Event Scenario/Ruins of Sweet Dreams

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
A few hours later. We (provisionally the Valentine Task Force) had raided the manufacturer of the 'suspicious chocolate' in question. Thanks to the efforts of Part-Dieu, an Interpol investigator, we were able to track down the manufacturer with surprising ease.
Story Blanche.png
"Oui, Anzio and Carthage were asked to trace the smell of the 'suspicious chocolate'... Part-Dieu and I questioned some people who had bought the chocolate."
Story Blanche.png
"It seems there were reports of a suspicious carriage that was selling 'suspicious chocolates' at the market. We only have some vague info that the carriage was driven by a mute gentleman with strange, empty eyes."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"But if we could find out that much, a veteran like me is able to track down the suspect. The 'police dogs' were also very helpful too, oui, they were able to detect the smell of chocolate."
Story Blanche.png
"I don't think you should call them dogs. Anyway, we've finally arrived here. A suspicious factory surrounded by Phantom Mist - I'm pretty sure this is the place now, I'd be more surprised if this isn't related to the anomaly."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Yeah. I think we can conclude that this is where the 'suspicious chocolate' in question was produced. I think we are not one, but two or three steps closer to solving the case."
Story Columbia.png
"Don't be too optimistic. This used to be a pretty nice confectionery factory, but now it's just a ruin to look at."
Story Columbia.png
"I doubt any of the machinery in the factory is still working. I don't know how it used to be, but I don't think they make chocolate now."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"I do agree with you there. Concerning the 'suspicious chocolate' you mentioned, didn't you say you found a substance similar to Phantom Mist?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Once Phantom Mist is involved, any absurd reality is possible."
Story Columbia.png
"True, we are in a position where we can't give up thinking. We have the responsibility to solve anomalies, we can't just say 'I don't understand' when things don't make sense."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Of course. The anomalies caused by Phantom Mist don't make sense and are unreasonable. But everything still has a cause and effect, and if we just think about it rationally, we can approach a logical solution."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"That's what I believe. No, it's thanks to ma souer, who was a better investigator than anyone else - She taught me that."
Story Anzio.png
Story Part-Dieu.png
"What's wrong with you all of a sudden, pervert!?"
Story Anzio.png
"I-I-I'm not a pervert! But my whole body has been ach-aching for a while now, and just breathing is enough to make me all hot and bothered inside - HAHGYAAAAANH♪"
Story Carthage.png
"Sniff sniff... The smell unique to the 'suspicious chocolate' has also become stronger than ever. It's quite a pungent smell, and I'm afraid my nose can't handle it anymore."
Story Blanche.png
"I have some pieces of paper here. Maybe a bloooow with your nose will help, Carthage?♪"
Story Carthage.png
"Thank you, Blanche. Now, please excuse me, I'll blow my nose, fnese~...♪"
Story Carthage.png
"Hmm, how about you too, Miss Anzio, would you want to fnese your nose too?"
Story Anzio.png
"S-S-S-Sister here can't help it... the pain and heat is not only in the nose, but also in the eyes, the throat, every single orifice of my body - I'M BEING BURNED AT THE STAAAAAKE☆"
Story Blanche.png
"Are you okay? If that's the case, petite Anzio, just go outside the factory and wait for us...?"
Story Anzio.png
"No, no! Sister here is also a member of the SSS! Sister here will hold it in until the very last minute and fight with you all, because my combat power here multiplies anyway when in Ecstasy!"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"That's quite true... You can crush enemies in a hurry even though you look like you're just going crazy. You idiot, even though you're usually small fry that can't even beat me in a fist fight."
Story Columbia.png
"Hmhmm. It almost sounds like you're the type where they get stronger the drunker they get, I've seen movies like that. It sounds impossible in real life, but - Well, let's see if you can prove it's true in a real battle."
Story Monster.png
Story Blanche.png
"......! That's the monster we saw at the academy! I think it's the Mist Monster thing that's born from a mixture of chocolate and earth or something, right?"
Story Columbia.png
"Yeah, our 'target'. Seems to be a monster that has transformed from the 'suspicious chocolate', and I'm more and more convinced that this abandoned factory is the focal point of the anomaly."
Story Columbia.png
"If we follow by the book, we should be able to solve everything by destroying the source of the Phantom Mist that's causing the anomaly. Let's search for 'it' as carefully as possible while reaping these monsters."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Roger. Hold it, why are YOU in charge instead of Mon Frère? So far you're just acting all high and mighty and basically doing nothing though?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmhmm, I'm the one who takes responsibility in the unlikely case things go wrong. I leave the sweaty work in the field to you ladies, the underlings."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Ugh, you're pissing me off... Kill yourself. I still don't like this bitch, not gonna take this shit anymore, you know?"
Story Blanche.png
"Ahaha. It's fine, just saying 'I'll take responsibility' is good enough. The monster doesn't seem to be that strong this time, and we can handle it well enough on our own."
Story Blanche.png
Blanche had been trying to lighten the tense atmosphere, but she suddenly let out a shrilled scream. I looked at her in a panic, wondering what was wrong--
Story Blanche.png
"Uheh... What's this, nasty thing on my face~?"
Blanche wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, looking unusually disgusted. A sludgy brown goo stained her small, clean face. Apparently, something gelatinous had unexpectedly popped out of one of the pipes all over the abandoned factory.
Story Blanche.png
"What is this... Gosh, it's not sewage or something, right? What if I can't get rid of the smell, I'll be banned from the shops~?"
Story Columbia.png
"...Not good. That's probably something even nastier than sewage. It's likely the 'suspicious chocolate' that works like an aphrodisiac or love potion, I think?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Geez... Does that mean if I've touched it, I'll end up like that pervert over there?"
Story Anzio.png
"Again why are you looking at this Sister here while saying 'pervert'? Sister only has this kind of condition because she was possessed by a devil, and since it's not my intention, I'm not guilty no matter how horny I tur - NGAAAAAAAAH!"
Just as Anzio was making some desperate excuses, Blanche put Anzio's ears in her mouth and nibbled on them deliciously.
Story Blanche.png
"Mhm-mhm... Anzio, your ears are so pointy...♪ Aren't you're an elf too, you're so cute--"
Story Anzio.png
"NHEEHEEAAAH, Signorina Blanche has gone weird now!?"
Story Columbia.png
"How 'sweet', heheh... I thought you would've fall for the opposite sex, Blanche, but perhaps you go both ways? Or was I wrong in thinking 'it only works heterosexually'?"
Story Anzio.png
"D-d-don't just sit there and be cool and analytical, stop Signorina Blanche! Hyewawawa, stop licking me, please stop licking me! You're so good at it, and it feels so good, I'm going to breeeeeak...♪"
Story Blanche.png
"Lick, lick...♪ Don't worry, don't be scared - I'll make you really happy!"
Story Anzio.png
"Gyaaah~! Help! Homosexual love is forbidden by Sister's Lord! Thou-oh-oh-ough, when you are gently licking my ears so much, I just might open the forbidden dooooor!?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Hey, stop screwing around, we have to deal with the monsters too! No matter how weak the monsters are, if we can't fight properly because we're too busy being horny, there's no way we can win...!"
Story Carthage.png
"Yes. Looking back, I'm starting to wonder if we'll be able to solve this incident properly."
Story Columbia.png
"True, it's going to be a problem if we don't solve it.... Looks like I can't just be so relaxed about it and start doing more than just talking?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Of course you should , enough slacking off and help! Look at that! I can't handle that on my own!"
Where Part-Dieu looked impatiently - Was a huge object that's sitting, that blocked our direction of travel. It was a grotesque-looking monster, appearance much like internal organs. It swelled up gradually, taking in the surrounding rubble and the wreckage of monsters.
Story Carthage.png
"Oh. There's something big there, is that the master of the monsters?"
Story Columbia.png
"Nah. I'm just guessing, but I think it's one of the same kind as the other monsters. It seems that this time, this monster appears to be able to take in and fuse with the surrounding inorganic matter and grow larger indefinitely."
Story Columbia.png
"Much like love, it expands endlessly. That's why it's just as dangerous as love itself."
Story Columbia.png
"We'll have to reject and crush it. If one doesn't have the capacity to accept 'it' - The kindest thing one can do is to reject it so completely that there are no more lingering feelings."
After saying this somewhat wistfully, Columbia dutifully drew her sword, as if ashamed of it.
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love