Event Scenario/Cutting Through the Chaos

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
Story Columbia.png
"I will dispose of you in justice."
As she quietly announced this, Columbia swung her sword with blinding speed. The mysterious monster that had appeared on the school grounds was instantly shredded by her. However--
Story Monster.png
Story Monster.png
More and more of the same type of monsters wriggled(?) here and there, making deafening cries. The Special Steel Squad cadets should be used to emergency situations, yet they quickly panicked and were unable to cope - Perhaps they were caught off guard by the Valentine's Day atmosphere.
Story Anzio.png
"KYA, YAAAH!? What on earth is going on, oh my God, what is this!?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Are you blind or something? A large number of monsters have appeared on the school grounds."
Story Anzio.png
"T-that's why I've been thinking about it - Eeeek!? Just seeing the monsters stresses me ooooout~ I-I'm posseeeessed♪"
Story Columbia.png
"Calm down."
For some reason, Anzio is making a happy fuss. Columbia looked at her, thought for a bit and only shook her head in disgust - She then issued orders.
Story Columbia.png
"Those of you standing in line there, follow my instructions. I'll name each person directly, Miss Anzio, Miss Part-Dieu, Miss Carthage, Miss Blanche--"
Story Columbia.png
"You four are hereby conscripted as the 'Valentine Task Force'. No objections or counter-arguments will be accepted, and if you defy me, you will be punished with my authority as the Inspector General."
Story Blanche.png
"Eh, eeeh...? But we don't even know what this Inspector General position is, do we?"
Story Blanche.png
"- But whatever, I guess we don't have a choice. I'll read the room and I'll comply. What do you want me to do, umm, - petite Columbia?"
Story Columbia.png
"It's disrespectful to call me 'petite'. I'll lead the other students to safety, while you four take care of the monsters that have sprung up on the ground."
Recognising the unusually understanding Blanche as the leader of the four, Columbia only instructed her alone - Loudspeaker in hand, she called out to the other students.
Story Columbia.png
'Attention SSS cadets! Do not panic, do not make a fuss, and evacuate to the school building in single file! Before you do so, throw away any chocolate in your possession!'
Story Blanche.png
"No, again so why are you still caring about the chocolate...?"
Story Columbia.png
'I'm thinking the situation is already obvious enough, didn't your chocolate just turned into a monster? That's why we throw it away, is that hard to understand?'
Yeah, that's a concise and clear explanation. In fact, many of the chocolates thrown away by the students that reflexively followed the instructions melted and mixed with the soil in the academny yard - And turned into monsters.
Story Monster.png
Story Carthage.png
"Hmm. What is the logic behind this? I am curious. I would like you to explain the situation in detail."
Story Columbia.png
"I will. But for now, we'll put that behind us and dispose of the monsters."
After watching the students evacuated, Columbia walked silently without even sounds of footsteps. She then swung her sword in all directions and accurately cut down the monsters that had sprung up nearby.
Story Blanche.png
"She's strong... She's definitely not to be messed with if you go against her."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Hear hear. I hate her, but I guess we have to obey her for now."
Story Columbia.png
"Yeah, for I am the protagonist of my story. You girls should stay out of my way and rather work to enhance me as much as possible. First of all--"
Story Columbia.png
"Anzio, use your bow and arrow, and Part-Dieu, use your artifact to suppress. You two will redirect the enemy monsters to the centre of the ground, so Miss Blanche will sweep them together."
Story Columbia.png
"Then any stragglers that survived will be crushed by me and Carthage, as we're highly mobile."
Story Carthage.png
"This is a precise tactic... You seem to know a lot about our abilities."
Story Columbia.png
"I've already screened everyone in the SSS - Because that's the job of the Inspector General. And I have a perfect memory for information once I have it."
Story Columbia.png
"That means I know all your qualities, all your capabilities. I will put you to good use on that basis and you will follow my instructions if you want great results."
Story Blanche.png
"I don't like the way you say it... But it's fine, it's my job to dance upon request after all."
Story Blanche.png
"I'll do my best, I'll read the room."
Blanche uttered her usual lines and proceeded to the centre of the ground, carrying her axe. Seemingly anticipating her move, Columbia quickly slashed down the monsters in her way.
Story Blanche.png
Story Columbia.png
"Non. Now, suppress."
Story Anzio.png
"Yeeahss~ pleaseh leave eet to me! It's tempting to disobey and fail and get punished later on purpose, but I'm afraid I'll get my head lopped off without question in that caseee☆"
Anzio, acting strangely, aimed her bow into the sky and shot a bunch of arrows that appeared random. Yet every one of her arrows accurately pierced each monster that was trying to escape.
Story Part-Dieu.png
"--Soeur, assist that crazy ponce."
Part-Dieu also activated her artifact, causing a ghostly apparition she calls her 'older sister' to appear. While we cannot see her 'sister', she seemed to be moving to keep the monsters in check, as instructed.
Story Monster.png
"Pygyaaa!? Piggyaaaah!?"
Scared by the arrows and suppressed by the 'sister', the monsters are led to the centre of the grounds. Once they were gathered en masse, Blanche did a light stretch, and--.
Story Blanche.png
"Now then, I'm unwilling to dance as there's not much of an audience, but I'll show you my Forench Can Can♪"
Blanche swung one leg up high, then down, and began to spun furiously, using such momentum to her advantage. She swivelled her whole body flourishly and utilised the centrifugal force to swing her axe, which is much heavier than it looks.
Story Blanche.png
"Spinny, spinny~ Look at me going spinny~♪"
Story Monster.png
Almost as if caught in a storm, the monsters were gutted, dismembered and blown to shreds. Some were lucky enough to escape Blanche's onslaught, yet -
Story Carthage.png
Carthage's axe moved at extraordinary speeds, and crushed them like insects. In no time at all, the mass of monsters is vaporized.
Story Columbia.png
"Mhm. My, that's good. Meeting my expectations."
Columbia walked up to me, swiftly sheathing her sword, as if she intended to leave the rest to Blanche's group. Then, with a sarcastic twist of her lips, she whispered to me--
Story Columbia.png
"Handing out the correct instructions to your men and solving anomalies - This is supposed to be your role. If you ever intend to stand alongside me as my companion, you'll have to work a little harder than that - Mr. Conductor."
Yeah no, I have neither plans nor reasons to be Columbia's companion.
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love