Event Scenario/Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity

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Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love
Afterwards. We went out to the town for the time being to investigate this latest anomaly. There is no point in staying in the room and consulting with each other forever - The incident is happening outside at the scene, not inside the meeting room.
Incidentally, Carthage and the rest had somehow came to their senses after results of magical treatment and stomach cleansing. They're still pretty solemn - Perhaps it is the aftereffects of eating the suspicious chocolate, or from the pain of being whacked by Columbia's sword.
Story Carthage.png
"Ugh. My head is still throbbing."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Damn, you didn't have to hit me that hard... I didn't even do anything wrong, I was only mental, I'm not guilty."
Story Anzio.png
"Yes! That's completely unreasonable! For some reason, even this Sister here was beaten up even though no chocolate's eaten!"
Story Blanche.png
"It can't be helped, petite Anzio also has that difficult condition - 'Ecstasy state', right? And because of that you almost became a lascivious woman, non?"
Story Anzio.png
"I-I'm not lascivious! Sister here is a devout follower who lives a pure and righteous life! Oh, My Lord, why did you put Sister here through such an ordeal!?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hmph. I'm glad you're all having fun, but let's leave it at that - May I continue?"
Story Blanche.png
"Leave it at that... While I'm pretty much no different, but Columbia you're sure doing things at your pace too."
Story Columbia.png
"Yeah. If you can't keep up with my pace, it's the world and everyone else's fault."
After that reckless statement, Columbia looked around and proudly proclaimed.
Story Columbia.png
"Right. I'm sure you've all seen for yourself the dangers of the chocolate personally."
Story Carthage.png
"Yes, painfully so... It would be a big problem if something like that was on the market, Even I, who am not very perceptive, can see that."
Story Columbia.png
"Excellent. So, first of all, We're going to find out how the chocolate is being distributed and destroy it. At the same time, we'll figure out the source of the chocolate - and destroy that, too. It's about both symptomatic and fundamental treatment."
Story Anzio.png
"Source? That's a strange way of putting it. Chocolate doesn't just spring up naturally, so wouldn't it be better to say 'manufacturer' or something like that?"
Story Columbia.png
"Sure, if it's normal chocolate. But as far as I've been able to find out, there seems to be some kind of Phantom Mist-like substance inside that strange chocolate."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Phantom Mist...? D-Did I seriously just licked that stuff?"
Story Columbia.png
"Yes. If that chocolate is from Phantom Mist, it could really 'spring' from nowhere. It could even be just like Mist Monsters, something that's created by the Phantom Mist."
Story Columbia.png
"As we saw on the academy grounds, those chocolate fused with the soil on the ground and turned into monsters. It's exactly like Mist Monsters themselves."
Story Columbia.png
"Instead of thinking that some criminals are manufacturing chocolate with aphrodisiacs in it - It's more reasonable to think of it as a bizarre phenomenon caused by Phantom Mist."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Hmmm~... If that's the case, it's really, really tricky, oui? I've learned how to track down criminals, but when Phantom Mist is involved, normal police methods of investigation aren't applicable."
Story Columbia.png
"Really? I heard that you were a good investigator for the Interpol, so I was expecting a bit more from you."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"It doesn't mean I don't have any moves to make..."
Perhaps having her pride provoked upon Columbia's agitation, Part-Dieu clicked her tongue and pulled out a noose from somewhere. It was probably one of her equipment as an investigator, likely to be used for subduing suspects.
Story Blanche.png
"Huh, what are you going to do with a rope like that? If you want 'that kind of play', you'll have to go to a shop that specialises in that kind of thing, oui?"
Blanche works in a cabaret in the red-light district, she said this jokingly - But Part-Dieu ignored her. For some reason, she deftly hanged the noose around Carthage's and Anzio's necks.
Story Anzio.png
"Eh, what's going on? W-W-Why the noose around this Sister's neck!?"
Story Carthage.png
"Hmm. It's called hanging, isn't it? So I have committed a sin to that extent, right? I understand, as I have did such perverse things to the revered Teacher --"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Nothing of that sort. If that's what you meant, I'm just as guilty as you are... Also this isn't grave enough to get you hanged, and there are plenty of self-righteous people who're total perverts."
Story Anzio.png
"W-why did you say that while looking at this Sister here! Sister is not lewd, it's all because of the devil who possessed this Sister here - It's the deviiil!?"
Story Columbia.png
"Hm... I'd like to hear your intentions, Miss Part-Dieu."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"This case resembles a narcotics case. The chocolates have a distinctive scent of spices, and when it comes to scent, the usual way is to solve with police dogs and have everyone follow them."
Story Columbia.png
"I see. But here's the problem, we don't have police dogs."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"So I'll let these two take their place."
Story Carthage.png
"Uh-huh, I understand. So we just have to follow the scent of that suspicious chocolate? I think that's probably possible."
Story Anzio.png
"Whaaa!? Aside from Carthage, who has superhuman sensory organs, Sister here doesn't have the sense of smell of a dog though!?"
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Fair enough, but you're unusually sensitive to stimuli, oui? Whenever that aphrodisiac-like smell of chocolate gets stronger, you're sure to get turned on and start being entranced."
Story Columbia.png
"In other words, Anzio can be used as a chocolate detector, eh? Together with Carthage who seems to be able to track the scent, it makes sense that they could be good replacements for police dogs."
Story Columbia.png
"And if they smell too much of the chocolate and get excited and go rowdy again, they can be controlled by the rope around their necks."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"That's what I meant. At the same time, I'll find out where they are and ask people in the neighbourhood. However, I'm not very good at communication, so I'd rather leave it to someone else to do the talking."
Story Blanche.png
"Ouuui, I can do that. I'm a pro at finding out what people wanted to hide and what not."
Story Columbia.png
"Everyone's the right person for their jobs. That's great. I made the right decision - I'm glad I chose you ladies for the Valentine Task Force."
Story Part-Dieu.png
"Hmph. Utter bull, you simply just picked at random from the nearest ones you saw."
Story Columbia.png
(In fact...... that's not actually true.)
Story Columbia.png
(The center of this current anomaly, the chocolates, have the effect of aphrodisiac or love potions. Should Mr. Conductor accidentally ate such chocolate, which can force people to be aroused-)
Story Columbia.png
(Mr. Conductor, driven by lust, will attack the nearest person. If the other person doesn't hate him, she may accept it. If that happens, they might even come into terms with him and might end up falling in love with him.)
Story Columbia.png
(That's absolutely unacceptable. Which is why I chose these ladies - Those who don't seem to be interested in love.)
(As far as I can tell, Miss Anzio is a devout follower who abhors lust, while Miss Carthage is from the uncivilised Dark Continent, so she may not understand the intricacies of modern love and other processes.)
(Miss Part-Dieu seems to think that Mr. Conductor is her 'frère', brother, which means that her feelings for him are not heterosexual, but familial... As for Miss Blanche, while this is just my theory - She probably doesn't have any 'emotions'. Of course, that includes romance.)
Story Columbia.png
(If these ladies are not interested in 'love' in that way - Even if they fall in love with Mr. Conductor because of the chocolate, they will understand after they come to their senses that it's because of the chocolate's effects.)
Story Columbia.png
(They wouldn't accidentally misunderstand and really fall in love with Mr. Conductor and want to be his lover... No way. And vice versa, they should be able to reject him even if he falls in love with them.)
Story Columbia.png
(That's why I've picked these ladies. Only they can be involved in the investigation of this case.)
Story Columbia.png
(There's no need to cancel Valentine's Day if all I wanted is just to confiscate dangerous chocolates. I made that choice - On purpose.)
Story Columbia.png
(I fell in love with Mr. Conductor, and he can fell in love with me... I'm the only one who can be Mr. Conductor's lover. I know I'm selfish, but hey, I'm actually that kind of person.)
Story Columbia.png
('That kind of person'... Is that why I can't make Mr. Conductor love me?)
Valentine's Day is Canceled Banner.png
R-1 True Heroine's Arrogance
R-2 Cutting Through the Chaos
R-3 A Girl Named Columbia
R-4 Suspicious Chocolate
R-5 Self-Righteousness and Exclusivity
R-6 Ruins of Sweet Dreams
R-7 The Source of Lust
R-8 A Nice Reward
R-9 The Monster of Jealousy
R-10 Authentic Love