Event Scenario/In the Scorching Hell

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El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia
The air quality on the train was terrible.
Firstly, it was hot. The air-conditioning magic device is essential when running through the desert regions of Flamarine, but probably because the device was overused or overheated - stopped working a few minutes ago after billowing out smoke.
Thanks to this, the temperature inside the train has risen to sauna levels, and the humidity has also risen due to the thick Phantom Mist that has been generated since some time ago. It was as hot and humid as hell, and discomfort has reached extremely high levels.
Perhaps because of this, the Special Steel Squad personnel who are accompanying me on this mission also seem to be in a bad mood. Under the heavy air, they were having scathing conversations constantly.
Story Alexandra.png
"...Hey, it's hot."
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
Story Alexandra.png
"Hot, hot, hot, hot...... Hothothothot, HOT."
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Zip it Lil Al, I know it's hot, you don't have to remind me. You talking will raise the temperature even more, and complaining won't cool you down - Can you shut up? You're super annoying."
Story Alexandra.png
"But it's so damn hot! Enough~ I want to go hoooome, that's why I didn't want to go to the desert! Why can't Conductor or Penny just leave me alone, let me go home and have ice cream or something in an air-conditioned room!"
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"I know we can just ignore Lil Al's selfishness, but to be frank, shouldn't we just turn back now? This heat is too much even for those of us who grew up in Flamarine - if we keep going on without taking any precautions, we're probably gonna die, let alone the Underwater Temple big shots."
By 'Underwater Temple big shots', she's referring to the other Special Steel Squad members who are accompanying us on this mission. For various reasons, they are supposed to stay in a separate room until their turn comes up, and we haven't seen them for a few hours now.
I am a little worried about them, as they are sensitive to heat and dryness due to their bodily constitution. They have been staying in the VIP cabin, but it would be a problem if the air-conditioning magic system there is also broken - should we go there later to check on them?
Story Alexandra.png
"Y-Yes! Big Sis Penny's right, they are important federal officials, right? If we let them die, this'll gotta be an international problem."
Of course, I don't want anyone to die. However it's difficult to turn back normally because of the way the Train functions. We need to make a U-turn somewhere, but we can't find a suitable track for that.
Story Alexandra.png
"EEEEEEEH~...? What the heck, sure the Train's a great vehicle but it's such a bother in that particular aspect!"
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"To begin with, we can't even get into the middle of the desert without the Train. Even the peddlers who mainly work in the desert don't go through here, it's prone to Phantom Mist - and also there's really bugger all but sand here."
Precisely because this is such an unexplored place that we need to do this kind of exploration. Studt out in detail what kind of terrain, where the tracks are, what kind of monsters are distributed, and so on--
Then, build 'Stations' in key locations. At the very least, identify places where Stations could be built. If possible, set up barriers there too and dig up water sources lying at the bottom of the sand to turn them into oases.
Story Alexandra.png
"Easy for you to say... Why should we have to do all that hard work? Of course it would be a bit more convenient if there were oases all over the desert regardless though?"
This is also the job of the SSS. Land development is essential for the permanent peace and development of mankind. It is not only our job to defeat monsters and wipe away the Phantom Mist.
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Meh, once the Station's built, the locals will take care of the rest of the development. We don't want our country to suffer more desertification, so let's not complain too much and do our best."
Story Alexandra.png
"Uggggghh~... Yeah, I hate deserts and I'm in favour of building more and more oases there. But it's SUCH A HASSLE - I thought the work of the SSS was supposed to be more glamorous and cool."
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Work is basically, you know, plain and simple... Hmm?"
What's wrong, Penang Hill?
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Nothing... I just thought I saw something strange pass outside my window."
Story Alexandra.png
"Something strange? What, I'd think Penny must have been seeing things. You know, what's that called - a mirage or something?"
As if to directly contradict Alexandra's statement, strange sounds echoed. At the same time, countless monsters sprung out of the train window - from the desert that stretches on and on.
Story Alexandra.png
"Mngh...!? What are those, bugs? That's exactly why I didn't want to go on a mission with Penny, you have a sweet body odour that attracts bugs!"
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Nu-uh. They don't look like bugs, more like - scorpions? But they're too big to be either bugs or scorpions, likely they're Mist Monsters?"
Story Alexandra.png
"Eeeeeeeeh.... I don't want to battle under this heat, why don't we just ignore it and walk past it?"
True, it is not at all necessary to exterminate all of the monsters encountered, however -
Story Monster.png
As if to say, 'We're not going to let you get away' - the scorpions came surrounding us out of the desert one after the other. They clung on to the train with surprising leaping power, blocking the windows.
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"...It's too dangerous to drive in an unknown desert with the windows, or visibility, blocked. It's no good, we'll just knock off the ones stuck to the car windows, Lil' Al."
Story Alexandra.png
"Uggh~... Don't order me using that sort of tone, Penny."
Grumbling, Alexandra also readied her weapon. Thus began the encounter with the mysterious monsters in the desert area, which was like a burning hell.
El Dorado on the Sand Banner.png
R-1 In the Scorching Hell
R-2 Boundaries Between Public and Private
R-3 Incident on the Sand
R-4 Emergence of the Golden Land
R-5 Phony Paradise
R-6 The Scorpion King
R-7 Rest and Reflection
R-8 Carry Out the Operation
R-9 Dreaming Butterflies
R-10 The Girls' Utopia