Event Scenario/True Heroine's Arrogance

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
Today is everyone's long-awaited Valentine's Day.
Of course, the academy where the Special Steel Squad is based is almost like a girls' school. Hence, it's hard to hear gossip like girls confessing their love to boys in a class.
Still, it seems that all the girls still like to gossip about love-related subjects... Here and there, they're chatting and giggling with a festive atmosphere.
Story Carthage.png
"--Hmm. So, what is this... Barintayn in the first place?"
Story Blanche.png
"Huh? Carthage, you mean there's was no such custom in your hometown?"
But of course, I have the position of Conductor, who commands the Special Steel Squad, so I should set the norms for my subordinates... Naturally I couldn't join the girls for a chat, so I decided to settle down near this group of people who seemed relatively uninterested in such topics.
I felt that should I stood near girls who love chatting and romance, and considering I'm almost the only man in the entire academy - I'd therefore be easy prey(?) for such love gossip.
Story Carthage.png
"Yes. I don't know much about Barintayn. Well, everything I hear in this city is new and inexplicable to me."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Hmph. Aren't ya that barbarian from the Dark Continent after all?"
Story Anzio.png
"Come now, you shouldn't make fun of her like that, rude! No one living in this world should be discriminated against because of their origins!"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"This is not discrimination. I was just stating facts. Uptight pricks who criticise others for being racist are much more racist, got it?"
Story Anzio.png
"Gah, you're contradicting me! Take back what you said please, this Sister here is not a racist!"
Story Blanche.png
"Now now... Petite Part-Dieu's being her usual foul-mouthed self, you'll only waste time and energy if you get angry with her every time."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Yep yep, don't get your tits in a knot, oui? Aren't ya stupid? If ya raise your blood pressure too high, careful ya don't get possessed again because of your 'special constitution'."
Story Blanche.png
"Oui oui. What's more, Anzio, you're not a fan of crowds either. You look like you might get anaemia any moment, and the teachers might get angry with you if you make a fuss."
Story Blanche.png
"Let's understand the situation and calm down."
Story Carthage.png
"Yeah. I've heard that at these school assemblies it's polite to stand as still and silent as possible."
The natives of the Country of Deep Green and Magic, Verforet, are chattering in the immediate vicinity, so I listened to them. Yeah... Somehow we were forced to attend an all-academy assembly in the early hours of Valentine's Day morning.
Apparently, the upper management of the Special Steel Squad that runs the academy has something important to inform all the students... Even I wasn't aware of it and I didn't know how it happened.
Story Columbia.png
'Quiet, please.'
Suddenly, a girl with a loudspeaker held up to the morning assembly table on the ground stepped up to the podium. Her head held proudly and majestically, she is the Inspector General dispatched from the upper management of the Special Steel Squad - Columbia.
Story Columbia.png
'Shut up within five seconds or I'll have all of you killed.'
Despite her absurd request, the students still wouldn't shut up, so she glared at them and smiled.
Story Columbia.png
'...Do you think I am joking?'
As she said this, a huge amount of deadly energy and an obsessive wave of charisma emanated from her entire body. The students were so overwhelmed by it that they all stopped talking at once - To the extent that I suspected that some kind of magic had been used.
Story Columbia.png
'Very good. I like obedient children. If you want to live long, you'll have to keep me in good terms moving forward.'
Story Columbia.png
'Let's move on. I'm a bit of a special case, so most of the ladies here from the SSS wouldn't even know my name.'
Story Columbia.png
'Therefore, I think I should start my self-introductions. However, due to certain circumstances, there are a few things I'd like to get through as quickly as possible.'
Story Columbia.png
'So. For now, just know this. My name is Columbia, and I'm the Inspector General sent by the upper brass of the SSS.'
Story Columbia.png
'Correction. I am justice.'
Story Carthage.png
"...What is she talking about?"
Story Blanche.png
"Well, let's not go into it now. She said she'll kill us if we don't shut up."
Story Columbia.png
'The bottom line is that everything I said is true. I'm not going to lie, or misrepresent anything, and you should take everything I say at face value. And no one is allowed to go against my words.'
Story Columbia.png
'That's what I meant when I say I am justice... With that in mind, I would like to inform all of you once again.'
Story Columbia.png
' -Valentine's Day this year is canceled. '
Story Anzio.png
"......For real, what is she talking about?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Who knows. But she said so herself, she doesn't seem to be joking. That bitch has serious eyes."
Story Columbia.png
'Hmhmm, it appears I should be more specific. After all, I have to make it digestibly simple enough for you stupid masses to understand what I'm saying.'
Story Columbia.png
'I repeat, Valentine's Day this year is cancelled. Hence, we shall confiscate all chocolates in your possession.'
Story Columbia.png
'St. Valentine's Day, while you are supposed to give chocolates to your beloved person of the opposite sex. You are no longer allowed to do so.'
Story Columbia.png
'I will not allow it. For I am justice. That's why I'll make sure that the Valentine tradition - To give someone chocolate, does not occur, just in case.'
Story Columbia.png
'To that end, all chocolate will be confiscated. From now on, any student who is found to be in possession of chocolate will be judged personally by me, by the authority of the upper brass of the SSS.'
Story Columbia.png
'In some cases, the punishment will be severe - including expulsion from the SSS.'
Hold it, Columbia... Isn't this going a bit too far?
Story Columbia.png
'Oh my. Why are you in such a corner, dearie? You are supposed to be my companion in the center of the world, so you should be in a position to be heard more openly.'
Story Anzio.png
"Companion...? W-What did she mean by that, Signore Conductor!?"
She's only making stuff up. Columbia, I'm sure as you can see even with your eyes, everyone of the SSS was really looking forward to Valentine's Day.
No. More like Valentine's Day is an event that should be a respite from the hard work they do every day. No one has the right to cancel it and deprive them of their happiness.
Story Columbia.png
'I have the right. I really despise squashing people with my rank, but as I'm the Inspector General sent by the upper brass of the SSS, my rank is far higher than you, Conductor.'
Story Columbia.png
'Be careful how you speak to me, Conductor dear. I do love you, but don't expect me to do everything you say.'
Story Columbia.png
'Correction. Don't lump me in with the other ladies of the SSS.'
Story Blanche.png
"W-why is that person so bossy? What's an 'Inspector General'...?"
Even Blanche looked confused and her face strained, and she's always calm no matter what happens - When suddenly.
Story Blanche.png
Suddenly, Blanche's chest swelled and vibrated.
Story Carthage.png
"Miss Blanche, there's something wrong with your boobs."
Story Blanche.png
"Eh? Eeeh? What's this? Q-quoi...?"
Something slipped out from Blanche's rapidly inflating chest. It was a tiny box wrapped in lovely paper.
Story Columbia.png
'- It's chocolate. You, get away from there now, it's dangerous.'
Story Blanche.png
"Hm? Wha, why? What do you mean the chocolate is dangerous!?"
Story Columbia.png
'... There's no time. It can't be helped, it would be easier to understand if I gave you a real example."
Columbia sighed and leapt from the morning stand to us in a single bound. At the same time, the box dropped to the ground and melded into a squishy blob--
The melted box fused with the soil and formed into a distorted humanoid shape. What is this thing - A monster? How could a monster be in the grounds of the academy that's protected by strong barriers?
Story Columbia.png
"In fact, it would be easier for me to talk in the future if I showed you my power. I am stronger than anyone else, that's why I am justice - Even mindless animals will understand that I am justice."
Columbia swung her sword out into the air with a spectacular display of grace and slashed at the monster that has suddenly appeared!
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love