Event Scenario/Suspicious Chocolate

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
Story Columbia.png
"Hmhmm. Now you understand, that I am a key figure in the SSS top brass, and Mr. Conductor's destined companion, and I'm higher up than any of you - I don't have much free time either, so let's start our meeting to resolve this incident."
Story Blanche.png
"I'd like to ramble on about a lot of things, but I'll try to follow the room. I'm also curious about what's going on about the strange events that happened on the ground earlier."
Story Blanche.png
"It looks like the chocolates are turning into monsters... What was that about? Can you just explain what we know now, like the circumstances and stuff?"
Story Columbia.png
"Of course. You have a right to know, because you ladies are my chosen Valentine's Day Task Force."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Nnngh~ Can you not just put me in some strange unit without my permission? Earlier it was an emergency so I had no choice but to go along with it. I honestly don't give a damn if the chocolates turns into monsters or what happens to it."
Story Columbia.png
"Why're you so unmotivated? That's not good. It's true that commoners like you are not even close to my footsteps, even if you try so hard till death. Still, you're not worth existing in 'my world' if you don't at least try your hardest."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"The hell is with you being so all-high and mighty...? I don't care if you're top brass of the SSS or whatever, but to me you're just plain stuck-up brat, oui?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmhmm, I tend to ignore insults that doesn't even quality as criticism. I'm self aware that I'm a mighty woman - In fact, I'm such a mighty woman, I can't help it."
Story Columbia.png
"Moving on. To put it simply - there's a 'strange chocolate' circulating around the academy's region at present. It's not sold in normal shops, and we don't even know how it's being distributed."
Story Columbia.png
"It is said that people who eat the chocolate fall in love with the person closest to them. In short, it's a love potion - It's also said to cause severe arousal, like an aphrodisiac."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Utter nonsense... Those love potions and aphrodisiacs you mentioned rarely ever work."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Most of the time it's just a placebo. Branded as love potions, where the price's jacked up to make a lot of money - A staple item for shitty scams and the vice business."
Story Carthage.png
"So it seems, Part-Dieu is surely very knowledgeable about crime and such. As for me, I've never even heard of this word called 'aphrodisiac' before."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Well yeah, yer lot doesn't even have enough brains back home to pull off a scam - Yer from a warrior nation of brain-dead, muscular savages after all."
Story Carthage.png
"No, no, we are not some warrior nation. We are just ordinary dark elves."
Story Anzio.png
"Hmm. Dark elves themselves are a rare race that is rarely seen on this continent."
Story Columbia.png
"That's enough chit-chat. First of all, let me give you a proper explanation."
Story Columbia.png
"Part-Dieu, you suspect a scam. However, the chocolate that's out there this time seems to be 'real'. I actually got a sample and did some experiments, and it turns out that if you eat that chocolate, you will definitely fall in love with the person near you... Verified."
Story Columbia.png
"It's like magic. If you doubt it, feel free to try. I've still got a few samples left in case I need them for further investigations."
Saying that, Columbia pulled out a box covered in lovely wrapping paper. Is that the chocolates that has the effect of a love potion or aphrodisiac?
Story Anzio.png
"Hmm... At first glance, it looks like an ordinary chocolate box."
Story Columbia.png
"Appearance-wise, yes."
Columbia nodded as she carefully peeled off the wrapping paper and shows everyone the chocolates inside. Apparently, there are several heart-shaped chocolates in a box.
Part-Dieu deftly picked one of them up with her fingers and examined it sullenly.
Story Part-Dieu.png
"This eh... Really, it looks like just ordinary chocolate."
Saying this, Part-Dieu stuck out her tongue and lightly licked the chocolate. It was a bold move. The fact that the always-accurate Columbia didn't stop her means that a little bit of licking might not be a problem.
Story Anzio.png
"H-how do you feel, Signorina Part-Dieu!? Are you having an uncontrollable feeling to be in love with someone? Pant pant, is there a yearing in the pit of your stomach for some hot strong love...?☆"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Why the Hell are YOU aroused...? Hmm, it tastes weird. I mean, it looks like chocolate, but it tastes like a mixture of spices - You know, like curry?"
Story Blanche.png
"Then it's not chocolate, is it? You sure it's not like curry roux or something?"
Story Carthage.png
"Very interesting, I'll have a bite then."
Before we could stop her, Carthage took a chocolate (or curry roux?) out of the box and ate it, apparently driven by intellectual curiosity. Instead of taking a lick, she seemed to have swallowed the whole thing.
Story Anzio.png
"What are you doing!? How could you be so careless, Signorina Carthage!? Spit that despicable thing out, spit it now!"
Story Blanche.png
"Ahaha. I think she's kinda cute~, Like a petite girl that acts out of pure whim♪"
Story Anzio.png
"Stop smiling, Signorina Blanche, and scold her with me together! This Sister here's worried that Signorina Carthage will make a big mistake one day if she doesn't learn what common sense is!"
Story Carthage.png
Story Blanche.png
"...Carthage? A-Are you alright? You don't look so good? If you're feeling sick or something, you should go to the washroom or something and throw up--"
Story Carthage.png
Suddenly, Carthage looked straight at me. Incidentally, I also teach at the academy, but for some reason she stubbornly calls me 'Teacher' instead of 'Conductor'.
Story Carthage.png
"Teacher, Teacher is teacher, and you're my teacher--"
While mumbling, Carthage suddenly swept my legs over. I was so caught off guard that I couldn't react and tripped, she then straddled on top of me just like that - She breathed hot air on my face.
Story Carthage.png
"Of course you know this, Teacher. Teachers are obliged to impregnate their cutest students."
Story Blanche.png
"What are you talking about all of a sudden, petite Carthage!?"
Story Anzio.png
"Woah... These chocolates really work like love potions!?"
Ignoring the other's dismays, Carthage started undressing herself. However because she is either so aroused that she can't even remember what she's doing, or perhaps she's too impatient to do so, she just rubs herself against me eagerly, huffing and puffing.
Story Carthage.png
"I want, I crave... I want a child, I want to bear Teacher's child."
Calm down Carthage!? Snap out of it!
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Mon Frère is right, you dirty savage! The only person who is qualified to bear mon Frère's seed, Is... is me, his one and only soeuuuuur♪"
Et tu, Part-Dieu!?
Story Blanche.png
"Oh right, Part-Dieu licked the chocolate too, didn't she? Just from a single lick and she's like this, that's amazing♪"
Story Anzio.png
"Why are you so calm, Blanche? You have to stop her, or Signore Conductor's chastity is in dangeeer!"
Story Anzio.png
"Yeeeeaah, staaaaahp, my dearest Signore Conductor is being cuckolded by my friends right in front of me...! CYAHAAAHAA, I'M SO AROUSED RIGHT NOOOOOOOOW!☆"
Story Blanche.png
"Wait, isn't it weird that even petite Anzio is getting aroused just from this? Your condition's really a handful, but I guess its as usual?"
Stop talking so casually and stop her, Blanche! And Columbia too! I am a non-combatant, I can't stop Carthage's brute force by myself!
Story Carthage.png
"It's all right, Teacher. Because I really love you, Teacher. This is an act of love, so there's nothing to worry about."
IT'S ANYTHING BUT! And my Iron Injection effect is powering you from our physical contact and is further strengthening your arm strength - GWAAAAAAH! M-M-M-MY SPINE, MY SPINE...! I know this is usually a comedic moment but all I can feel now is the fear of death!
Story Columbia.png
Story Columbia.png
"Now do you girls understand now? We have a really dangerous and nasty situation now, this anomaly."
Saying this, Columbia smacked Carthage with her sheathed sword, knocking her unconscious.
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love