you think a fool who can't study can hold such a position?"
Story Werewolf.png
Story Sentosa.png
"Oh, don't mind us, you can keep explaining♪"
While sympathising with Pochy, who seems unable to keep up with the girls' groove, I at least tried to listen sincerely to what he has to say.
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmm hmm. In that town, recently, there have been some strange things happening--"
Story Sentosa.png
"The relationship between werewolves and weresheep, that is, men and women, have suddenly become very nasty... Now they even built a wall in the middle of the country where men and women lived separately?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Oh no!? That's so cruel! What if you want to make a baby then!?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ah, but it must be more than enough with the same sex. I think it would be okay if you'll can just export your seeds. I'm sorry, I've found the answer myself."
But the fact is, if men and women stop communicating with each other, the future of the country is bleak. There will be no more offspring, and the inhabitants will soon become extinct.
Story Khajuraho.png
"I see, I guess we now know what we're going to do."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Before we promote the culture of Valentine's Day, let's first promote how good it feels to make babies. Don't worry, my job is to preach that kind of thing."
Story Sentosa.png
"Essentially I should ignore what you say. If the country is in such a state, it might be difficult to spread Valentine's Day normally."
Story Sentosa.png
"It's not good for us either, because we can't accomplish our mission. Giving chocolate to friends and family is fine, but Valentine's Day is a romantic event for men and women."
Story Asahikawa.png
"However, why is that happening? What is the cause?"
Story Werewolf.png
'We don't know the cause. It just happened one day out of the blue - that's all I can say.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmm, that's obviously strange."
Story Jeran.png
"When that happens, it's usually because of the Mist dah~! It's always the Phantom Mist that's to blame dah~!"
This is a rather violent opinion, but Jeran has a point. I think we need to go there and find out more about this.
Story Jeran.png
"Yeah! It's the job of the SSS to blow away the Phantom Mist dah~!"
Story Werewolf.png
'W-While I certainly would ask you to do that, that's not exactly what I'm asking you to do -'
Story Werewolf.png
'Actually, I have a lover to whom I have committed my future.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ara, love stories, eh? I like that sort of thing. What's her name? Have you had sex with her yet? Did it feel good?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Please stop sexually harassing him!"
Story Sentosa.png
"But I see what you mean... You must miss your beloved lover when the country is in such a situation."
Story Werewolf.png
'Yes. I miss her too, but now in our country, marriages between a man and a woman is banned.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmm, so the two genders are getting really nasty."
Story Sentosa.png
"You mentioned about the wall built in the city to ban contact earlier. Then it must be a dream come true for you to be with the one you love."
Story Werewolf.png
'On the contrary, we were almost arrested for the crime of being in love with a man and a woman.'
Story Asahikawa.png
"Woah, now this is crazy."
Story Werewolf.png
'Yes. So we fled our country and tried to escape to some distant land. It's what they call eloping.'
Story Sentosa.png
"Ara, how romantic! It's like a love story...♪"
Story Werewolf.png
'But on our way out, we were discovered by the countrymen. And after being chased around, my lover was unfortunately captured.'
Story Sentosa.png
"Wow woah, such a tragedy! A love torn apart by fate...♪"
Story Werewolf.png
'Yes. I wanted to save my girlfriend too, by fighting the men who captured her--'
Story Werewolf.png
'But I couldn't do it, I couldn't fulfil that hope. On the contrary, as you have just seen, I had to run away shamefully...'
Story Khajuraho.png
'Aaah, so that's what that thing was about earlier. I wondered why the same demihumans were fighting each other.'
Story Khajuraho.png
'No, but wait? So the werewolves who captured Pochy's girlfriend - are men?'
Story Werewolf.png
'Yes. These days, women seldom come out of their own territory. Although the men do patrol outside teh city and so on, as defence was their duty before the country was divided in two.'
Story Khajuraho.png
"I see... How dreadful..."
Story Sentosa.png
"Yeah! That's the first time we've ever agreed on something, Khajuraho! I can't allow them to tear apart two lovers who love each other, we have to help Pochy's girlfriend as soon as possible!"
Story Sentosa.png
"Graawh! Yours Truly's getting a bit excited! It's like a fairy tale! A captive princess and the brave knight who rescues her...☆"
Story Khajuraho.png
"However, a girl alone and trapped in a place where there are only men, right? I'm pretty sure she's being treated very badly now."
Story Sentosa.png
"Can you be aware that you're lousy at everything you say!? Please think about Pochy's feelings too! Graawh~!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Chill chill... Calm down. If you two make a fuss, you won't get anything done, it's also noisy."
Asahikawa is right. We've got some idea of what's going on. I'm worried about Pochy's girlfriend, who says she's been held prisoner--
First of all, we need to get there as soon as possible and investigate the situation in more detail. We need to solve this incident first in order to fulfil our primary objective.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Ehh~... What a pain in the ass~... Why do we have to get involved in such nonsense?"
Story Jeran.png
"Garrrgh! That's the job of the SSS - Asahikawa♪"
Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love