Event Scenario/The Scorpion King

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El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia
Story Monster.png
Giant Scorpion
Story Alexandra.png
A giant scorpion suddenly emerged from the sand, startled Alexandra, as she stared at it completely in shock.
Story Monster.png
Small Scorpion
Story Monster.png
Small Scorpion
"Gigigigigi! Gigigigigi!"
Story Alexandra.png
"EEEEEEEK! Nonononono - not only the big one, but all the little ones are coming out too!"
True to Alexandra's words, large numbers of small scorpions have sprung up - as if they've oozed out of the walls of the golden buildings that line the perimeter. These were the same monsters that had blocked the windows of the Mist Train earlier.
Story Acapulco.png
"...Humans are often attracted to shining golden objects, seeing they're valuable no. The method is a mystery, but likely its a monster that makes golden buildings appear, nests in them, and then ambushes and preys on the humans it lures in - something like that?"
Acapulco gave her deduction, she appears seemingly to have sustained injuries, as she looked somewhat exhausted. Alexandra frowned in concern, still pushed down on the ground by her.
Story Alexandra.png
"Hey, you don't look well, are you okay? Are you sprained somewhere? I'm sorry, is it because I acted carelessly...?"
Story Acapulco.png
"Nu-uh. It is the duty of royalty and aristocracy no, the duty of politicians to protect their people no. There is no need for you to be bothered by any of this no."
Story Alexandra.png
Story Acapulco.png
"This Night Butterfly must have been an important place to you. When that fake one suddenly appeared in front of you, it's natural to be disturbed no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Yep-yep♪ even Baby Aca would be surprised too if a fake me suddenly appeared in front of her, wouldn't she no?"
Story Acapulco.png
"In your case, I'd just be stunned and think - 'My dear sister is probably doing something stupid again' no. I'm used to being surprised by you all the time, sis."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hmhmm. By the way, I just think Baby Aca's just a bit groggy because she ran out of water under the hot sun no - Alexandra, if you can still move, could you carry her to me? I'll suc... I mean, rehydrate her with my Royal Treasure Sword no!"
Story Acapulco.png
"You almost said 'suckle', didn't you, dear sister? If you want to treat me like a baby so badly, then why don't I'll suckle on those uselessly overgrown tits of yours to rehydrate myself, no?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Eh? But I can't lactate any yet, no?"
In fact, the heat outside was a whole other level compared to that inside the Train. Even the direct rays of the sun were like heat rays, but the golden buildings around us reflect more of the light, so there was no shade at all.
Even for people who doesn't have Mermaid Blood like the two sisters, they would have collapsed from heat stroke in no time.
Story Monster.png
Giant Scorpion
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"-- Oops! Not the time to joke around no, how come I'm not nervous at all?"
Story Acapulco.png
"If you're that self aware, then you should change yourself, sigh...... I'm sorry Alexandra, I can't even feel my limbs anymore - I want you to piggyback or carry me in your arms, like my sister asked no."
Story Alexandra.png
"Uh-yeah! I'll do it! I did a lot of chores in Night Butterfly, like carrying luggage, so I'm a lot more well-built than you'd think! Hooh-hah!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Both of you! Conducky too, get behind me - HEEEEEI!"
Puerto Rico fought all alone, using her sword to parry the tail stings of the smalls and the giant scorpion that swarm around us. But she, too, has a constitution where overconsumption of water is fatal to her, and her movements had gradually slowed down.
Story Acapulco.png
"This is not good, no... We're getting weaker, and if we don't do something about it, we're going to get wiped out sooner or later no."
Story Alexandra.png
"D-Don't worry! I'll fight too! Conductor, take care of Acapulco!"
Roger, I responded, carrying Acapulco in my arms. To reduce her heat stroke, I bend over my head to create some shade for her so that she could keep cool. But I guess this a mere drop in a bucket--
Toughing out the Scorching Sand.jpg
"Teryaaaaah! I'll mash you all to pulp!"
Alexandra tried to redeem herself, wielding her ancient drill-like weapon. Her weapon's power, which can pulverise all manner of matter, is so great that the small scorpions are reduced to tiny pieces merely from touching the pointy tip of her drill.
Small Scorpion
"Gigigigigi! Gigigigi!"
"Eeww? What what what what? These things still come back to life even after they're juiced!?"
True to Alexandra's words, the pulverised small scorpions scattered on the ground - and they come back in exactly the same form only seconds later. This means that there is no end to the number of times they can be defeated.
"What-What's going on? Why are they coming back to life? This is impossible!"
Puerto Rico
"C-Calm down, Alexandra! Don't panic no! Under this heat, you're going to lose a lot of energy, and if you keep flailing around, you're going to collapse soon, no?"
To begin with, there are a lot of enemies and more and more are coming out of the sand. We are outnumbered. There is no reason to stay here to die, and we should retreat to the train at once - I suggested.
"Umm, yeah... I'm curious about that Night Butterfly-like building, but a living dog is better than a dead lion."
Original proverb is 命あっての物種.
Puerto Rico
"Oh, Alexandra, you know some difficult proverbs, don't you? Amazing, good girl good girl♪"
"Huh? Eh, eh, hehehe...♪"
"Enough of that stupid conversation, retreat now no. Especially you, dear sister, get over here now - I want water replenishment and I'm almost dying no."
Puerto Rico
"Ah, yes. I'm very weak from fighting so long too, as you can see - HYAAH!?"
Giant Scorpion
The giant scorpion extended its long tail, taking advantage of Puerto Rico's lapse the moment she looked at her sister with concern.
Puerto Rico
"- Wha-what? Grrr, surprise attacks are cheating no!"
But Puerto Rico dodged its strike with amazing reflexes, danced delicately - and cut off the giant scorpion's tail in return.
Probably because she was trying to rehydrate her sister, a considerable amount of water leaked and splashed from the blade.
Puerto Rico
"Hmhmm♪ I'm not good at difficult studies, but I'm good at destroying things no!"
Puerto Rico is a person of unusually monstrous strength contrary to her gentle appearance, the scorpion's tail was sliced off easily and flew through the air. Even for an enemy of that gigantic size, it can still be frightened by the loss of a part of its body, and it halted its attack.
"Now! I'm going to smash the small scorpions to pieces and open up a path, so Lady... Puerto Rico, follow me from behind!"
Puerto Rico
"Yes~, hmhmm, you don't need to 'Lady' me, okay no? If you're a friend of Aka's, you're like a beloved family member to me no♪"
"Like I've said... We're not friends yet no... Huh?"
Acapulco is still spared strength to bicker with her sister, despite almost losing her consciousness - She suddenly looked very shocked. I, still holding her in my arms, casually followed her gaze and also discovered something strange.
Acapulco stared in deep thought - On the gleaming sand lies the tail of the giant scorpion that Puerto Rico cut off earlier.
"Why doesn't that tail regenerate like the smaller scorpions no? Doesn't the bigger scorpion have the ability to regenerate? Or is it because it was detached from its main body...?"
"I'm here~! Never underestimate my ability to make a breakthrough♪"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Sorry to keep you waiting! Come on, let's get out of here quickly!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"......Huh? What's the matter, Baby Aca? You're making a difficult face again, no? Hahah, I guess you got your 'nappy' wet♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"I'm not wearing a 'nappy' no. Not this time at least... More importantly, you should be pleased with me no, for I'm a genius and I've figured up a strategy versus our enemy no♪"
El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia