Event Scenario/Boundaries Between Public and Private

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El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia
Meanwhile - Inside the VIP cabin on the train, the Underwater Temple dignitaries were enjoying an elegant time.
Possessing the Mermaid Blood, the women requires a constant supply of water, so they submerge their bodies inside the specially installed bathtub up to their shoulders in their clothes. While all the air-conditioning magic equipment in the Train seems to be out of order, they look cool and comfortable, perhaps thanks to the thick water vapour.
Story Acapulco.png
"Plupblubuplup~ plucapulcaplup~......♪"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Heh. Baby Aca has been in a good mood since this morning today no, are you so happy to go out with your sister, no? Me too, I'm also happy just to see you smiling satisfyingly no~♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"Nothing to do with you, dear sis no, in fact you being here with me is my only complaint no. I'm simply happy to be free from my busy political duties and to be able to stretch my wings for a moment no."
Talking idly and family amicably are the two sisters Acapulco and Puerto Rico. They are working in the governmental headquarters of Flamarine - the Underwater Temple, as genuine politicians.
Their high affinity for water allows them to detect the scarce water sources that exist in the desert - which is why they took time out of their busy political schedules to join us on this mission.
Story Acapulco.png
"Of course, this mission to build a Station in the desert area is important no. It is such a significant and valuable project no, that we would like to make it a major national policy of Flamarine if possible."
Story Acapulco.png
"I never cut corners no. We from the Underwater Temple have little to show for our achievements yet, so we should make our mark on this mission and make our reputation felt within the SSS no."
Story Acapulco.png
"Continuing to improve said reputation and influence, and we will have more approvals to create more aquatic facilities in our home base the academy no. Most of the human body consists of water no, people need to understand the importance of water more no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"You're thinking hard things again no, Baby Aca... In a world where the stakes are high no, I think you should be more normal, relaxed and enjoy your school life no."
Story Acapulco.png
"Ever since I've followed sister into politics, I gave up that kind of normal - my private life no."
Story Acapulco.png
"I'd too, would like to make friends my own age if I could, and do club activities, after-school chats and other things... I'd like to do that kind of adolescent stuff, unfortunately."
Story Acapulco.png
"When I'm a politician, I can't be naive like that no. I just have to suck it up and do what I have to do, and do it quietly no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmmm~ Baby Aca is still a child compared to I, and I think it's too early for you to give up on that kind of normal happiness no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"It's not too late, so why don't you think about enjoying your youth more? Since the other girls are accompanying you on this mission, why don't you talk to them and get to know them...?"
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmph. Even if I intend to, they'll still look at us with tinted lenses no. We're the famous Underwater Temple politician sisters - once they think that way, there's no way we can be normal friends anymore no."
Story Acapulco.png
"We've been brought up in different environments and we stand in different hierarchies. The other two joining us on this mission have done some back-breaking 'night work' in Flamarine's entertainment district."
Story Acapulco.png
"There's no chance of mixing the inhabitants of the lowest strata - with those of us at the peak, the politicians no. We can't get along no, we don't even have anything in common."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmmm~ But there's no job class - and maybe it's because they're from Flamarine too, that I feel like they have some similarities with us."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"...Woa, Woaah!?"
Story Acapulco.png
"? What's wrong no, sister?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Did the Train just suddenly slow down? The bathtub was shaking and slipping and I almost fell off no!"
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmm. It's difficult to put a bathtub through the water supply in a narrow train, and this size is just about the limit no. It's a good size for me - but you're a big girl, sis, so I guess you just stuck out."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmm. Don't worry, Baby Aca, you'll grow up soon no♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"No one is talking about that no, gosh... It's just strange that the train suddenly slowed down without warning no, maybe we should go and check on Conductor's side no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Yes. To be honest, I'm afraid we're going to be stuck as soon as we leave the bathtub. We both have inherited Mermaid Blood, so we get increasingly weaker when we lose water."
Story Acapulco.png
"Mghh, if only Naypyidaw had accompanied us, we could have asked her as our errand girl. She does all the work in the Underwater Temple for us while we are away on duty."
Naypyidaw is a member of the Special Steel Squad at the same time as the politician sisters. She is a childhood friend who grew up together with the sisters and is currently the court magician of the Underwater Temple.
Naypyidaw seems to only want to play her part as the servant of the sisters. Still, the sisters apparently love her as an irreplaceable family member.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Yeah. we've always given Neppy a hard time no."
Story Acapulco.png
"All mainly from you, sister... No choice no, this time we have to take care of ourselves no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmmm. That's the way it should be, and this time you - like other children of your age - should try your best to be normal no♪"
El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia