Event Scenario/Emergence of the Golden Land

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El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia
Story Alexandra.png
(The Night Butterfly, our home we return to, collapsed - about a year ago.)
Story Alexandra.png
(It was one of the biggest and oldest nightclubs in Flamarine's biggest entertainment district. The building was destroyed overnight and turned into a pile of rubble, many of the employees were injured, its reputation went down the drain - Night Butterfly couldn't continue to operate anymore.)
Story Alexandra.png
(It's all sis Penny's fault. She was born with a peculiar ability that attracts insects and monsters with her body odour. Attracted by the sweet smell that wafts from her whole body, a swarm of monsters were lured in - and they broke through the barriers that protected the whole entertainment district.)
Story Alexandra.png
(And then, it was all over. We're the lowly ones, ones that the world looks at with disgusted eyes... We tried to defend ourselves somehow, but we couldn't. By the time the Flamarinian National Army rushed in, everything was destroyed.)
Story Alexandra.png
(I guess she felt responsible, so she left Night Butterfly and joined the SSS. So she is looking for ways to settle her ability while sending money to restore Night Butterfly).
Story Alexandra.png
(I knew all about it. I was the closest in age to her of all the employees at Night Butterfly, and Penny was very protective of me, a simple runaway, like I'm her little sister.)
Story Alexandra.png
(I knew who she was better than anyone else. Penny was the one who felt the saddest when Night Butterfly was destroyed - I knew all that.)
Story Alexandra.png
(Yet I blamed her for everything, saying it was all her fault. I cursed Penny, she kept apologising, she never defended herself and I almost got her kicked out... I took out all my anger and sorrow on Penny.)
Story Alexandra.png
(Even till now, I - I've never apologized to her for that yet.)
Story Alexandra.png
(I haven't told her that it wasn't her fault that Night Butterfly was destroyed... Only I could tell her that, and I could have forgive her for blaming herself.)
Story Alexandra.png
(I'm an idiot, I can't even say such comforting words that anyone could have said.)
"......I'm sorry, Penny--"
Story Acapulco.png
"Are you alright no? I'm glad you came to your senses no♪"
Story Alexandra.png
"Huh - eh, what? I'm...?"
Story Acapulco.png
"You were passed out no, Alexandra, right? Are you feeling sick or in pain anywhere? If you need to recover, you can ask Conductor to give you an Iron Injection no."
Story Alexandra.png
"Eh, ugh... I-I'm fine."
Story Acapulco.png
"I see. I'm worried because you had some kind of nightmare no. Did you have a bad dream no?"
Story Alexandra.png
Story Alexandra.png
(Woah.... The big shot from the Underwater Temple, the little sister of the famous political sisters. I've never seen her from up close before - she's so, so beautiful.)
Story Alexandra.png
(Her skin and hair are shiny and without a single stain, she looks so different from me. She must have grown up in a good environment, eating only the best food and being loved and cared for by everyone around her--)
Story Acapulco.png
"What? I don't want you to stare at me no... Are you still awake no?"
Story Alexandra.png
"Uh, no. You took care of me... yes, thank you very much. You went to all that trouble, I'm so sorry."
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmm. You don't need to be respectful no, we're probably about the same age no. Besides, I'm just a member of the SSS now, just like you no. I want you to forget about me as a politician for now and treat me normally as a colleague no."
Story Alexandra.png
"T-That's impossible. Because, unlike me, you're a shining star."
Story Acapulco.png
"? I'm not a firefly squid, I don't exhibit bioluminescence myself no."
Puerto Rico
Story Alexandra.png
"......! What was that scream!?"
Story Acapulco.png
"It's my sister's voice no! What's wrong, sister!?"
Story Alexandra.png
"Ah... Wait, I'm coming with you! Don't leave me!"
Story Acapulco.png
"Dear Sister~! Conductor~! What's going on!?"
Story Alexandra.png
"What's going on, what's going on? There's golden buildings emerging out of the desert!?"
Acapulco... Alexandra's awake too, thank goodness. As you can see, I don't even know what's going on anymore.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I-I don't know what's going on no... We were looking for Penang Hill who went missing - For the time being, we were just taking a quick look around outside the stopped train."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Then all of a sudden, it was like this... hyawah!?"
Story Acapulco.png
"Look out! L-Let's get back inside the train for safety first no! If you get caught in an emerging building while we're out of the train, you could get blown up or seriously hurt no!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Yes, that sounds better no."
Story Alexandra.png
"Hey, wait a minute? Did you just say you don't know where Penny is? What do you mean? Explain it to me, Conductor!"
We'll explain it after we've evacuated back into the train. Everyone of us will get on the train for now and get out of here as fast as we can -
From the looks of it, there are no buildings growing out from under the tracks, but we can't be sure that the tracks are safe.
Story Alexandra.png
"Uh-uh~? Really, what the... heck is going on? What's happened to my sis Penny?"
El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia