Event Scenario/The Wolves of the Snowfields

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Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love
Story Jeran.png
"Grragh! Let's assault dah~! Jeran will show you how to hunt dah~!"
Story Jeran.png
"...IT'S, C-COOOOLD!? What the, it's snowing all around the Train daah~!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"It's true. Because of the heating magic in the train, I didn't feel too cold either. Aaangh, I'm getting goosebumps now...♪"
Jeran jumped out without thinking, and we all followed her outside the train. Incidentally, this area is northern M. Nishiki and is always covered in snow, probably because of the extremely low number of celestial orbs.
Story Sentosa.png
"Yeah, that was also mentioned in the documents, wasn't it? Goodness, really wished you all would take your missions more seriously lah!"
Story Sentosa.png
"As an aside, chocolate is important in Valentine's Day, isn't it?"
Story Sentosa.png
"And yet. The ingredient of chocolate, cacao, is a plant that is originally grown in the tropics - the hot regions. So it is almost never found in these cold regions."
Story Sentosa.png
"And that's why. If Ours Truly spread the culture of Valentine's Day here and sell sweet and tasty chocolate, we can make a lot of money and- AIYAH!?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Little Sento, you're talking too much♪ And no one is listening anyway~?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Please listen to me! Yours Truly is trying so hard to talk! I mean, please don't simply touch me, it's impolite lah!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Mhmh, it's cold, so I thought I'd warm you up with body contact...♪"
Story Jeran.png
"Get it now! Sentosa looks warm because she's fluffy~, Jeran is warm too~! Cuddle~☆."
Story Sentosa.png
"Graawh~!? So please don't stick so closely to me, it's hard for me to move! Yours Truly can't deal with the rampaging monsters while being this tied up!"
Story Asahikawa.png
"Not going to matter. The demon-like creatures don't seem to be interested in us."
Asahikawa grumbled while aiming her gun, her weapon at them, while hugging my back for some reason. Where she pointed - were countless beast-like creatures are rampaging about in the snowfields.
'Ugrrru! Ugrrru!'
Story Asahikawa.png
"Hmm~? What are they really, wolves? But they look human-like too, don't they?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"They look like werewolves."
Story Sentosa.png
"It's a possibility, that they could be residents of the small nation where Ours Truly planned to spread Valentine's Day."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Aaah, I recalled you mentioned something like that."
Story Khajuraho.png
"However, aren't those monsters running amok over there? Do you think it's okay to deal with monsters, as far as the SSS is concerned?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Hmmmm, that's the difficult part. Werewolves - that we call them, but the inhabitants of the small state in question are so-called demihumans."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Demihumans... I think it's a generic term for humanoid monsters, like goblins or gillmen, which are very famous."
Story Sentosa.png
"Yes. And although demihumans are usually considered to be monsters that are enemies of humanity, some of them have intelligence and culture comparable to ours."
Story Sentosa.png
"It is sometimes possible to do business with such intelligent and rational demihumans."
Yes. And if you can interact with them through trade and build a friendship with them, you don't have to fight those demihumans by force.
Story Khajuraho.png
"Fighting until one side goes extinct is needless bloodshed. If we can get along, that's the best."
Story Jeran.png
"Understand now - it's more peaceful that way dah! It's like the SSS dah!"
Of course, it is impossible to reconcile with Mist Monsters - demons that has been invaded by Phantom Mist. With other monsters though, there is room for negotiation.
Story Sentosa.png
"I mean. The purpose of Your Truly's team mission is to create that kind of 'room for negotiation'. Not to solve via war, but diplomacy, so to speak."
Story Sentosa.png
"That can be said as a strategy too. If we just charge in and crush each other without thinking, what is the point of our intelligence then?"
Story Asahikawa.png
"But that sounds like a lot of work."
Story Jeran.png
"Mhm, mhm! It's easier to hunt all enemies dah~♪"
Story Sentosa.png
"N-No, that's too savage! Now I don't know which one us are demons lah, gosh!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Hmhmm. Actually, as little Ranran said, I think it would be quicker to just kill them all without thinking."
Story Khajuraho.png
"Where there's a will, there's a way. Keep expanding and never give up, and eventually even a clenched fist will fit in the hole."
Story Sentosa.png
"For a second I thought you were being serious, but you were saying depraved nonsense again!?"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Eeeeh? How can that be a sex joke? I don't think I uttered a single sexual word. Hey, hey, do tell me which part of what I said was naughty?"
Story Sentosa.png
"P-Please don't rub my breasts while engaging in strange rebuttals! Real hamsap...!"
It's fine that you're all friendly, but don't be too relaxed.
Story Asahikawa.png
"Yeah. It seems like the werewolves noticed us because we were making too much noise."
'Ugrrru! Rrrru!'
Story Asahikawa.png
"What should we do? Shoot them? They only have primitive spears and swords, we can still slaughter them unilaterally for now you know?"
Story Sentosa.png
"Graawh~? We're not even engaged yet, surely it's not reasonable to make a preemptive attack? We are here for diplomacy, so to speak--"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Ahaha. If we kill even one of them, we'll be in full-blown hostilities and we won't be able to sell chocolate."
'You all!'
Suddenly, one of the werewolves rushed towards us, speaking in human language.
Story Werewolf.png
'If I'm not mistaken, are you the Special Steel Squad?'
Story Jeran.png
"Whoa? That monster spoke dah~!"
Story Khajuraho.png
"Contrary to the impression it gives on the outside, it seems to have a certain amount of intelligence. Well, it can't do diplomacy otherwise, can it?"
Story Werewolf.png
'Oh, what luck! I have heard of your fame!'
Story Werewolf.png
'Hail the messengers of great peace, members of the Special Steel Squad! I know we've never met before and apologies for my rudeness, but I have a favour to ask of you all...!'
Story Asahikawa.png
Beast Frozen Chocolate Banner.png
R-1 Confectionery Company Conspiracy
R-2 The Wolves of the Snowfields
R-3 Not Even a Dog Would Eat This Story
R-4 Hospitalities of the Sheep
R-5 The Preacher of Love
R-6 Friendship Gone Too Far
R-7 Righteous Love
R-8 Ω God's Utopia
R-9 Sexual Warfare
R-10 True Love